Speaker: Jim Dodson
704 sermons
Westminster Larger (Q&A31) Catechism, With Whom Was the Covenant of Grace Made?
See covenanter.org for many free Reformation resources. Puritan Hard Drive at http://ow.ly/fPY4o If you love the Bible, then you may well be Reformed. If you think of yourself as Reformed, but you have seldom or have never read older Reformed literature, prepare to be challenged. The Puritan Hard Drive provides primary sources and depth of theological and spiritual insight which is lacking in much of what is passed off as genuine Reformed theology. If you think of yourself as conservative, the older Puritan and Reformed authors will help you sort reality from myth in your quest to be truly Reformed. There are more solid resources for less money here than anywhere else. I highly recommend you take responsibility for your soul and spend a few shekels for this cup of cold water in the midst of the modern religious desert. - Jim Dodson, Reformed Presbyterian Scholar, http://www.covenanter.org/ If you want to understand Reformed theology (i.e., the whole counsel of God) the Puritan Hard Drive is unsurpassed, outside the Bible itself. The First and Second Reformations gave us the most faithful Scriptural teaching and preaching since the time of the Apostles, and there is no other resource, outside Scripture itself, where you can find so much of God's truth as in the Puritan Hard Drive (http://ow.ly/fPY4o). May the Lord continue to use this most profitable tool to promote a Third Reformation that encompasses the whole world (Isaiah 2:2-4)!' - Pastor Greg Price (Covenanted Presbyterian Pastor, Author, Theologian, etc.) Free resources by Greg Price at http://ow.ly/uHHAl More Free Reformed Resources http://ow.ly/vXqTJ
>Westminster Larger Cat. #100 - 3/18/2014 Westminster Larger Cat. #99 - 3/18/2014 Westminster Larger Cat. #101 - 3/19/2014 Westminster Larger Cat. #102 - 3/21/2014 Westminster Larger Cat. #103 - 3/24/2014 Westminster Larger Cat. #104 - 3/25/2014 Westminster Larger Cat. #105 - 3/26/2014 Westminster Larger Cat. #106 - 3/28/2014 Westminster Larger Cat. #107 - 3/31/2014 Westminster Larger Cat. #108 - 4/1/2014 Try Spirits & Avoid Antichrist - 4/4/2014 Westminster Larger Cat. #109 - 4/7/2014 Westminster Larger Cat. #110 - 4/7/2014 Westminster Larger Cat. #111 - 4/9/2014 Westminster Larger Cat. #112 - 4/9/2014 Westminster Larger Cat. #113 - 4/10/2014 Westminster Larger Cat. #114 - 4/10/2014 Sin of Ishtar, Easter Worship - 4/14/2014 Westminster Larger Cat. #115 - 4/15/2014 Westminster Larger Cat. #116 - 4/15/2014 Westminster Larger Cat. #117 - 4/18/2014 False Worship & Idolatry - 4/21/2014 Westminster Larger Cat. #119 - 4/21/2014 Westminster Larger Cat. #118 - 4/21/2014 Westminster Larger Cat. #120 - 4/22/2014 Westminster Larger Cat. #121 - 4/22/2014 Westminster Larger Cat. #122 - 4/23/2014 Westminster Larger Cat. #123 - 4/29/2014 Westminster Larger Cat. #124 - 4/30/2014 Why Most Worship Is Idolatry - 5/2/2014 God's Will Vs. Man's Will - 5/6/2014 Westminster Larger Cat. #125 - 5/9/2014 Westminster Larger Cat. #126 - 5/12/2014 Westminster Larger Cat. #127 - 5/13/2014 Westminster Larger Cat. #128 - 5/14/2014 False Worship Destroys Nations - 5/16/2014 Westminster Larger Cat. #129 - 5/19/2014 Westminster Larger Cat. #130 - 5/20/2014 Westminster Larger Cat. #131 - 5/21/2014 Westminster Larger Cat. #132 - 5/23/2014 Westminster Larger Cat. #133 - 5/26/2014 Singing the Psalms With Jesus - 5/27/2014 Westminster Larger Cat. #134 - 5/27/2014 Westminster Larger Cat. #135 - 5/28/2014 Westminster Larger Cat. #136 - 5/30/2014 Casting Down Instrument Music - 6/3/2014 Westminster Larger Cat. #137 - 6/4/2014 Westminster Larger Cat. #138 - 6/6/2014 Fearing Keeping of Holy Days - 6/9/2014 Westminster Larger Cat. #139 - 6/11/2014 Taxes, Taxation & Civil Power - 6/13/2014 Those Who Corrupt Worship - 6/16/2014 Westminster Larger Cat. #140 - 6/20/2014 Love the Lord and Hate Evil - 6/23/2014 Westminster Larger Cat. #141 - 6/27/2014 Loving Rebuke of Thy Neighbor - 6/30/2014 Westminster Larger Cat. #142 - 7/4/2014 What Did Jesus Do? - 7/7/2014 Westminster Larger Cat. #143 - 7/9/2014 Westminster Larger Cat. #144 - 7/11/2014 Westminster Larger Cat. #145 - 7/18/2014 Calvinist View Of God's Love - 7/21/2014 Westminster Larger Cat. #146 - 7/25/2014 Westminster Larger Cat. #147 - 7/29/2014 Westminster Larger Cat. #148 - 8/4/2014 God's Holy Law #1 Jim Dodson - 8/6/2014 Westminster Larger Cat. #149 - 8/8/2014 Westminster Larger Cat. #150 - 8/11/2014 Natural Law Is the Moral Law - 8/15/2014 Westminster Larger Cat. #151 - 8/20/2014 Westminster Larger Cat. #152 - 8/22/2014 God's Holy Law #3 - 8/26/2014 God's Holy Law #4 - 8/27/2014 Westminster Larger Cat. #153 - 8/29/2014 Westminster Larger Cat. #154 - 9/2/2014 Westminster Larger Cat. #155 - 9/3/2014 Westminster Larger Cat. #156 - 9/5/2014 Westminster Larger Cat. #157 - 9/8/2014 Westminster Larger Cat. #158 - 9/9/2014 Westminster Larger Cat. #159 - 9/10/2014 Westminster Larger Cat. #160 - 9/15/2014 Westminster Larger Cat. #161 - 9/17/2014 Westminster Larger Cat. #162 - 9/19/2014 Westminster Larger Cat. #163 - 9/22/2014 Westminster Larger Cat. #164 - 9/24/2014 Westminster Larger Cat. #165 - 9/26/2014 Westminster Larger Cat. #166 - 10/3/2014 Westminster Larger Cat. #167 - 10/13/2014 Westminster Larger Cat. #168 - 10/17/2014 Westminster Larger Cat. #169 - 10/27/2014 Bossy Wives, Effeminate Men - 1/9/2015 Biblical Postmillennialism #1 - 3/11/2015 Biblical Postmillennialism #2 - 3/16/2015 Biblical Postmillennialism #3 - 3/23/2015 Biblical Postmillennialism #4 - 3/31/2015 Biblical Postmillennialism #5 - 4/6/2015 Westminster Larger Cat. #170 - 4/7/2015 Biblical Postmillennialism #6 - 4/14/2015 Westminster Larger Cat. #171 - 4/17/2015 Biblical Postmillennialism #7 - 4/20/2015 Westminster Larger Cat. #172 - 4/22/2015 Westminster Larger Cat. #173 - 4/24/2015 Biblical Postmillennialism #8 - 4/27/2015 Westminster Larger Cat. #174 - 4/29/2015 Westminster Larger Cat. #175 - 4/30/2015 Biblical Postmillennialism #9 - 5/6/2015 Biblical Postmillennialism #10 - 5/12/2015 Westminster Larger Cat. #176 - 5/15/2015 Biblical Postmillennialism #11 - 5/18/2015 Westminster Larger Cat. #177 - 5/22/2015 Westminster Larger Cat. #178 - 5/26/2015 Biblical Postmillennialism #12 - 5/29/2015 Westminster Larger Cat. #179 - 5/29/2015 Biblical Postmillennialism #13 - 6/1/2015 Westminster Larger Cat. #180 - 6/3/2015 Westminster Larger Cat. #181 - 6/9/2015 Biblical Postmillennialism #14 - 6/10/2015 Biblical Postmillennialism #15 - 6/19/2015 Biblical Postmillennialism #16 - 6/23/2015 Biblical Postmillennialism #17 - 6/30/2015 Westminster Larger Cat. #182 - 7/3/2015 Biblical Postmillennialism #18 - 7/6/2015 Biblical Postmillennialism #19 - 7/14/2015 Biblical Postmillennialism #20 - 7/24/2015 Biblical Postmillennialism #21 - 7/27/2015 Westminster Larger Cat. #183 - 8/3/2015 Biblical Postmillennialism #22 - 8/7/2015 Biblical Postmillennialism #23 - 8/19/2015 Biblical Postmillennialism #24 - 8/20/2015 Biblical Postmillennialism #25 - 8/25/2015 Westminster Larger Cat. #184 - 8/26/2015 Westminster Larger Cat. #185 - 8/28/2015 Biblical Postmillennialism #26 - 9/1/2015 Westminster Larger Cat. #186 - 9/4/2015 Westminster Larger Cat. #187 - 9/8/2015 Westminster Larger Cat. #188 - 9/8/2015 Biblical Postmillennialism #27 - 9/9/2015 Biblical Postmillennialism #28 - 9/18/2015 Biblical Postmillennialism #29 - 9/22/2015 Westminster Larger Cat. #189 - 9/22/2015 Westminster Larger Cat. #190 - 9/23/2015 Westminster Larger Cat. #191 - 9/25/2015 Biblical Postmillennialism #30 - 9/28/2015 Westminster Larger Cat. #192 - 9/30/2015 Westminster Larger Cat. #193 - 10/2/2015 Westminster Larger Cat. #194 - 10/6/2015 Biblical Postmillennialism #31 - 10/9/2015 Reviving False Worship, Idols - 10/9/2015 Westminster Larger Cat. #195 - 10/9/2015 Uncommanded Worship: Idolatry - 10/12/2015 Biblical Postmillennialism #32 - 10/13/2015 Westminster Larger Cat. #196 - 10/16/2015 Westminster Larger Cat. #1 - 10/20/2015 Westminster Larger Cat. #2 - 10/21/2015 Biblical Postmillennialism #33 - 10/23/2015 Westminster Larger Cat. #3 - 10/23/2015 Westminster Larger Cat. #4 - 10/23/2015 Biblical Postmillennialism #34 - 10/27/2015 Westminster Larger Cat. #5 - 10/30/2015 Westminster Larger Cat. #6 - 11/2/2015 Biblical Postmillennialism #35 - 11/3/2015 Westminster Larger Cat. #7 - 11/4/2015 Westminster Larger Cat. #8 - 11/6/2015 Westminster Larger Cat. #9 - 11/6/2015 Biblical Postmillennialism #36 - 11/10/2015 Westminster Larger Cat. #10 - 11/13/2015 Westminster Larger Cat. #11 - 11/13/2015 Biblical Postmillennialism #37 - 11/16/2015 Westminster Larger Cat. #12 - 11/18/2015 Westminster Larger Cat. #13 - 11/20/2015 Biblical Postmillennialism #38 - 11/24/2015 Westminster Larger Cat. #14 - 11/25/2015 Westminster Larger Cat. #15 - 11/27/2015 Biblical Postmillennialism #39 - 12/2/2015 Westminster Larger Cat. #17 - 12/4/2015 Westminster Larger Cat. #16 - 12/4/2015 Biblical Postmillennialism #40 - 12/8/2015 Westminster Larger Cat. #18 - 12/8/2015 Westminster Larger Cat. #19 - 12/9/2015 Westminster Larger Cat. #20 - 12/11/2015 Biblical Postmillennialism #41 - 12/15/2015 Westminster Larger Cat. #21 - 12/16/2015 Westminster Larger Cat. #22 - 12/18/2015 Westminster Larger Cat. #23 - 12/18/2015 Biblical Postmillennialism #42 - 12/21/2015 The Idolatry of Xmas, Free MP3 - 12/22/2015 Westminster Larger Cat. #24 - 12/23/2015 Westminster Larger Cat. #25 - 12/25/2015 Westminster Larger Cat. #26 - 12/25/2015 Westminster Larger Cat. #27 - 12/25/2015 Biblical Postmillennialism #43 - 12/29/2015 Westminster Larger Cat. #28 - 12/29/2015 Westminster Larger Cat. #29 - 12/30/2015 Westminster Larger Cat. #30 - 1/1/2016 Biblical Postmillennialism #44 - 1/5/2016 Westminster Larger Cat. #31 - 1/6/2016 Westminster Larger Cat. #32 - 1/8/2016 Westminster Larger Cat. #33 - 1/13/2016 Westminster Larger Cat. #34 - 1/15/2016 God's Prescription for Health - 2/23/2016 Christ Converts Nations & Jews - 6/26/2016 Providence 1/7 Calvinism, MP3s - 12/21/2016 Providence 2/7 Calvinism, MP3s - 12/21/2016 Providence 3/7 Calvinism, MP3s - 12/22/2016 Providence 4/7 Calvinism, MP3s - 12/22/2016 Providence 5/7 Calvinism, MP3s - 12/22/2016 Providence 6/7 Calvinism, MP3s - 12/22/2016 Providence 7/7 Calvinism, MP3s - 12/22/2016 #1 Westminster Confession,.. - 2/28/2017 #4 Westminster Confession 1:1 - 2/28/2017 Biblical Civil Government 1 - 3/20/2017 Biblical Civil Government 2 - 3/20/2017 #2 Westminster Confession,.. - 3/21/2017 Biblical Civil Government 3 - 3/21/2017 #3 Westminster Confession,.. - 3/21/2017 Christ's Mediatorial Reign 1/5 - 3/26/2017 Christ's Mediatorial Reign 2/5 - 3/26/2017 Christ's Mediatorial Reign 3/5 - 3/26/2017 Christ's Mediatorial Reign 4/5 - 3/26/2017 Christ's Mediatorial Reign 5/5 - 3/26/2017 Biblical Civil Government 4 - 3/27/2017 #5 Westminster Confession 1:2 - 4/4/2017 #6 Westminster Confession 1:3 - 4/4/2017 #7 Westminster Confession 1:4 - 4/11/2017 #8 Westminster Confession 1:5 - 4/18/2017 Movies, TV, Sanctification 1/3 - 4/22/2017 Movies, TV, Sanctification 2/3 - 4/22/2017 Movies, TV, Sanctification 3/3 - 4/22/2017 Christ Calms the Sea and Winds - 4/22/2017 God's Truth Over All Nations - 4/24/2017 Your Heart Treasure = Jesus? - 4/28/2017 #10 Westminster Confession 1:7 - 5/2/2017 #9 Westminster Confession 1:6 - 5/2/2017 #11 Westminster Confession 1:8 - 5/9/2017 #12 Westminster Confession 1:9 - 5/16/2017 #13 Westminster Confession1:10 - 5/16/2017 #14 Westminster Confession 2:1 - 5/23/2017 #15 Westminster Confession 2:2 - 5/23/2017 #16 Westminster Confession 2:3 - 5/30/2017 #17 Westminster Confession 3:1 - 5/30/2017 #18 Westminster Confession 3:2 - 6/6/2017 #19 Westminster Confession 3:3 - 6/6/2017 #20 Westminster Confession 3:4 - 6/13/2017 #21 Westminster Confession 3:5 - 6/13/2017 #22 Westminster Confession 3:6 - 6/20/2017 #23 Westminster Confession 3:7 - 6/20/2017 #24 Westminster Confession 3:8 - 6/27/2017 #25 Westminster Confession 4:1 - 6/27/2017 #26 Westminster Confession 4:2 - 6/27/2017 #27 Westminster Confession 5:1 - 6/27/2017 #28 Westminster Confession 5:2 - 7/4/2017 #29 Westminster Confession 5:3 - 7/4/2017 #30 Westminster Confession 5:4 - 7/4/2017 #31 Westminster Confession 5:5 - 7/4/2017 #32 Westminster Confession 5:6 - 7/11/2017 #33 Westminster Confession 5:7 - 7/11/2017 #34 Westminster Confession 6:1 - 7/11/2017 #35 Westminster Confession 6:2 - 7/11/2017 #36 Westminster Confession 6:3 - 7/18/2017 #37 Westminster Confession 6:4 - 7/18/2017 #38 Westminster Confession 6:5 - 7/18/2017 Biblical Civil Government 5 - 7/22/2017 Biblical Civil Government 6 - 7/22/2017 Biblical Civil Government 7 - 7/22/2017 King Jesus Over Nations 1/17 - 7/24/2017 #39 Westminster Confession 6:6 - 7/25/2017 #40 Westminster Confession 7:1 - 7/25/2017 #41 Westminster Confession 7:2 - 7/25/2017 King Jesus Over Nations 2/17 - 7/25/2017 King Jesus Over Nations 3/17 - 7/26/2017 King Jesus Over Nations 4/17 - 7/29/2017 King Jesus Over Nations 5/17 - 7/29/2017 King Jesus Over Nations 10/17 - 7/31/2017 King Jesus Over Nations 11/17 - 7/31/2017 King Jesus Over Nations 12/17 - 7/31/2017 King Jesus Over Nations 13/17 - 7/31/2017 King Jesus Over Nations 14/17 - 7/31/2017 King Jesus Over Nations 15/17 - 7/31/2017 King Jesus Over Nations 16/17 - 7/31/2017 King Jesus Over Nations 17/17 - 7/31/2017 King Jesus Over Nations 6/17 - 7/31/2017 King Jesus Over Nations 7/17 - 7/31/2017 King Jesus Over Nations 8/17 - 7/31/2017 King Jesus Over Nations 9/17 - 7/31/2017 #42 Westminster Confession.. - 8/1/2017 #43 Westminster Confession.. - 8/1/2017 #44 Westminster Confession 7:5 - 8/1/2017 #45 Westminster Confession 7:6 - 8/1/2017 Covenanting 1/19 New Testament - 8/4/2017 Covenanting 2/19 & Prophecy - 8/5/2017 Covenanting 3/19, National 1/3 - 8/5/2017 Covenanting 4/19, National 2/3 - 8/5/2017 #46 Westminster Confession 8:1 - 8/8/2017 #47 Westminster Confession 8:2 - 8/8/2017 #48 Westminster Confession 8:3 - 8/8/2017 Covenanting 5/19, National 3/3 - 8/9/2017 Covenanting 6/19, SL&C 1/8 - 8/9/2017 Covenanting 7/19, SL&C 2/8 - 8/10/2017 #49 Westminster Confession 8:4 - 8/11/2017 #50 Westminster Confession 8:5 - 8/11/2017 #51 Westminster Confession 8:6 - 8/11/2017 #52 Westminster Confession 8:7 - 8/11/2017 Covenanting 8/19, SL&C 3/8 - 8/11/2017 Covenanting 10/19, SL&C 5/8 - 8/15/2017 Covenanting 11/19, SL&C 6/8 - 8/15/2017 Covenanting 9/19, SL&C 4/8 - 8/15/2017 Covenanting 12/19, SL&C 7/8 - 8/16/2017 Covenanting 13/19, SL&C 8/8 - 8/16/2017 Covenanting 14/19, Renewal 1/6 - 8/16/2017 Covenanting 15/19, Renewal 2/6 - 8/16/2017 Covenanting 16/19, Renewal 3/6 - 8/19/2017 Covenanting 17/19, Renewal 4/6 - 8/19/2017 Covenanting 18/19, Renewal 5/6 - 8/21/2017 Covenanting 19/19, Renewal 6/6 - 8/21/2017 #53 Westminster Confession 8:8 - 8/22/2017 #54 Westminster Confession 9:1 - 8/22/2017 #55 Westminster Confession 9:2 - 8/22/2017 #56 Westminster Confession 9:3 - 8/22/2017 #57 Westminster Confession 9:4 - 8/28/2017 #58 Westminster Confession 9:5 - 8/28/2017 59 Westminster Confession 10:1 - 8/28/2017 60 Westminster Confession 10:2 - 8/28/2017 61 Westminster Confession 10:3 - 8/28/2017 62 Westminster Confession 10:4 - 9/5/2017 63 Westminster Confession 11:1 - 9/5/2017 64 Westminster Confession 11:2 - 9/5/2017 65 Westminster Confession 11:3 - 9/5/2017 66 Westminster Confession 11:4 - 9/5/2017 67 Westminster Confession 11:5 - 9/12/2017 68 Westminster Confession 11:6 - 9/12/2017 69 Westminster Confession 12:1 - 9/12/2017 70 Westminster Confession 13:1 - 9/12/2017 71 Westminster Confession 13:2 - 9/12/2017 72 Westminster Confession 13:3 - 9/19/2017 73 Westminster Confession 14:1 - 9/19/2017 74 Westminster Confession 14:2 - 9/19/2017 75 Westminster Confession 14:3 - 9/19/2017 76 Westminster Confession 15:1 - 9/19/2017 77 Westminster Confession 15:2 - 9/19/2017 78 Westminster Confession 15:3 - 9/26/2017 79 Westminster Confession 15:4 - 9/26/2017 80 Westminster Confession 15:5 - 9/26/2017 81 Westminster Confession 15:6 - 9/26/2017 82 Westminster Confession 16:1 - 9/26/2017 God's Plan for History, Dodson - 10/2/2017 83 Westminster Confession 16:2 - 10/10/2017 84 Westminster Confession 16:3 - 10/10/2017 85 Westminster Confession 16:4 - 10/10/2017 86 Westminster Confession 16:5 - 10/10/2017 87 Westminster Confession 16:6 - 10/10/2017 88 Westminster Confession 16:7 - 10/10/2017 89 Westminster Confession 17:1 - 10/17/2017 90 Westminster Confession 17:2 - 10/17/2017 91 Westminster Confession 17:3 - 10/17/2017 92 Westminster Confession 18:1 - 10/17/2017 93 Westminster Confession 18:2 - 10/17/2017 94 Westminster Confession 18:3 - 10/17/2017 Restoration Prophets 1/23 H1 - 10/21/2017 Restoration Prophets 2/23 H2 - 10/21/2017 Restoration Prophets 3/23 H3 - 10/21/2017 Restoration Prophets 4/23 H4 - 10/21/2017 100 Westminster Confess. 19:5 - 10/23/2017 95 Westminster Confession 18:4 - 10/23/2017 96 Westminster Confession 19:1 - 10/23/2017 97 Westminster Confession 19:2 - 10/23/2017 98 Westminster Confession 19:3 - 10/23/2017 99 Westminster Confession 19:4 - 10/23/2017 Restoration Prophets 10/23 Z6 - 10/28/2017 Restoration Prophets 11/23 Z7 - 10/28/2017 Restoration Prophets 12/23 Z8 - 10/28/2017 Restoration Prophets 13/23 Z9 - 10/28/2017 Restoration Prophets 14/23 Z10 - 10/28/2017 Restoration Prophets 15/23 Z11 - 10/28/2017 Restoration Prophets 16/23 Z12 - 10/28/2017 Restoration Prophets 17/23 Z13 - 10/28/2017 Restoration Prophets 18/23 Z14 - 10/28/2017 Restoration Prophets 19/23 Z15 - 10/28/2017 Restoration Prophets 20/23 Z16 - 10/28/2017 Restoration Prophets 21/23 M1 - 10/28/2017 Restoration Prophets 22/23 M2 - 10/28/2017 Restoration Prophets 23/23 M3 - 10/28/2017 Restoration Prophets 5/23 Z1 - 10/28/2017 Restoration Prophets 6/23 Z2 - 10/28/2017 Restoration Prophets 7/23 Z3 - 10/28/2017 Restoration Prophets 8/23 Z4 - 10/28/2017 Restoration Prophets 9/23 Z5 - 10/28/2017 101 Westminster Confess. 19:6 - 10/31/2017 102 Westminster Confess. 19:7 - 10/31/2017 103 Westminster Confess. 20:1 - 10/31/2017 104 Westminster Confess. 20:2 - 10/31/2017 105 Westminster Confess. 20:3 - 10/31/2017 106 Westminster Confess. 20:4 - 11/4/2017 107 Westminster Confess. 21:1 - 11/4/2017 108 Westminster Confess. 21:2 - 11/4/2017 109 Westminster Confess. 21:3 - 11/4/2017 110 Westminster Confess. 21:4 - 11/4/2017 111 Westminster Confess. 21:5 - 11/4/2017 Covenanter Classic 1, Free MP3 - 11/11/2017 Covenanter Classic 2, Free MP3 - 11/13/2017 Covenanter Classic 3, Free MP3 - 11/20/2017 112 Westminster Confess. 21:6 - 11/21/2017 113 Westminster Confess. 21:7 - 11/21/2017 114 Westminster Confess. 21:8 - 11/21/2017 115 Westminster Confess. 22:1 - 11/21/2017 116 Westminster Confess. 22:2 - 11/21/2017 117 Westminster Confess. 22:3 - 11/21/2017 Books Of Judgment, Free Sermon - 11/23/2017 Prevailing Prayer, Jim Dodson - 11/25/2017 Judge Not & Overcoming Worry - 11/25/2017 118 Westminster Confess. 22:4 - 11/28/2017 119 Westminster Confess. 22:5 - 11/28/2017 120 Westminster Confess. 22:6 - 11/28/2017 121 Westminster Confess. 22:7 - 11/28/2017 122 Westminster Confess. 23:1 - 11/28/2017 123 Westminster Confess. 23:2 - 11/28/2017 Great In The Kingdom Of Heaven - 12/2/2017 Covenanter Classic 4, Free MP3 - 12/9/2017 Covenanter Classic 5, Free MP3 - 12/9/2017 124 Westminster Confess. 23:3 - 12/12/2017 125 Westminster Confess. 23:4 - 12/12/2017 126 Westminster Confess. 24:1 - 12/12/2017 127 Westminster Confess. 24:2 - 12/19/2017 128 Westminster Confess. 24:3 - 12/19/2017 129 Westminster Confess. 24:4 - 12/19/2017 130 Westminster Confess. 24:5 - 12/19/2017 131 Westminster Confess. 24:6 - 12/19/2017 132 Westminster Confess. 25:1 - 12/19/2017 133 Westminster Confess. 25:2 - 12/26/2017 134 Westminster Confess. 25:3 - 12/26/2017 135 Westminster Confess. 25:4 - 12/26/2017 Christmas Corrupts the Soul - 12/26/2017 136 Westminster Confess. 25:5 - 1/2/2018 137 Westminster Confess. 25:6 - 1/2/2018 138 Westminster Confess. 26:1 - 1/2/2018 139 Westminster Confess. 26:2 - 1/2/2018 140 Westminster Confess. 26:3 - 1/2/2018 141 Westminster Confess. 27:1 - 1/9/2018 142 Westminster Confess. 27:2 - 1/9/2018 143 Westminster Confess. 27:3 - 1/9/2018 144 Westminster Confess. 27:4 - 1/9/2018 145 Westminster Confess. 27:5 - 1/9/2018 146 Westminster Confess. 28:1 - 1/16/2018 147 Westminster Confess. 28:2 - 1/16/2018 148 Westminster Confess. 28:3 - 1/16/2018 149 Westminster Confess. 28:4 - 1/16/2018 150 Westminster Confess. 28:5 - 1/16/2018 151 Westminster Confess. 28:6 - 1/23/2018 152 Westminster Confess. 28:7 - 1/23/2018 153 Westminster Confess. 29:1 - 1/23/2018 154 Westminster Confess. 29:2 - 1/23/2018 155 Westminster Confess. 29:3 - 1/23/2018 156 Westminster Confess. 29:4 - 1/30/2018 157 Westminster Confess. 29:5 - 1/30/2018 158 Westminster Confess. 29:6 - 1/30/2018 Biblical Separation Explained - 2/3/2018 159 Westminster Confess. 29:7 - 2/20/2018 160 Westminster Confess. 29:8 - 2/20/2018 161 Westminster Confess. 30:1 - 2/20/2018 162 Westminster Confess. 30:2 - 2/20/2018 163 Westminster Confess. 30:3 - 2/27/2018 164 Westminster Confess. 30:4 - 2/27/2018 165 Westminster Confess. 31:1 - 2/27/2018 166 Westminster Confess. 31:2 - 2/27/2018 167 Westminster Confess. 31:3 - 3/6/2018 168 Westminster Confess. 31:4 - 3/6/2018 169 Westminster Confess. 31:5 - 3/13/2018 170 Westminster Confess. 32:1 - 3/13/2018 171 Westminster Confess. 32:2 - 3/13/2018 Esther #1 Tale of Two Kingdoms - 3/20/2018 Esther #2 Making of Two Feasts - 3/20/2018 172 Westminster Confess. 32:3 - 3/27/2018 173 Westminster Confess. 33:1 - 3/27/2018 Esther #3 A Conflict of Wills - 3/27/2018 174 Westminster Confess. 33:2 - 4/3/2018 Esther #4 Council for Question - 4/3/2018 Esther #5 Example of Bad Queen - 4/3/2018 Esther #6 Persuasion & Decree - 4/10/2018 Esther #7 How Not to Choose - 4/10/2018 Esther #8 Mordecai and Esther - 4/10/2018 175 Westminster Confess. 33:3 - 4/17/2018 Esther #10 The Harem and King - 4/17/2018 Esther #9 Discretion of Esther - 4/17/2018 Esther #11 Esther Became Queen - 4/24/2018 Esther #12 A Feast for Esther - 4/24/2018 Esther #13 A Conspiracy - 4/24/2018 Esther #14 Mordecai/Covenanter - 5/1/2018 Esther #15 The Wrath of Haman - 5/1/2018 Esther #16 The Casting of Pur - 5/1/2018 Esther #17 The Signet & Decree - 5/8/2018 Esther #18 Decree to Destroy - 5/8/2018 Esther #19 Mordecai Sackcloth - 5/15/2018 Esther #20 Faithful Witness - 5/15/2018 Esther #21 Bearer of Bad News - 5/15/2018 Esther #22 Unsummoned Approach - 5/22/2018 Esther #23 If I Perish - 5/22/2018 Esther #24 Public Witness - 5/22/2018 Esther #25 What Thy Petition? - 6/5/2018 Esther #26 Haman's Pride & Joy - 6/5/2018 Esther #27 Haman's Discontent - 6/12/2018 Esther #28 Ahasuerus Sleepless - 6/12/2018 Esther #29 Whom King to Honor - 6/12/2018 Esther #30 A Royal Investiture - 6/19/2018 Esther #31 Honoring Mordecai - 6/19/2018 Esther #32 Haman Shall Fall - 6/19/2018 Esther #33 A Second Banquet - 6/19/2018 Esther #34 That Devil Haman - 6/26/2018 Esther #35 Hanging Haman - 6/26/2018 Esther #36 Mordecai Gets Ring - 6/26/2018 Esther #37 True Religion - 7/3/2018 Esther #38 Witness of Esther - 7/3/2018 Esther #39 Transforming Faith - 7/3/2018 Esther #40 The Remedy - 7/10/2018 Esther #41 Gentile Conversions - 7/10/2018 Esther #42 The True Religion - 7/17/2018 Esther #43 Ten Sons of Haman - 7/17/2018 Esther #44 Another Request - 7/17/2018 Esther #45 Body Counts - 7/17/2018 Esther #46 A Day of Gladness - 7/24/2018 Esther #47 Establishing Purim - 7/24/2018 Esther #48 Celebrating Purim - 7/24/2018 Esther #49 Covenant Obligation - 7/24/2018 Esther #50 Confirming Mordecai - 7/31/2018 Esther #51 Ahasuerus' Kingdom - 7/31/2018 Westminster Larger Cat. #35 - 7/31/2018 Angels & Demons 1, Free MP3s - 8/4/2018 Westminster Larger Cat. #36 - 8/14/2018 Westminster Larger Cat. #37 - 8/14/2018 Westminster Larger Cat. #38 - 8/14/2018 Westminster Larger Cat. #39 - 8/14/2018 Angels & Demons 2, Free MP3s - 8/18/2018 Angels & Demons 3, Free MP3s - 8/18/2018 Westminster Larger Cat. #40 - 8/21/2018 Westminster Larger Cat. #41 - 8/21/2018 Men, Women, Modesty, Culture 1 - 8/25/2018 Westminster Larger Cat. #42 - 9/4/2018 Westminster Larger Cat. #43 - 9/4/2018 Westminster Larger Cat. #44 - 9/4/2018 Westminster Larger Cat. #45 - 9/4/2018 Men, Women, Modesty, Culture 2 - 9/8/2018 Men, Women, Modesty, Culture 3 - 9/8/2018 Westminster Larger Cat. #46 - 9/11/2018 Westminster Larger Cat. #47 - 9/11/2018 Westminster Larger Cat. #48 - 9/11/2018 Westminster Larger Cat. #49 - 9/11/2018 Westminster Larger Cat. #50 - 9/11/2018 Westminster Larger Cat. #51 - 9/18/2018 Westminster Larger Cat. #52 - 9/18/2018 Westminster Larger Cat. #53 - 9/18/2018 Westminster Larger Cat. #54 - 9/25/2018 Westminster Larger Cat. #55 - 9/25/2018 Westminster Larger Cat. #56 - 9/25/2018 Two Kingdom Theology Refuted - 9/29/2018 Westminster Larger Cat. #57 - 10/2/2018 Westminster Larger Cat. #58 - 10/2/2018 Westminster Larger Cat. #59 - 10/2/2018 Westminster Larger Cat. #60 - 10/2/2018 Westminster Larger Cat. #61 - 10/9/2018 Westminster Larger Cat. #62 - 10/9/2018 Westminster Larger Cat. #63 - 10/9/2018 Westminster Larger Cat. #64 - 10/9/2018 Westminster Larger Cat. #65 - 10/9/2018 Westminster Larger Cat. #66 - 10/15/2018 Westminster Larger Cat. #67 - 10/15/2018 Westminster Larger Cat. #68 - 10/15/2018 Westminster Larger Cat. #69 - 10/15/2018 Westminster Larger Cat. #70 - 10/15/2018 Westminster Larger Cat. #71 - 10/23/2018 Westminster Larger Cat. #72 - 10/23/2018 Demon Possession & Attacks 1/2 - 10/27/2018 Demon Possession & Attacks 2/2 - 10/29/2018 Westminster Larger Cat. #73 - 10/30/2018 Westminster Larger Cat. #74 - 11/6/2018 Westminster Larger Cat. #75 - 11/6/2018 Westminster Larger Cat. #76 - 11/6/2018 Westminster Larger Cat. #77 - 11/6/2018 Westminster Larger Cat. #78 - 11/6/2018 Westminster Larger Cat. #79 - 11/13/2018 Westminster Larger Cat. #80 - 11/13/2018 Westminster Larger Cat. #81 - 11/13/2018 Westminster Larger Cat. #82 - 11/13/2018 Westminster Larger Cat. #83 - 11/13/2018 Westminster Larger Cat. #84 - 11/19/2018 Westminster Larger Cat. #85 - 11/19/2018 Westminster Larger Cat. #86 - 11/19/2018 Westminster Larger Cat. #87 - 11/19/2018 Westminster Larger Cat. #88 - 11/19/2018 Westminster Larger Cat. #89 - 12/4/2018 Westminster Larger Cat. #90 - 12/4/2018 Westminster Larger Cat. #91 - 12/4/2018 Westminster Larger Cat. #92 - 12/11/2018 Westminster Larger Cat. #93 - 12/11/2018 Westminster Larger Cat. #94 - 12/11/2018 Westminster Larger Cat. #95 - 12/11/2018 Westminster Larger Cat. #96 - 12/11/2018 Westminster Larger Cat. #97 - 12/11/2018 Westminster Larger Cat. #98 - 12/11/2018 Angels & Demons 4 - 12/18/2018 Angels & Demons 5 - 12/18/2018 Angels & Demons 6 - 12/18/2018 Angels & Demons 7 - 12/18/2018 Detesting Christ-Mass Idolatry - 12/24/2018 Removing Christmas & Easter - 12/24/2018 Angels & Demons 10 - 12/25/2018 Angels & Demons 11 - 12/25/2018 Angels & Demons 12 - 12/25/2018 Angels & Demons 13 - 12/25/2018 Angels & Demons 8 - 12/25/2018 Angels & Demons 9 - 12/25/2018 Covenant Of Life 1 Rutherford - 12/26/2018 Fleeing Idolatry, Christmas - 12/31/2018 Covenant Of Life 2 Rutherford - 1/1/2019 Covenant Of Life 3 Rutherford - 1/1/2019 Covenant Of Life 4 Rutherford - 1/1/2019 Covenant Of Life 5 Rutherford - 1/1/2019 Covenant Of Life 6 Rutherford - 1/1/2019 Covenant Of Life 7 Rutherford - 1/1/2019 Covenant Of Life 8 Rutherford - 1/1/2019 Mortification, Sam. Rutherford - 1/3/2019 Covenant Of Life 10 Rutherford - 1/8/2019 Covenant Of Life 11 Rutherford - 1/8/2019 Covenant Of Life 12 Rutherford - 1/8/2019 Covenant Of Life 13 Rutherford - 1/8/2019 Covenant Of Life 14 Rutherford - 1/8/2019 Covenant Of Life 15 Rutherford - 1/8/2019 Covenant Of Life 16 Rutherford - 1/8/2019 Covenant Of Life 9 Rutherford - 1/8/2019 Covenant Of Life 17 Rutherford - 1/15/2019 Covenant Of Life 18 Rutherford - 1/15/2019 Covenant Of Life 19 Rutherford - 1/15/2019 Covenant Of Life 20 Rutherford - 1/15/2019 Covenant Of Life 21 Rutherford - 1/22/2019 Ordinance Of Covenanting 1 - 1/26/2019 Covenant Of Life 22 Rutherford - 2/5/2019 Covenant Of Life 23 Rutherford - 2/5/2019 Terms of Communion #1 - 2/5/2019 Terms of Communion #2 - 2/5/2019 Terms of Communion #3 - 2/5/2019 Terms of Communion #4 - 2/5/2019 Covenant Of Life 24 Rutherford - 2/12/2019 Ordinance Of Covenanting 2 - 2/12/2019 Ordinance Of Covenanting 3 - 2/12/2019 Ordinance Of Covenanting 4 - 2/12/2019 Ordinance Of Covenanting 5 - 2/12/2019 Ordinance Of Covenanting 6 - 2/12/2019 Ordinance Of Covenanting 10 - 2/19/2019 Ordinance Of Covenanting 11 - 2/19/2019 Ordinance Of Covenanting 7 - 2/19/2019 Ordinance Of Covenanting 8 - 2/19/2019 Ordinance Of Covenanting 9 - 2/19/2019 Ordinance Of Covenanting 12 - 2/26/2019 Ordinance Of Covenanting 13 - 2/26/2019 Ordinance Of Covenanting 14 - 2/26/2019 Ordinance Of Covenanting 15 - 2/26/2019 Ordinance Of Covenanting 16 - 2/26/2019 Ordinance Of Covenanting 17 - 3/5/2019 Terms of Communion #5 - 3/5/2019 Ordinance Of Covenanting 18 - 4/23/2019 Ordinance Of Covenanting 19 - 4/23/2019 Ordinance Of Covenanting 20 - 4/23/2019 Ordinance Of Covenanting 21 - 4/23/2019 Ordinance Of Covenanting 22 - 4/23/2019 Ordinance Of Covenanting 23 - 4/23/2019 Ordinance Of Covenanting 24 - 4/23/2019 Ordinance Of Covenanting 25 - 4/30/2019 Ordinance Of Covenanting 26 - 5/7/2019 Ordinance Of Covenanting 27 - 5/21/2019 Ordinance Of Covenanting 28 - 5/21/2019 Ordinance Of Covenanting 29 - 5/28/2019 Ordinance Of Covenanting 30 - 6/4/2019 Ordinance Of Covenanting 31 - 6/11/2019 Ordinance Of Covenanting 32 - 6/18/2019 Ordinance Of Covenanting 33 - 6/25/2019 Ordinance Of Covenanting 34 - 7/2/2019 Ordinance Of Covenanting 35 - 7/9/2019 Ordinance Of Covenanting 36 - 7/16/2019 Ordinance Of Covenanting 37 - 7/23/2019 Ordinance Of Covenanting 38 - 7/30/2019 Ordinance Of Covenanting 39 - 8/6/2019 Ordinance Of Covenanting 40 - 8/13/2019 Ordinance Of Covenanting 41 - 8/27/2019 Prayer 1, Pastor Jim Dodson - 9/4/2019 Prayer 2, Pastor Jim Dodson - 9/7/2019 Ordinance Of Covenanting 42 - 9/17/2019 Ordinance Of Covenanting 43 - 9/17/2019 Ordinance Of Covenanting 44 - 9/17/2019 Ordinance Of Covenanting 45 - 9/24/2019 Prayer 3, Pastor Jim Dodson - 10/22/2019 Prayer 4, Pastor Jim Dodson - 10/29/2019 Prayer 5, Pastor Jim Dodson - 11/5/2019 Prayer 6, Pastor Jim Dodson - 11/12/2019 Prayer 7, Pastor Jim Dodson - 11/19/2019 Prayer 8A, Pastor Jim Dodson - 11/26/2019 Prayer 8B, Pastor Jim Dodson - 12/3/2019 Prayer 9, Pastor Jim Dodson - 12/10/2019 Prayer 10, Pastor Jim Dodson - 12/17/2019 Prayer 11, Pastor Jim Dodson - 12/24/2019 Prayer 12, Pastor Jim Dodson - 12/31/2019 Prayer 13A, Pastor Jim Dodson - 1/7/2020 Prayer 13B, Pastor Jim Dodson - 1/14/2020 Prayer 14, Pastor Jim Dodson - 1/28/2020 Prayer 15, Pastor Jim Dodson - 2/4/2020 Prayer 16, Pastor Jim Dodson - 2/11/2020 Prayer 17, Pastor Jim Dodson - 2/18/2020 Prayer 18, Pastor Jim Dodson - 3/3/2020 Prayer 19, Pastor Jim Dodson - 3/10/2020
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