Then the Christian life, is a transformed life. A life of Christ-centered affections. A life where a person dies to the things of this world, and lives by faith, supernaturally, for the world to come. And according to Paul, this is not some "super Christianity" this is not some radical, outlandish, missionary Christianity, reserved for the elite few, this is just normal Christianity, it is the only true Christianity, but it is the result of a supernatural transformation, what Paul calls here in Colossians 3, "being raised to life in Christ". 

The transformation comes first. Remember, the pattern of Scripture is never to press the duties and character of the Christian life first, but to press the work of God in saving sinners, then the duty of Christian Obedience, flows out of the new life a believer has in Christ. That's is what Paul is teaching the Colossians and us as well. He has spoken on how being raised with Christ transforms the affections, produces the mortification of sin, and now 
 in our passage this morning, we see that the true gospel, which treasures Christ above all, also transforms the way we live together as a church. It show us what the church looks like when Christ is all in all. |