Elder Jonathan Moseley attempted to answer the question of why did John the Baptist announce Jesus by saying "Behold, the Lamb of God." We started back in Genesis 22 with the substitution of ram in Isaac's place, where God 1st provided himself with a lamb, and then tracing the use of the lamb through the 1st Passover in Egypt, and then each year thereafter, along with the daily morning and evening sacrifice of a lamb under the ceremonial law, until we reached Isaiah 53, which graphically details the sufferings the Christ would endure and how he would submissive to his murder like a lamb being taken to the slaughter. (This same text would be used by Philip in Act 8 to teach of Jesus being the Christ to the Ethiopian Eunuch.) Given all the foregoing, we then quickly looked into Revelation Chapter 5 & 7 with clearer and scripturally based understanding of the language regarding the Lamb who was slain.
Is this a unique message that has never been preached before? No, but it is important to continue to lay out that old, old story as plainly and clearly as possible, while demonstrating that all of scripture is consistent, and it ultimately points to Jesus the Christ, the King of all Kings, who is currently ruling and reigning on High, and he has promised that he will return. LORD, come quickly. |