Holywell, Flintshire, North Wales. U.K.
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MyChurch: jpt | Set MyChurch Code#: 31491
Speaker: Rev. John Thackway
3,625 sermons
All Things Work Together for Good.... (70)
>Great & Precious Promises - 10/26/2003 The Promised Presence of God - 11/2/2003 Promised Guidance of God (3) - 11/9/2003 Showers of Blessing (4) - 11/16/2003 I Am With Thee (5) - 11/23/2003 I Will Restore to You (6) - 11/30/2003 The Lord will Give the Desires - 12/7/2003 Him that Cometh to Me... - 12/14/2003 Christ Will Tell Us All Things - 12/21/2003 Behold I Will Do A New Thing - 1/4/2004 When Enemy Comes in Like Flood - 1/11/2004 An Everlasting Covenant - 1/25/2004 My God Shall Supply... (13) - 2/1/2004 In Thee Fatherless Find Mercy - 2/8/2004 When Thou Wast Young - 2/15/2004 Doth His Promise Fail for Ever - 2/22/2004 My Word Shall Not Return Void - 2/29/2004 Fear Not - I Will Help Thee - 3/7/2004 I Will Instruct Thee - 3/21/2004 Fullness of the Blessing - 3/22/2004 A Bruised Reed, Not Break - 3/28/2004 He Shall Save His People - 4/4/2004 Cast Thy Bread Upon the Waters - 4/11/2004 Faithful is He that Calleth - 4/18/2004 Thou Shalt not be Forgotten - 5/9/2004 It Shall be Well (27) - 5/23/2004 Now Shalt Thou See What I Will - 6/6/2004 The Lord Shall Guide Thee - 6/13/2004 A New Covenant (30) - 6/27/2004 Give His Angels Charge - 7/4/2004 I Will Build My Church {1} 32 - 7/18/2004 I Will Build My Church {2} 33 - 7/25/2004 New Heavens and New Earth - 8/1/2004 There Shall Ye See Him - 8/8/2004 Sit Still My Daughter (36) - 8/15/2004 Weary in Well Doing - 9/12/2004 If Ye Know These Things, Happy - 9/26/2004 Open Thy Mouth Wide - 10/3/2004 These Things Will I Do to Them - 10/10/2004 God Shall Wipe Away All Tears - 10/17/2004 Father Giveth the Holy Spirit - 10/31/2004 It Shall Be Well With Them - 11/7/2004 I'll Not Leave You Comfortless - 11/18/2004 If I Regard Iniquity in Heart - 11/21/2004 Go in the Strength of the Lord - 12/5/2004 The Lord be with Thy Spirit - 12/12/2004 In All Thy Ways Acknowldge Him - 12/19/2004 My Grace is Sufficient - 1/9/2005 He That Covereth His Sin... - 1/23/2005 He Which Hath Begun Good Work - 1/30/2005 Our Friend Lazarus Sleepeth - 2/13/2005 Now Unto Him That Is Able (53) - 2/20/2005 Exaltation and Abasement (54) - 3/6/2005 The Natural and the Spiritual - 3/13/2005 Prince in the Midst of Them - 3/20/2005 I Will Surely Gather Remnant - 3/27/2005 I Will Give Her Vineyards ... - 4/3/2005 It Yieldeth Peacable Fruit... - 4/10/2005 None Can Deliver - 4/17/2005 Thy People Shall be Willing... - 5/15/2005 Thy People Shall Be Willing... - 5/22/2005 I Am With You Alway (63) - 5/29/2005 Shall Not God Avenge His Own? - 6/5/2005 Thus Saith the Lord... - 6/12/2005 He Shall Feed His Flock - 6/19/2005 If the Lord do not Help... ? - 7/10/2005 If Ye Know These Things, Happy - 7/17/2005 If We Confess Our Sins... - 7/24/2005 All Things Work Together... 70 - 7/31/2005 Thy Word, a Lamp Unto My Feet - 8/7/2005 And the Peace of God... (72) - 8/14/2005 For I Am With You... (73) - 8/21/2005 The Isles Shall Wait Upon Me - 8/28/2005 Commit Thy Way Unto The Lord - 9/4/2005 Cast Not Away Your Confidence - 9/11/2005 And a Certain Man Drew a Bow - 9/25/2005 What Jesus is to Believers - 10/23/2005 Cast Thy Burden Upon the Lord - 12/2/2009
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