Pertinent question Setting aside any cases of fleshly authoritarian abuse, in this age characterised by secularism, self-will, liberalism and antinomianism in Christian settings, IFB churches are attacked and detracted this way from hellish quarters because of their stand against all that pertains to ungodliness. Though fully committed to the gospel of grace, they have for long been falsely misrepresented as 'legalists', as preaching salvation by works because of their fixed stand for godliness and separation in the Christian walk. In short they are victims of destructive critism from hell itself whose motive is hatred of godliness. Independent fellowships have the right, if so they wish, to stablish or maintain godly distinctives and to abide by them. It is up to the individual to adhere him/herself with a fellowship holding to similar personal affinities or not. It is true that with strict principles in place, the risk of obscuring the work of grace is real and it takes a good balanced teaching to avoid it. However, suspected personal rebellion might be the cause behind the cultic detraction. |