Psalm 23:1-6 So how can we all help them in their time of need?
Sometimes we feel powerless, and we struggle with what to say. I sat down and jotted down some thoughts that would help me if I was a member of this family. Three simple words represent the gist of the thoughts, all begin with the letter "L."
Listen, Learn and Love
1. Listen: Just listen to them. Listen to their stories about (Nina). Listen as they express their feelings, frustrations, and maybe even fears. They may not be ready to talk just yet, but they will be soon. When they are ready, try to just listen.
2. Learn: Most of you will naturally feel like you have to say something to help, but you don't always. There is nothing we can say that would bring (Nina) back or completely remove all pain ofr those still here, but we can learn so much about her by simply expressing our love.
3. Love: A hug can express more than words. So be a shoulder for them to cry on. There once was an elderly man who lost his wife. When he saw the man cry, a 4-year-old boy who lived next door, climbed onto the man's lap and just sat there. Later, when his mother asked the boy what he had said to their neighbor, the boy replied, "Nothing, I just helped him cry." Sometimes that is the best thing we can do.
Listen. Learn. Love. I hope this little bit of advice helps bring comfort in some way.
Life is not about the house you lived in, the car you drove, or the money you earned. Nothing on earth lasts forever and especially after death. So, in times like these, we realize that there are only three things that last forever:
1. Our God 2. His precious word 3. eternal souls—your soul whether saved or lost will exist forever |