Speaker: Elder Sonny Pyles
891 sermons
Preached at Little Union (Tape Cassette Archive)
>Earnest Expectation - 1/21/1972 Natural Creation - 8/11/1972 Cities of Refuge - 4/20/1973 Fishers of Men - 4/20/1973 Providence of God - 5/7/1974 Divine Preservation of the.. - 8/26/1974 Study to Show Thyself Approved - 8/18/1975 Seven Cities of Refuge - 8/19/1975 The Glory of God - 8/20/1975 Isaiah Compared to the.. - 8/21/1975 Four Types of Apostles - 8/22/1975 The Little People of the Bible - 8/22/1975 Questions and Answers - 8/23/1975 Song of Moses and the Lamb - 8/23/1975 The Goads and the Nails - 8/23/1975 Satisfaction: A Rare Commodity - 8/24/1975 Two Sides of Man - 11/18/1975 Half Hinges of the Bible - 1/20/1976 Personal Salvation - 1/26/1976 Creation/Evolution - 2/17/1976 Togetherness - The Seven.. - 7/27/1976 Man as a Wild Ass - 7/29/1976 Coming to Christ - 8/16/1976 Egypt - 8/17/1976 Three-Fold Nature of Man - 8/18/1976 Trials of God's People - 8/19/1976 Flee-Follow-Fight - 8/20/1976 Constructive & Destructive.. - 8/21/1976 Sheep Brethren Disciples.. - 8/21/1976 The Postage Stamp - 8/22/1976 Soul Saving - 11/16/1976 Biblical Warfare - 11/19/1976 Chastisement - 2/12/1977 Freedom - 8/22/1977 The Brazen Serpent - 8/23/1977 Surety - 8/25/1977 Abraham Isaac & Jacob - 8/26/1977 Christian Soldiers - 8/27/1977 The Three R's - 8/27/1977 Ordinary & Extraordinary.. - 8/28/1977 The Race - 8/28/1977 The Gov of the NT Church - 4/23/1978 Whosoever - 8/21/1978 Sonship - 8/22/1978 Take Heeds of the Bible - 8/23/1978 Bible Arithmetic - 8/25/1978 Jesus Christ the Deliverer - 8/25/1978 Adam Compared to Christ - 8/26/1978 One Day Away - Three Days Back - 8/27/1978 Early Morning Risers - 11/14/1978 Hope - 8/24/1979 The Terminal Disease - 8/24/1979 Broken Cisterns - 8/25/1979 Charity - 8/25/1979 Last Will and Testament of J.. - 9/1/1979 Office of Deacon - 2/2/1980 The Night is Far Spent - 8/16/1980 The Curse - 8/19/1980 Fat - 8/20/1980 The Son of Man Coming in.. - 8/20/1980 The False Christ - 8/21/1980 The Right Hand of God - 8/22/1980 The Ascending Up of Christ - 8/23/1980 The Night is Far Spent - 8/23/1980 The Promises of God are in.. - 8/23/1980 The Wicked Change Not - 8/23/1980 Thoughts - 8/23/1980 Possessions - 8/24/1980 The Place Where God's Honor.. - 8/24/1980 Two Swords - 8/24/1980 Formed Deformed Transformed - 8/30/1980 Experiences of Peter - 11/11/1980 Cleansing of the Leper - Sin - 11/20/1980 Sit-Walk-Stand from Ephesians - 11/23/1980 More Abundant Life - 2/7/1981 How Shall We Escape - 3/2/1981 Hebrews - 7/25/1981 The Better Resurrection - 8/17/1981 The Determined Paths of Christ - 8/18/1981 Departing from the Faith - 8/19/1981 Standard of Judgment - 8/19/1981 Regeneration or the New Birth - 8/20/1981 God's Two Major Covenants - 8/21/1981 Joy of the Unknown - 8/21/1981 The House of Judah - 8/21/1981 The Four Gospels - 8/22/1981 Ruth - 8/23/1981 River Jordan - 11/21/1981 The Sin of Ephraim - 11/27/1981 Incarnation-The Virgin.. - 12/1/1981 The Grace of God Hath.. - 1/2/1982 Under the Law - 1/19/1982 Departure - 1/22/1982 The Great Seal - 1/22/1982 Fellowship - 1/23/1982 What Shall We Say to These.. - 1/23/1982 Obtained Help of God - 1/28/1982 The Importance of Zeal - 8/16/1982 God's Shelf of Preserves - 8/17/1982 Leaven - 8/18/1982 New Birth - 8/18/1982 Things God Has Prepared - 8/19/1982 Experience in the Wheat Field - 8/20/1982 Long Route Tending Sheep - 8/21/1982 The Joy of Things We Don't.. - 8/21/1982 Harmony of Theology & Science - 8/22/1982 Let This Mind Be In You - 8/22/1982 Shadows of the Scriptures - 8/22/1982 Rejoice in the Lord - 10/29/1982 He Shall Not Fail - 10/30/1982 Rivers of the Bible - 10/30/1982 But He Giveth More Grace - 10/31/1982 Adequate, Qualified Ministers - 11/1/1982 Dress for Spiritual Success - 1/21/1983 Job - 1/21/1983 Three Courtrooms - 1/21/1983 Farewell Charge to the.. - 1/22/1983 Salt - 4/18/1983 Time - 5/17/1983 7 Blessings in Revelation - 5/28/1983 Keep Yourselves from Idols - 8/1/1983 Try the Spirits - 8/1/1983 Purpose of Christ's Coming - 8/2/1983 Christ's Fulfillment of the.. - 8/3/1983 The Pharisees - 8/4/1983 Natural, Spiritual & Judicia.. - 8/23/1983 Old Age - 8/23/1983 Involuntary & Voluntary Obed.. - 8/24/1983 Hour of Man & Power of Darkn.. - 8/26/1983 P.I.K. - Payment in Kind - 9/26/1983 Workers Together - 1/18/1984 Dreams - 1/19/1984 Extremes and Side Effects - 1/20/1984 Cosmetics & Essentials - 1/21/1984 Different Names Primitive.. - 1/22/1984 Kings & Priests Unto God - 1/22/1984 Created a New Creature - 4/24/1984 Fellow Associates - 4/28/1984 I am what I am - 4/28/1984 Birth Marks -- Growth Marks - 4/29/1984 Identity of the Church - 5/3/1984 The Way the Truth the Life - 5/24/1984 Soul Sleepism Refuted - 5/25/1984 We Persuade Men - 5/25/1984 A Set Time - 5/27/1984 Mystery Made Known By.. - 8/20/1984 What Do We See Now - 8/22/1984 Word of God Rightly Divided - 8/23/1984 Christ Rules & Reigns Today - 8/24/1984 From the Cross to a Crown - 8/25/1984 Let him Glory in the Lord - 8/25/1984 Weapons of Our Warfare are.. - 8/25/1984 Light of Life & Information - 8/26/1984 Things to Do to Hold on to.. - 8/26/1984 Signs - 8/27/1984 Christ the Stone - 12/28/1984 What Good Thing Shall I Do? - 12/28/1984 Time Brevity-Use Measure - 12/29/1984 Laws - 12/30/1984 Prayer - 12/31/1984 Importance of the Resurrection - 1/19/1985 Some Men's Sins Are Open.. - 1/20/1985 Running the Christian Race - 1/21/1985 Exercise Profiteth Little - 1/22/1985 Justification - 1/24/1985 The Seven Feasts - 1/24/1985 Sowing Beside the Waters - 1/25/1985 The Four Steps of Sin - 1/25/1985 Glory in the Church - 1/27/1985 A Strong Man Armed - 1/29/1985 That Name Above Every Name - 3/20/1985 The Work of the Holy Spirit - 3/21/1985 How Dead People Speak - 3/23/1985 Sound Things - 3/23/1985 What Happened in Between - 3/23/1985 Backsliding - 3/24/1985 The Great Seal of Almighty God - 4/25/1985 Covenants - 4/26/1985 Apostolic Credentials - 6/10/1985 Understanding - 6/11/1985 Cross Bearing - 6/13/1985 The Babylinish Garment.. - 6/23/1985 God's Work of Sanctification - 7/29/1985 One Sinner - 7/30/1985 David's Root and Offspring - 7/31/1985 I Shall Not Be Moved - 8/1/1985 If Any Man Have Ears to Hear - 8/19/1985 Things Are Not What They Seem - 8/20/1985 Know - 8/21/1985 What is in Thine Hand? - 8/21/1985 Condemnation - 8/22/1985 Customs/Traditions of Church - 8/23/1985 The Long Suffering of God - 8/24/1985 The Sovereignty of God - 8/24/1985 Cause & Effect - 8/25/1985 Strange Things - 8/25/1985 The Sovereignty of God - 8/26/1985 Better is the End of a Thing - 12/30/1985 Men Fail to Hear Man of God - 1/22/1986 Antidote for Discouragement - 1/23/1986 Sanctification - 1/24/1986 Authority - 1/25/1986 He Being Dead Yet Speaketh - 1/25/1986 The Name Shiloh - 1/26/1986 The Song of Solomon - 2/18/1986 Jewish Fables - 2/21/1986 Gleanings from Song of Solomon - 2/22/1986 Running to Obtain the Prize - 2/22/1986 Fruit Bearing - 2/23/1986 Reputation and Self-Esteem - 8/19/1986 Two Conversations - 10/24/1986 Ye Shall Have Tribulation - 10/25/1986 The Just Shall Live By Faith - 8/25/1987 One Way Mirror - 2/27/1988 Rest - 8/27/1988 Door Opened in Heaven - 6/25/1989 I Make Peace & Create Evil - 6/27/1989 He Giveth More Grace - 8/23/1989 Three Temptations - 8/27/1989 Faithful and True Sayings - 1/28/1990 What Happens When We Die? - 5/2/1990 Hast Thou Marked the Old Way? - 7/27/1990 What Happens When We Die? - 7/27/1990 What is Man? - 7/28/1990 Choices - 7/29/1990 Only One Way - 2/13/1993 There is a Way That Seemeth.. - 2/11/1995
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