Dr. Leon L. Sanders | Fernandina Beach, Florida
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Speaker: Dr. Leon L. Sanders
693 sermons
John 69 - Seed Dies to Rise A
Series: John · 111 of 121
When Christ was placed in the tomb, He was preparing His fleshly body to rise a new body like a seed planted in the ground. This look at the "noise" surrounding Christ in His day lending to the confusion of His declaration of Himself coupled with the "noise" Lucifer propagated throughout these cultures with Tammuz being a "photo-christ".
>Understanding the Logos A - 10/22/2017 Understanding the Logos B - 10/22/2017 Understanding John the Baptist - 10/29/2017 Presenting Lamb of God A - 11/5/2017 Presenting Lamb of God B - 11/5/2017 Christ Revealed as Messiah A - 11/12/2017 Christ Revealed as Messiah B - 11/12/2017 Messiah's First Sign B - 11/18/2017 Messiah's First Sign A - 11/19/2017 New Covenant Demonstrated B - 11/23/2017 New Covenant Demonstrated A - 11/26/2017 House of Prayer A - 12/3/2017 House of Prayer B - 12/3/2017 People's Champion A - 12/10/2017 People's Champion B - 12/10/2017 Saved or Lost - 12/17/2017 Faiths Contrasted - 12/24/2017 Old Enmities-God's Faithful A - 12/31/2017 Old Enmities-God's Faithful B - 12/31/2017 Christ-Spring of Living Waters - 1/7/2018 New Covenant Harvest A - 1/14/2018 New Covenant Harvest B - 1/14/2018 House of God's Mercy Rejected - 1/21/2018 Christ as Son of God A - 1/28/2018 Christ as Son of God B - 1/28/2018 Epistemology of Jesus A - 2/4/2018 Epistemology of Jesus B - 2/4/2018 Trials & Discernment A - 2/11/2018 Trials & Discernment B - 2/11/2018 Testing the Five Thousand - 2/18/2018 Jesus is God of Man & Creation - 2/25/2018 Jesus Work of God to Man A - 3/4/2018 Jesus Work of God to Man B - 3/4/2018 Irrationality of Faith A - 3/11/2018 Irrationality of Faith B - 3/11/2018 Two Apostles: One Saved A - 3/18/2018 Two Apostles One Saved B - 3/18/2018 Messiah's Last Sukkot - 3/25/2018 Basis of Truth is Worship - 4/1/2018 Jesus on Schedule-Why Confused - 4/8/2018 Celebration of Death A - 4/15/2018 Celebration of Death B - 4/15/2018 Jesus Teaches Hell is Forever - 4/22/2018 Belief Not Enough - 4/29/2018 Who's Your Daddy? - 5/6/2018 Who is Worthy? B - 5/11/2018 Who is Worthy? A - 5/13/2018 Two Healings, Two Truths - 5/20/2018 Are You Blind? - 5/27/2018 Who is Your Shepherd? B - 6/2/2018 Who is Your Shepherd? A - 6/3/2018 Would You Stone Jesus? A - 6/10/2018 Would You Stone Jesus? B - 6/10/2018 Tough Love: Dying to Live A - 6/17/2018 Tough Love Dying to Live B - 6/17/2018 Agony of Death and Unbelief A - 6/24/2018 Agony of Death and Unbelief B - 6/24/2018 Lazarus Rises Christ Dies A - 7/1/2018 Lazarus Rises Christ Dies B - 7/1/2018 Using the Poor for Self - 7/8/2018 Triumphal Entry History A - 7/15/2018 Triumphal Entry History B - 7/15/2018 Anguish of Jesus B - 7/19/2018 Anguish of Jesus A - 7/22/2018 Logos of Christ A - 7/29/2018 Logos of Christ B - 7/29/2018 Contrasting Jesus and Judas A - 8/5/2018 Contrasting Jesus and Judas B - 8/5/2018 Washing Feet Means Forgiveness - 8/12/2018 Glory Faith Love Intertwined A - 8/19/2018 Glory Faith Love Intertwined B - 8/19/2018 Christ, Satan Peter Testing - 8/26/2018 Way Truth Life in Jesus B - 9/1/2018 Way Truth Life in Jesus A - 9/2/2018 Love Jesus - Obey Jesus A - 9/9/2018 Love Jesus - Obey Jesus B - 9/9/2018 Holy Spirit Our Advocate A - 9/16/2018 Holy Spirit Our Advocate B - 9/16/2018 To See or Not to See God A - 9/23/2018 To See or Not to See God B - 9/23/2018 Vine Branch & Hagiazo ProcessA - 9/30/2018 Vine Branch & Hagiazo ProcessB - 10/1/2018 Commandment of Love & Death B - 10/6/2018 Commandment of Love & Death A - 10/7/2018 Who Hated Jesus Without Cause? - 10/14/2018 World's Duty Kill Believers - 10/21/2018 Christ's Death Changed It All! - 10/28/2018 Flesh Always Misses Truth A - 11/4/2018 Flesh Always Misses Truth B - 11/4/2018 New Covenant Lord's Prayer A - 11/11/2018 New Covenant Lord's Prayer B - 11/11/2018 Ambassadors of Slavery A - 11/18/2018 Ambassadors of Slavery B - 11/18/2018 Truth of God-Lies of Lucifer A - 11/25/2018 Truth of God-Lies of Lucifer B - 11/25/2018 Christ Prays for Us & Him A - 12/2/2018 Christ Prays for Us & Him B - 12/2/2018 Examining the Lamb - 12/9/2018 Trial of Annas Peter Christ A - 12/16/2018 Trial of Annas Peter Christ B - 12/23/2018 Trials of Innocence & Guilt B - 12/28/2018 Trials of Innocence & Guilt A - 12/30/2018 Gentile Kingdoms Try Christ - 1/6/2019 Do You Hear Truth? A - 1/13/2019 Do You Hear Truth? B - 1/13/2019 Choice for Yahweh or Azazel A - 1/20/2019 Choice for Yahweh or Azazel B - 1/20/2019 Jesus Priest Son Savior A - 2/3/2019 Jesus Priest Son Savior B - 2/3/2019 Preparation for New Covenant - 2/10/2019 Seed Dies to Rise A - 2/17/2019 Light and Dark Revealed A - 2/24/2019 Light and Dark Revealed B - 2/24/2019 New Creations A - 3/3/2019 New Creations B - 3/3/2019 Fishers of Fish A - 3/10/2019 Fishers of Fish B - 3/10/2019 Peter-Hired Hand to Shepherd A - 3/17/2019 Peter-Hired Hand to Shepherd B - 3/17/2019 Christ as Savior God A - 3/24/2019 Christ as Savior God B - 3/24/2019
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