Speaker: C. H. Spurgeon
8,739 sermons
The Remembrance of Christ, Those Redeemed by the Blood Should Never Forget Him
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>I Will Never Leave Thee - 8/6/1995 The Believer A New Creature - 8/6/1995 The Shameful Sufferer (Christ) - 8/24/1997 The Fainting Warrior -Spurgeon - 10/12/1997 Joy of the Harvest - 9/13/1998 Coming to Christ - 10/4/1998 The Well Beloved - 10/4/1998 Pleading (Powerful Praying) - 4/18/1999 Christ Crucified - 5/12/2000 According to Promise 1/5 - 12/31/2000 According to Promise 2/5 - 12/31/2000 Order and Argument in Prayer - 2/4/2001 Buy The Truth And Sell It Not - 3/8/2001 Christ's Marvelous Giving - 3/8/2001 Classic C.H. Spurgeon Quotes - 3/8/2001 Free Will A Slave (Calvinism) - 3/8/2001 Sown Among Thorns - 3/16/2001 Consecration to God - 3/19/2001 First Forgiveness Then Healing - 4/30/2001 Judgment Upon Zacharias - 4/30/2001 According to Promise 3/5 - 5/7/2001 According to Promise 4/5 - 5/7/2001 The Gracious Lips of Jesus - 5/7/2001 The Bible (God's Word) - 8/26/2001 The Christian and Christmass - 8/26/2001 A Visit to Calvary - 10/1/2001 Christ the Rock - 10/1/2001 Peculiar Sleep of the Beloved - 10/1/2001 The Immutability of God - 10/11/2001 Cleansing the Leper - 11/12/2001 The Precious From the Vile - 11/12/2001 Warning About Lukewarmenss - 3/10/2002 Christ's Hospital - Spurgeon - 3/10/2002 The Sluggard's Farm (Laziness) - 3/10/2002 The Honored Guest - 8/9/2002 Character of Christ's People - 12/2/2002 Concerning Death - 12/7/2002 A Defense of Calvinism - 4/10/2005 According to Promise 5/5 - 4/10/2005 Effective Prayer, Surgeon - 4/10/2005 Election - Charles Spurgeon - 4/10/2005 Free Will, A Slave - SPURGEON - 4/10/2005 Sweet Comfort for Saints - 4/10/2005 Diligence Versus Sloth - 6/22/2005 Judgment of the Secrets of Men - 6/22/2005 No Condemnation In Christ - 6/22/2005 One Thing Needful - Spurgeon - 6/22/2005 Cheer Up My Comrades! Spurgeon - 6/23/2005 His Name Wonderful - 6/23/2005 Love for the Prodigal Son - 6/23/2005 Sovereignty and Salvation - 6/23/2005 Spring In the Heart - Spurgeon - 6/23/2005 The Beatific Vision - 6/23/2005 A Sad Confession - 2/28/2006 Early and Late - 2/28/2006 Expiation - 2/28/2006 Providence - 2/28/2006 Soul Winning - 2/28/2006 The Lamb the Light - 2/28/2006 Pierced Heart of Jesus - 2/28/2006 The Sacred Love Token - 2/28/2006 The Sinner's Friend - 2/28/2006 Voice of the Blood of Christ - 2/28/2006 All of Grace 1/6 - 11/9/2007 All of Grace 2/6 - 11/9/2007 All of Grace 3/6 - 11/12/2007 All of Grace 4/6 - 11/12/2007 All of Grace 5/6 - 11/13/2007 All of Grace 6/6 - 11/13/2007 Christ's Incarnation 1/6 - 11/14/2007 Christ's Incarnation 2/6 - 11/14/2007 Christ's Incarnation 3/6 - 11/15/2007 Christ's Incarnation 4/6 - 11/15/2007 Christ's Incarnation 5/6 - 11/19/2007 Christ's Incarnation 6/6 - 11/19/2007 Immeasurable Love - 11/27/2007 Love's Complaining - 11/27/2007 Horror of Hell & Reprobation! - 3/5/2008 The Remembrance of Christ - 2/17/2011 Perpetuity of the Law of God - 2/18/2011 Personality Of The Holy Spirit - 2/24/2011 Faith: A Sermon - Spurgeon - 3/17/2011 The Question Of Fear - 3/21/2011 A Mighty Saviour - 3/25/2011 The War of Truth - 4/1/2011 Why Are Men Saved? - 5/10/2011 Christ Has The Keys of Hell - 5/12/2011 A Radical Change - Spurgeon - 5/26/2011 Secret Sins - C. H. Spurgeon - 6/2/2011 Lovest Thou Me? - Spurgeon - 6/16/2011 The Heaven of Heaven - 6/24/2011 Faith - C. H. Spurgeon - 6/27/2011 The Blood-Shedding - Spurgeon - 7/12/2011 Perseverance - C. H. Spurgeon - 8/2/2011 Spurgeon: Our God Loves Prayer - 8/5/2011 Learning Self-Denial - 1/18/2012 Family or Christ? - Spurgeon - 2/2/2012 Sermon for the Miserable Man - 10/22/2012 Importunate Widow - Spurgeon - 10/30/2012 Conversion of Charles Spurgeon - 11/19/2012 Psalm 88 - Charles Spurgeon - 12/18/2012 The Star and the Wise Men - 1/8/2013 Fruitless Faith - C H Spurgeon - 2/18/2013 God's Will and Man's Will - 2/27/2013 High Doctrine - C. H. Spurgeon - 3/5/2013 Treasury of David, Psalm 1 & 2 - 3/6/2013 The Beatitudes 1/8 - Spurgeon - 3/8/2013 The Beatitudes 2/8 - Spurgeon - 3/8/2013 Sure Triumph of Crucified One - 3/8/2013 The Beatitudes 3/8 - Spurgeon - 3/11/2013 The Unconquerable King - 3/13/2013 The Beatitudes 4/8 - Spurgeon - 3/15/2013 The Beatitudes 5/8 - Spurgeon - 3/15/2013 Human Inability - Spurgeon - 3/18/2013 The Beatitudes 6/8 - Spurgeon - 3/18/2013 The Beatitudes 7/8 - Spurgeon - 3/19/2013 The Beatitudes 8/8 - Spurgeon - 3/20/2013 Pilgrim's Progress Pictures #1 - 3/22/2013 Pilgrim's Progress Pictures #2 - 3/22/2013 Christ's Work No Failure - 3/26/2013 Pilgrim's Progress Pictures #3 - 3/26/2013 Pilgrim's Progress Pictures #4 - 3/26/2013 Pilgrim's Progress Pictures #5 - 3/26/2013 Calvinism Does Not Lead To Sin - 3/26/2013 Christ the Conqueror of Satan - 4/1/2013 Satanic Hindrances - Spurgeon - 4/1/2013 The Trial of Your Faith - 4/5/2013 Good Advice In Troublous Times - 4/9/2013 Impotence and Omnipotence - 4/10/2013 Earthquake But Not Heartquake - 4/22/2013 Child of Light Walking in Dark - 4/23/2013 A Paradox - Spurgeon Sermon - 4/26/2013 Two Immutable Things, Spurgeon - 4/26/2013 Cure of a Wounded Spirit - 5/7/2013 The Sweet Uses of Adversity - 5/7/2013 One Antidote for Many Ills - 5/8/2013 All Joy in All Trials - 5/15/2013 The Approachableness of Jesus - 5/24/2013 Grace and Good Works - 5/31/2013 Infallibility of God's Purpose - 5/31/2013 His People's Sanctification - 6/5/2013 Anxiety, Ambition, Indecision - 6/7/2013 All Fulness in Christ - 6/28/2013 How To Become Fishers of Men - 7/1/2013 The Tender Mercy of Our God - 7/15/2013 His Name, the Mighty God - 7/29/2013 Moab Is My Washpot - 8/12/2013 Micah's Message for Today - 9/16/2013 The Carnal Mind Against God - 9/25/2013 The Shame and Spitting - 10/11/2013 C. H. Spurgeon & 1859 Revival - 10/14/2013 Sinners Bound With Sin - 10/14/2013 Hell Opens Wide, C.H. Spurgeon - 10/14/2013 Consolation For Sufferings - 11/11/2013 Lama Sabachthani? - Spurgeon - 11/18/2013 Psalm 103, Bless the Lord - 11/20/2013 Personality of the Holy Spirit - 12/2/2013 Treasury of David, Psalm 130 - 12/31/2013 Treasury of David, Psalm 90 - 1/7/2014 Treasury of David, Psalm 32 - 1/31/2014 Treasury of David, Psalm 22 - 2/7/2014 Treasury of David, Psalm 23 - 2/10/2014 Treasury of David, Psalm 46 - 2/19/2014 Treasury of David, Psalm 42 - 2/21/2014 Treasury of David, Psalm 7 - 3/14/2014 Full Assurance - C H Spurgeon - 9/23/2014 How Saints May Help the Devil - 10/6/2014 Unconditional Surrender - 10/24/2014 Omniscience: God Sees You - 12/8/2014 Particular Redemption - 12/23/2014 Oh, How He Loves! - Spurgeon - 1/13/2015 Repentance Unto Life: Spurgeon - 1/23/2015 Believing on Jesus - Spurgeon - 2/2/2015 The Sword of the Spirit - 2/4/2015 The Cure for a Weak Heart - 2/10/2015 A Call to the Unconverted - 2/13/2015 Christ Triumphant - Spurgeon - 2/13/2015 Comfort for the Desponding - 2/13/2015 Jacob and Esau - Spurgeon - 2/17/2015 The Sin of Unbelief - Spurgeon - 2/25/2015 Justification by Faith - 2/27/2015 The Two Effects of the Gospel - 2/27/2015 Beauty for Ashes - Spurgeon - 3/4/2015 True Prayer - True Power! - 3/9/2015 Intercessory Prayer - Spurgeon - 3/13/2015 Grace and Responsibility - 3/13/2015 Strong Faith in a Faithful God - 3/18/2015 Faith & Repentance Inseparable - 3/25/2015 God the Wonder-Worker - 3/25/2015 Barriers Broken Down - 3/27/2015 Joy in Salvation - Spurgeon - 4/1/2015 Grace Abounding - Spurgeon - 4/3/2015 Instability - C. H. Spurgeon - 4/13/2015 The Blood - C. H. Spurgeon - 4/15/2015 What Meanest Thou, O Sleeper? - 4/27/2015 A Message From God for Thee - 5/4/2015 Where Is the Lord? - Spurgeon - 5/6/2015 Blessing for Blessing - 5/8/2015 Jesus Doing His Father's Will - 5/13/2015 Spiritual Peace - Spurgeon - 5/15/2015 Christ's Prayer for His People - 5/27/2015 Forgiveness - C. H. Spurgeon - 6/5/2015 The Unchangeable Christ - 6/8/2015 Seeking Richly Rewarded - 6/15/2015 Desire of the Soul in Darkness - 6/15/2015 Paul - His Cloak and His Books - 6/17/2015 The Hope of Future Bliss - 6/22/2015 Christ Manifesting Himself - 6/29/2015 The Obedience of Faith - 7/8/2015 The Blessing of Full Assurance - 7/15/2015 The Compassion of Jesus - 7/17/2015 Storming the Battlements - 7/27/2015 Necessity of Spirit's Work - 7/31/2015 A Blow at Self-Righteousness - 8/3/2015 Daniel Facing the Lions' Den - 8/10/2015 No Compromise - C. H. Spurgeon - 8/10/2015 The Desire of All Nations - 8/12/2015 Glorious Predestination - 8/14/2015 The New Nature - Spurgeon - 8/14/2015 A Day To Be Remembered - 8/17/2015 The Oil of Gladness - Spurgeon - 8/17/2015 Blessings for God's People - 8/24/2015 Necessity of Increased Faith - 8/24/2015 The Fruits of Grace - Spurgeon - 8/28/2015 Daniel's Band - C. H. Spurgeon - 8/31/2015 The World Turned Upside Down - 8/31/2015 A Warning to Believers - 9/2/2015 Daniel: A Pattern For Pleaders - 9/7/2015 Harvest Time - C. H. Spurgeon - 9/10/2015 A Free Grace Promise - 9/14/2015 The Day of Atonement - 9/16/2015 David's First Victory - 9/21/2015 A View of God's Glory - 9/28/2015 Divine Destruction, Protection - 10/5/2015 Understandest Thou the Bible? - 10/12/2015 Abraham's Prompt Obedience - 10/19/2015 Let Us Pray - C. H. Spurgeon - 10/26/2015 A Revival Sermon - Spurgeon - 11/2/2015 Dilemma and Deliverance - 11/9/2015 The God of the Aged - Spurgeon - 11/16/2015 Christ's Marvelous Giving - 11/23/2015 Holiness Demanded - Spurgeon - 11/30/2015 Our Glorious Transforming - 12/7/2015 Encouragement for Depressed - 12/14/2015 Harvest Joy - C. H. Spurgeon - 12/21/2015 The Fainting Soul Revived - 12/28/2015 A Desperate Case - Spurgeon - 1/4/2016 Powerful Persuasives - 1/11/2016 Sunshine in the Heart - 6/29/2016 A Visit to the Harvest Field - 8/1/2016 A Word for the Persecuted - 8/9/2016 The World Turned Upside Down - 8/16/2016 Waiting Only Upon God - 8/16/2016 Self-Humbling & Self-Searching - 10/4/2016 Power of Christ Illustrated - 10/4/2016 The Warrant of Faith - 10/25/2016 The Warning Neglected - 11/1/2016 Obadiah - C. H. Spurgeon - 11/8/2016 Job's Regret and Our Own:.. - 12/7/2016 The Ascension of Christ - 12/13/2016 The Glorious Gospel - Spurgeon - 12/13/2016 The Victory of Faith - 12/13/2016 Obeying Christ's Orders - 12/20/2016
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