Speaker: Paul Flynn
942 sermons
#353 Leighton Flowers Interviews 'Former Calvinist' Who Hated Calvinism
Leighton Flowers recently put out an episode of Soteriology 101 called 'A Lead Pastor Leaves Calvinism and Apologizes to his Congregation', but is it as he claims?
>#300 M Brown, J White & Bethel - 1/13/2018 #301 Bethel's New Age Theology - 1/15/2018 #302 Jordan Peterson on Ch4 - 1/20/2018 #303 Bethel's 'Glory Cloud' - 1/23/2018 #304 R. Scott Clark Interview - 2/1/2018 #305 M Brown & the Trinity - 2/3/2018 #306 Ben Shapiro - 2/10/2018 #307 Jordan Peterson - 2/13/2018 #308 Homosexuality - 2/20/2018 #309 Billy Graham's Legacy - 2/24/2018 #310 Justin Peters Interview - 3/3/2018 #311 Anti-Calvinism - 3/6/2018 #312 John Piper & Works - 3/9/2018 #313 Francis Chan & Criticism - 3/24/2018 #314 Bethel & Original Sin - 3/27/2018 #315 Pope Francis & Hell - 3/31/2018 #316 Adrian Rogers & Calvinism - 4/3/2018 #317 T Anyabwile's Racism - 4/7/2018 #318 P Tripp & Social Justice - 4/14/2018 #319 Kirkland's Anti-Calvinism - 4/17/2018 #320 Book Review Michael Brown - 4/21/2018 #321 Modern Tongues & 1 Cor 14 - 4/24/2018 #322 Scripture &Charismaticism - 4/30/2018 #323 Conrad Mbewe Interview - 5/7/2018 #324 Ireland & Baby Killing - 5/26/2018 #325Called to Gospel Ministry? - 5/29/2018 #326 Ireland Contra Pro-Life - 6/2/2018 #327 Andy Stanley's Marcionism - 6/9/2018 #328 Covenant of Works in Eden - 6/12/2018 #329 Anti-Calvinism Refuted - 6/16/2018 #330 Islam & 'Islamicize Me' - 6/23/2018 #331 IFBs Contra Calvinists - 6/26/2018 #332 P Robertson on Religion - 6/30/2018 #333 V Beeching's Book Review - 7/7/2018 #334 LGBT Downgrade - 7/10/2018 #335 Decalogue and Philosophy - 7/18/2018 #336 Revoice Host - 7/21/2018 #337 Prophecy & M Chandler - 7/28/2018 #338 The SJW Invasion - 9/3/2018 #339 Calvinism & Mike Winger - 9/15/2018 #340 Statues of Christ - 9/22/2018 #341 Why I Signed SJ&G - 10/6/2018 #342 Gossip,Keller & MacArthur - 10/8/2018 #343 Ashers Victory & LGBT - 10/12/2018 #344 Evangelism & M Chandler - 10/15/2018 #345 Andy Stanley's Beliefs - 10/19/2018 #346 State of Theology in UK - 10/22/2018 #347 Refuting Tom Nash - 11/3/2018 #348 Todd Friel's View of KJV - 11/5/2018 #349 Megachurch:False Converts - 11/10/2018 #350 Trips to Heaven - 11/26/2018 #351 Canon, KJV & Criticism - 12/1/2018 #352 A Fluid Canon? - 12/3/2018 #353 Calvinist Anti-Calvinist? - 12/7/2018 #354 Pelagianism Vs TULIP - 12/15/2018 #355 Bishop Barron w/ Shapiro - 12/18/2018 #356 L Flowers & A Stanley - 12/21/2018 #357 Cultural Christianity - 12/25/2018 #358 WP Films, Gospel & Hell - 2/11/2019 #359 Wm Lane Craig & Inerrancy - 2/18/2019 #360 J.D. Greear on Romans 1 - 3/11/2019 #361 Greear Pro-LGBT Rights - 3/16/2019 #362 Israel Folau & LGBT - 4/12/2019 #363 Grace, Merit and Works - 4/15/2019 #365 Francis Chan & Rome - 4/25/2019 #366 Joel Osteen Debunked - 4/30/2019 #367 God's Wrath & Atonement - 5/3/2019 #368 SJW Racism & the Gospel - 5/7/2019 #369 Unborn Child Human? - 5/10/2019 #370 Beth Moore & Authority - 5/14/2019 #371 Alabama's Abortion Ban - 5/17/2019 #372 'LGBT Christianity' - 5/24/2019 #373 Facing this Fallen World - 5/28/2019 #374 Todd White & Bill Johnson - 5/31/2019 #375 The Attack on the Family - 6/4/2019 #376 Christian Views on Islam - 6/7/2019 #377 Wrong with Francis Chan? - 6/14/2019 #378 T White's Error on Christ - 6/18/2019 #379 Brown&Flowers - Calvinism - 6/28/2019 #380 False Prophet Mark Taylor - 7/2/2019 #381 Greg Johnson's SSA, & PCA - 7/5/2019 #382 Revoice & LGBT Suicide - 7/9/2019 #383 Abortion/SSM & M Driscoll - 7/12/2019 #384 Steven Anderson & Agros - 7/16/2019 #385 Transgender Tyranny - 7/19/2019 #386 Steven Furtick's Errors - 7/23/2019 #387 Mark Driscoll, Reformed? - 7/26/2019 #388 Joshua Harris' Apostasy - 7/30/2019 #389 Blamed on Calvinism - 8/2/2019 #390 Todd White Is K. Copeland - 8/6/2019 #391 Repent for Salvation? - 8/9/2019 #392 God's Warnings & Promises - 8/13/2019 #393 Kris Vallotton, Sinless? - 8/16/2019 #394 Calvinism: Q&A LIVE SHOW - 8/20/2019 #395 LGBT Church Inclusion? - 9/24/2019 #396 Jordan B. Peterson - 10/3/2019 #397 Wright & Women Preachers - 12/3/2019 #398 Genesis 6 & the Giants - 12/10/2019 #399 Chuck Missler on Nephilim - 12/17/2019 #400 They Won't Go to Church - 12/24/2019 #401 Francis Chan to Rome? - 1/14/2020 #402 "Law of Attraction" Error - 1/28/2020 #407 Alexander Henderson - 3/27/2020 #408 The Westminster Assembly - 4/1/2020 #409 Justification &the Gospel - 4/3/2020 #410 N.T. Wright: Coronavirus - 4/6/2020 #411 Conspiracy Theories - 4/8/2020 #412 LGBTQ Inclusion Refuted - 4/13/2020 #413 Struggles With Assurance - 4/14/2020 #414 Pre-Trib Rapture Theology - 4/17/2020 #415 Reasons Not to Fear - 4/24/2020 #417 Kris Vallotton - Heretic - 4/29/2020 #418 Todd White's "Gospel" - 5/4/2020 #419 Why Have We Been Created? - 5/6/2020 #421 Victory Over the Grave - 5/15/2020 #422 Second Eve? Rach Jankovic - 5/18/2020 #423 Francis Chan Defends NAR - 5/27/2020 #424 Trinity, Revelation & God - 5/29/2020 #425 Riots & PC "Woke" Racism - 6/9/2020 #426 God's Almighty Power - 6/12/2020 #427 Are Dreams for Today? - 6/16/2020 #428 WOKE BLM Religion - 6/19/2020 #429 The Creator and Sustainer - 7/28/2020 #430 Why Reformed Theology? - 8/6/2020 #432 Francis Chan-Little gods? - 8/28/2020 #433 John Eliot & the Indians - 9/1/2020 #434 WLC on Romans 9 - 9/4/2020 #435 Tim Keller & White Guilt - 9/28/2020 #437 The Power of the Keys - 5/18/2021 #438 Acts15 The Keys of Synods - 5/25/2021 #439 Romanism is NOT Christian - 6/1/2021 #440 The Folly of Atheism - 6/8/2021 #441 The Providence of God - 6/15/2021 #442 "Angelic Visitations" - 6/22/2021 #443 LGBTQ & Parents - 6/29/2021 #444 The Source of Misery: Sin - 7/13/2021 #445 Schimmel's Anti-Calvinism - 7/20/2021 #446 The Covenant of Grace - 7/27/2021 #447 Hillsong Pastor & Gospel - 8/10/2021 #448 W Lane Craig vs Gen 1-11 - 8/17/2021 #449 True God, True Man - 8/24/2021 #450 Visits to Heaven? - 9/7/2021 #451 LGBT & Apostasy in Wales - 9/14/2021 #452 Refuting Pelagianism - 9/21/2021 #453 Original Sin&Pelagianism - 9/23/2021 #454 Prophet, Priest & King - 10/1/2021 #455 J. Peterson Believe God? - 10/12/2021 #456 Todd White's Blasphemy - 10/21/2021 #457 The Law & The Gospel - 10/26/2021 #458 Christ: Our Exalted King - 10/28/2021 #459 Climate of Fear - 11/2/2021 #460 The Blessings of Christ - 11/4/2021 #461 Election & Effectual Call - 11/11/2021 #462 Trans Ideology Mayhem - 11/16/2021 #463 Justification&God's Love - 11/18/2021 #464 LGBT Anarchy & Tyranny - 11/23/2021 #465 God's Grace Changes Us - 12/7/2021 #466 A Plea to Face Tyranny - 1/11/2022 #467 The Glorious Gospel - 1/18/2022 #468 Elon Musk &Life's Meaning - 1/25/2022 #469 Coming Day of Judgement - 2/2/2022 #470 False Teachers & Prophets - 2/16/2022 #471 Russell Brand on God - 2/24/2022 #472 Testimonies of Hell? - 3/3/2022 #473 Blessed in Hostile World? - 3/10/2022 #474 Aimee Byrd Preaches - 3/17/2022 #475 The Moral and Eternal Law - 3/23/2022 #476 LGBT Abandon Christianity - 4/7/2022 #477 What it Means to Love God - 4/18/2022 #478 A Christian Agnostic?! - 5/7/2022 #479 Tests of Godly Commitment - 5/10/2022 #480 Politics Vs Faith? - 5/16/2022 #481 Loving Your Neighbour - 6/18/2022 #482 Reacting to Roe V Wade - 6/29/2022 #483 The Internet's Dangers - 7/5/2022 #484 Dave Rubin is NOT Married - 7/8/2022 #485 Redefining Marriage - 7/18/2022 #486 Leaving the Church - 7/20/2022 #487 Knowing & Loving Jesus - 7/26/2022 #488 Standing for the Truth - 8/5/2022 #489 Getting the Bible Wrong - 8/16/2022 #490 Joel Osteen's Gospel - 8/23/2022 #491 Deserving God's Wrath - 8/24/2022 #492 Lose Your Salvation? - 10/7/2022 #493 Sent by God to Preach - 10/11/2022 #494 Abortion & Babylon Bee - 10/17/2022 #495 Don't Neglect Your Church - 10/17/2022 #496 What are NT Sacraments? - 7/25/2023 #497 Christian Creeds - 8/1/2023 #498 Swearing to Creeds - 8/8/2023 #499 Creeds & Liberty - 8/15/2023 #500 Hell & Its Consequences - 8/22/2023 #501 Richard Dawkins Debunked - 8/29/2023 #502 Improving Your Baptism - 9/12/2023 #503 Reformed Worship: Lev 10 - 9/19/2023 #504 “Drag Sunday” at Woke Ch - 9/26/2023 #505 The Lord’s Supper #WLC - 10/3/2023 #506 Female Elders & Vows - 10/10/2023 #507 Modern Gender Roles - 10/12/2023 #508 Assurance & NT Sacraments - 10/17/2023 #509 Charismatic History - 10/24/2023 #510 Joel Beeke on the KJV - 2/3/2024 #511 Pray in the Name of Jesus - 2/10/2024 #512 Servants of Antichrist - 2/15/2024 #513 An Antidote for Preaching - 3/13/2024 #514 Calvinism Misunderstood - 3/23/2024 #515 God Without Passions - 4/13/2024
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