Pastor Jim Savastio | Louisville, Kentucky
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Speaker: Jim Savastio
2,198 sermons
Series: Luke · 169 of 249
In this sermon Pastor Jim expounds on the parable of the rich man and Lazarus. We see two men, one fate, and two destinies.
>Introduction To Luke - 10/3/1999 Zacharias and Elizabeth - 10/3/1999 God's Promise to Zacharias - 10/17/1999 Zacharias' Unbelief - 11/21/1999 Gabriel's Announcement to Mary - 11/28/1999 The Glory of Jesus Revealed - 12/5/1999 Jesus, from Elisabeth & John - 12/12/1999 The Song of Mary Pt 1 - 12/19/1999 The Song of Mary Pt 2 - 12/26/1999 The Birth of John the Baptist - 1/2/2000 The Song of Zacharias - 1/9/2000 The Mission of Jesus - 1/16/2000 John's Calling & Ministry - 1/23/2000 Our Common Testimony - 1/30/2000 The Glory of God Revealed - 2/6/2000 The Birth Announcement - 2/20/2000 The Song of Angels - 2/27/2000 What Will You Do...? - 3/12/2000 Mary's Meditation - 3/26/2000 The Circumcision of Jesus - 4/2/2000 Two Portraits of Righteousness - 4/30/2000 Simeon's Adoration of Christ - 5/14/2000 Simeon's Prophecy - 5/21/2000 Anna - 6/4/2000 The Young Jesus - 6/11/2000 Jesus' Mission Clear - 6/18/2000 The Lord's Growth In Wisdom - 7/2/2000 The Lord's Growth in Stature - 7/16/2000 Jesus' Growth in Favor - 7/23/2000 Jesus' Growth In Favor - 7/30/2000 John's Ministry - 8/20/2000 John's Message Of Repentance - 8/27/2000 The Fruits Of Repentance - 9/2/2000 John Answers The Multitude - 9/10/2000 Being Content - 9/24/2000 The Baptism of the Holy Spirit - 10/1/2000 The Baptism of the Holy Spirit - 10/29/2000 Herod's Imprisonment of John - 11/19/2000 The Baptism of Jesus - 11/26/2000 The Genealogy Of Christ - 12/10/2000 Jesus In The Wilderness - 1/14/2001 The First Temptation of Christ - 1/21/2001 Christ's Second Temptation - 1/28/2001 Christ's Third Temptation - 2/4/2001 Jesus Returns, Power of Spirit - 2/11/2001 Unbelief - 2/18/2001 Jesus' Power and Compassion - 3/4/2001 The Focus of Jesus' Mission - 3/11/2001 The Miraculous Catch - 3/25/2001 The Leper Healed - 4/1/2001 The Healing of the Paralytic - 4/8/2001 Levi's Conversion - 4/22/2001 The Physician Comes - 4/29/2001 Joy in Christ's Presence - 5/13/2001 We Must Be Made New - 5/20/2001 Jesus and The Sabbath - 5/27/2001 Jesus Heals on the Sabbath - 6/10/2001 The Twelve Chosen - 6/17/2001 Biographies of the Apostles - 6/24/2001 Popularity, Preaching, & Power - 7/1/2001 Blessings & Woes: Poor & Rich - 7/8/2001 Blessings & Woes - 7/15/2001 Weeping & Laughter - 7/22/2001 When Men Hate & Speak Well - 7/29/2001 Love Your Enemies - 8/5/2001 Judge Not - 8/12/2001 Can the Blind Lead the Blind? - 8/19/2001 The Speck and The Plank - 9/9/2001 A Tree is Known by It's Fruit - 10/7/2001 Out of The Heart - 10/14/2001 Why Do You Call Me Lord? - 10/21/2001 Solid or Faulty Foundation - 10/28/2001 The Centurion's Servant Healed - 11/11/2001 Jesus Raises The Widow's Son - 12/2/2001 John's Faith Shaken - 12/9/2001 The Commendation of John - 12/16/2001 Two Hearts Exposed - 1/6/2002 The Ministry of Jesus - 6/2/2002 The Gospel and the Heart - 6/9/2002 The Blessing of Obedience - 6/16/2002 The Calm in the Storm - 6/23/2002 A Man In His Right Mind - 6/30/2002 Luke 8:40-56 - 7/7/2002 Shaking the Dust - 7/14/2002 Who is this Jesus? - 7/21/2002 He Who Meets All Our Needs - 7/28/2002 The Son of God - 8/18/2002 Why the Christ Must Suffer - 8/25/2002 Take Up Your Cross - 9/8/2002 No Profit in the World - 9/15/2002 The Coming of the Kingdom - 10/6/2002 The Transfiguration of Christ - 10/13/2002 A Faithless Generation - 10/20/2002 Let These Words Sink - 11/3/2002 Pride - 11/10/2002 The Pride of Sectarianism - 11/17/2002 The Purpose of Christ's Coming - 12/1/2002 The Cost of Discipleship - 12/8/2002 The Cost of Discipleship - 12/9/2002 Sending Out the 70 - 12/15/2002 When the Kingdom is Near - 1/12/2003 Rejoice, Your Name is Written - 1/19/2003 Our Sovereign King - 1/26/2003 Our LORD's Authority - 2/2/2003 Our LORD's Sovereignty - 2/9/2003 Testing the LORD - 2/23/2003 The Neighborly Samaritan - 3/9/2003 Martha and Mary - 3/23/2003 A Survey of the LORD's Prayer - 3/30/2003 The LORD's Prayer - 4/27/2003 Hallowed Be Your Name - 5/4/2003 Your Kingdom Come - 5/11/2003 Your Will Be Done - 5/25/2003 Our Daily Bread - 6/1/2003 Forgive Us Our Sins - 6/9/2003 Deliver Us from Evil - 6/15/2003 Persistent Prayer - 7/6/2003 Expectant Prayer - 7/13/2003 The Gift of the Holy Spirit - 7/20/2003 The Kingdom of God Upon You - 7/27/2003 Gathering or Scattering - 8/3/2003 A Warning Against Apostasy - 8/10/2003 Blessedness: Obedient Believer - 8/17/2003 The Sign of the Son of Man - 8/24/2003 The Lamp of the Body - 9/7/2003 Religious Externalism - 9/21/2003 Portrait of True Righteousness - 9/28/2003 The Danger of Spiritual Pride - 10/19/2003 Weighing Men Down with Burdens - 11/2/2003 The Rejection of God's Truth - 11/16/2003 Leaven and Hypocrisy - 12/7/2003 The Scourge of the Fear of Man - 12/15/2003 God's Love Casting Out Fear - 12/21/2003 Confessing Christ - 12/28/2003 The Unpardonable Sin - 1/4/2004 The Promised Aid of the Spirit - 1/11/2004 Beware of Covetousness - 1/18/2004 Losing the World and Your Soul - 2/8/2004 The Sin of Anxiety - 2/15/2004 Seeking God's Kingdom - 2/22/2004 Open Hands and Heavenly Hearts - 2/29/2004 Being Ready - 3/7/2004 To Whom Much is Given - 4/18/2004 Fire and Water - 4/25/2004 The Division Brought By Jesus - 5/2/2004 Discerning the Times - 5/16/2004 Unless You Repent - 5/23/2004 The Necessity of Bearing Fruit - 5/30/2004 Woman, You Are Loosed! - 6/6/2004 The Kingdom of God - 6/13/2004 The Narrow Gate - 6/20/2004 The Necessity of the Cross - 6/27/2004 Pleading For Jerusalem - 7/4/2004 Jesus is LORD of the Sabbath - 7/18/2004 Self Exaltation Condemned - 8/1/2004 Self Denial & he Resurection - 8/8/2004 The Terms of Discipleship - 8/22/2004 This Man Receives Sinners - 8/29/2004 The Lost Son - 9/26/2004 The Prodigal Son - 10/10/2004 The Elder Brother - 10/24/2004 The Unjust Steward - 11/7/2004 The Stewardship of Money - 11/14/2004 One Can't Serve Two Master - 11/21/2004 Men's High Esteem - 12/5/2004 Pressing Into the Kingdom - 12/12/2004 Enduring Power of God's Law - 1/9/2005 Divorce and Remarriage - 1/18/2005 The Terrors of Hell - 1/30/2005 Beyond the Grave - 2/13/2005 The Reality of Hell - 2/20/2005 The Glories of Heaven - 2/27/2005 Eternity & the Believer - 3/6/2005 A Dreadful Woe - 3/13/2005 Forgiveness - 3/20/2005 Unprofitable Servants - 4/10/2005 A Thankful Spirit - 4/17/2005 Kingdom of God is Within You - 4/24/2005 Suffering Before Glory - 5/8/2005 So Shall The Coming Of The Son - 5/22/2005 Prayer And The Coming - 5/29/2005 Self-Righteousness and Hatred - 6/5/2005 Entering Kingdom As Children - 6/26/2005 Rich Young Ruler - 7/3/2005 Nothing Impossible - 7/10/2005 True Discipleship Rewarded - 7/17/2005 The Cross - 7/31/2005 Jesus, Have Mercy On Me! - 8/7/2005 Zacchaeus, Pt.1 - 8/21/2005 Great Sinner and Great Savior - 8/28/2005 Parable Of The Ten Minas - 10/2/2005 The Triumphal Entry - 10/9/2005 The Broken-Hearted Savior - 10/16/2005 The Cleansing of the Temple - 10/30/2005 Parable of Rejection - 11/13/2005 Render to God - 11/27/2005 The Sadducees and Resurrection - 12/4/2005 Whom Did Jesus Say That He Was - 12/11/2005 Beware of the Scribes - 12/18/2005 The widows generosity - 1/8/2006 Temple's Destruction Predicted - 1/22/2006 Revelations, Counsels Of Jesus - 1/29/2006 The Destruction of Jerusalem - 2/5/2006 The Destruction of Jerusalem - 2/12/2006 Plot To Kill Jesus - 4/23/2006 Jesus' Passion For Passover - 4/30/2006 Exposition on Lord's Supper - 5/7/2006 God Sovereign, Man Responsible - 5/14/2006 Kingdom Math - 5/21/2006 The Disciples Commended - 5/28/2006 When Satan Sifts, Jesus Prays - 6/4/2006 Peter's Denial Foretold - 6/18/2006 Looking to God in the Ordinary - 6/25/2006 Watch and Pray - 7/9/2006 What Was In The Cup? - 7/23/2006 The Agony of Jesus - 8/6/2006 Rise and Pray - 8/27/2006 Betrayed With A Kiss - 9/3/2006 Jesus Betrayed and Abandoned - 9/17/2006 Peter's Denial - 9/24/2006 Applications: Peter's Denial - 10/1/2006 Jesus-Tried and Triumphant! - 10/8/2006 Suffered Under Pontius Pilate - 10/15/2006 Jesus Condemned By Pilate - 10/29/2006 Two Striking Encounters - 11/5/2006 The FIrst Word From the Cross - 11/12/2006 Jesus, King of the Jews - 11/26/2006 The second word from the Cross - 12/10/2006 Lessons From Two Dying Men - 12/17/2006 The Third Word From the Cross - 12/24/2006 The Cry of Abandonment - 1/7/2007 The Seventh Word On the Cross - 2/4/2007 The Veil Torn In Two - 2/18/2007 What Happened when Jesus died? - 2/25/2007 What Happened when Jesus died? - 3/4/2007 What happened when Jesus died? - 3/11/2007 The Burial of Jesus - 5/13/2007 The Women and the Open Tomb - 5/20/2007 Do you believe God? - 6/24/2007 A Message for Peter - 7/1/2007 Jesus Appears to the Travelers - 7/8/2007 The Christian's Affections - 8/2/2007 Jesus in the Old Testament - 8/19/2007 The Disciple's Burning Hearts - 8/26/2007 Be Joyful and Believe - 9/30/2007 Jesus Opens Our Understanding - 10/7/2007 Only Message The Church Needs - 10/14/2007 Our Lord's Ascension - 11/4/2007 Highlights Of Luke - 11/11/2007
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Bill Patton (1/11/2008)from Fremont, California
Excelent Sermon on a not so popular subject It is good to occasionally think about Hell, so that we can appreciate the love of our God, who paid for our sins while we were yet sinners, so that we would not have to go to eternal Hell, which we justly deserve.
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