Rev. John Shaw | Columbus, Ohio
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Speaker: Jonathan Shishko
223 sermons
>Our Inheritance in Christ - 3/20/2005 Genesis 18:1-8 - 5/22/2005 God's Purposes in Disaster - 9/11/2005 Give Thanks to God Forever - 11/23/2005 Prince of Peace - 12/25/2005 God's Word & our High Priest - 2/12/2006 Sincerety with Truth - 4/9/2006 An Easter Sermon - 4/16/2006 Life in God's Covenant - 4/23/2006 A Baptism Sermon - 6/4/2006 The Joy of the Lord (part 1) - 7/30/2006 The Joy of the Lord (part 2) - 8/6/2006 The Heart of Missions - 10/1/2006 What about the Book of Acts? - 10/1/2006 Holy Spirit, Vicar of Christ - 10/29/2006 A New Year's Sermon-Part 1 - 12/31/2006 A New Year's Sermon-Part 2 - 12/31/2006 The TEST of Abraham's Faith - 2/4/2007 The OBJECT of Abraham's Faith - 2/4/2007 Knowing the Resurrected Christ - 4/8/2007 Virginia Tech. Killings - 4/22/2007 The Danger of Childish Demands - 8/26/2007 Regarding the Animals - 9/2/2007 Renewing Your Mind - 9/9/2007 Wealth of Nations Shall Come - 12/23/2007 Fellowship, Things Indifferent - 3/16/2008 A Portrait of a Deacon - 6/29/2008 Paul & the Philippian Jailer - 11/2/2008 Violent Repentance - 2/1/2009 Open Eyes - Burning Hearts - 4/12/2009 The Church and the Truth - 10/25/2009 The Elders' Ministry - 12/6/2009 Your Debts Crossed Out - 4/2/2010 Mary and the Resurrected Jesus - 4/4/2010 The Estate of Humiliation - 8/22/2010 The Skull Crushing Fellowship - 11/14/2010 Of Prostitutes and Christmas - 12/19/2010 Wondering & Treasuring - 12/19/2010 The True Death of Shame - 12/26/2010 Why We Can Trust God - 1/9/2011 An Invitation to the Weary - 2/20/2011 Why I Seek Pardon from God - 3/20/2011 Jesus' Prayer on the Cross - 3/20/2011 Glory in the Church - 3/27/2011 Glorifying God - 3/27/2011 Very Many, Very Dry - 4/3/2011 Certainty of Your Salvation - 4/3/2011 The Mystery of Godliness - 4/10/2011 Beyond Systematic Theology - 4/10/2011 Faith: God's Work - 6/26/2011 The Wall Is Broken Down! - 6/26/2011 The Hope of Heaven - 7/3/2011 Church of the Broken-hearted - 7/10/2011 The OPC and Singing - 7/10/2011 Mary's Song - 12/18/2011 A New Year's Sermon: Hope - 1/1/2012 God's Holiday (Pt 2 of series) - 2/11/2012 To Convert or Not (Part 1) - 2/11/2012 Work and Witness - 2/11/2012 Receiving Christ's Benediction - 10/14/2012 Jesus Appears To His Disciples - 3/31/2013 The Gospel Applied - 9/15/2013 The Heart of False Worship - 10/13/2013 The Good News of the Kingdom - 10/20/2013 The Way of Love, the Way of Ch - 11/3/2013 Weighing Ways and Motives - 11/10/2013 For Want of the Word - 11/17/2013 Mystery of Kingdom Progress - 12/15/2013 A Shocking Conversion - 1/19/2014 Danger of Declension - 3/9/2014 The Success of the Gospel - 4/13/2014 I Commend You to God - 4/27/2014 Preparing the Way of the Lord - 5/11/2014 The Riches of Christ - 6/8/2014 Reconciled in Christ - 6/22/2014 As the Lord Your God Lives - 1/25/2015 A More Excellent Way - 3/8/2015 The Wedding at Cana - 10/4/2015 Danger of Settling into Sin - 10/18/2015 What Belongs to Us... - 11/1/2015 God Is Love - 11/15/2015 Vestments and Views - 1/17/2016 Implications - 1/24/2016 Christ is the Jubilee - 3/6/2016 Jesus Christ the Righteous - 3/6/2016 God's Single Handed Deliverer - 3/13/2016 Be Strong and Courageous - 4/3/2016 Following Jesus - 4/3/2016 To the Twelve Tribes Dispersed - 5/1/2016 To the Twelve Tribes Dispersed - 5/8/2016 Romans 11:1-12 - 5/29/2016 Unashamed of the Gospel - 7/10/2016 Hearers and Doers - 8/7/2016 Be Transformed - 8/28/2016 May I Be Found in Him - 9/18/2016 An Open Door to Restoration - 10/16/2016 What Happened to Jesus - 10/16/2016 Christ the Head of All - 10/30/2016 These Words Shall Be on Your.. - 11/20/2016 In Him and With Him - 11/27/2016 Alone with God - 3/5/2017 Out of the Whirlwind - 7/16/2017 Words Tested, Shield Strong - 7/30/2017 A Senseless Slaughter - 8/27/2017 A King with Integrity - 9/17/2017 Little Girl, I Say to You Rise - 10/29/2017 The Siege - 11/5/2017 God's Covenant Faithfulness - 12/3/2017 The Disillusioned Prophet - 12/10/2017 What's in a Name? - 12/17/2017 Born To Conquer - 1/14/2018 Savior, the Sinner/Simon - 2/18/2018 The Sweet and Awful Providen.. - 2/18/2018 An Unfathomable Salvation - 3/11/2018 The Gospel According to Sower - 3/18/2018 Redemed by Precious Blood - 3/25/2018 Strengthened in the Lord - 3/25/2018 Jesus is Lord - 4/1/2018 The God-Man and the Sea - 4/15/2018 Where Is Your Treasure - 4/29/2018 Jesus' Daughters - 5/20/2018 Discerning Minds - 5/27/2018 The Great King [sic] - 6/10/2018 Do Not Fear - 7/22/2018 Sufferings of Present Time - 8/12/2018 Comforting One Another - 9/2/2018 Heirs of God - 10/28/2018 Enjoying God; His Counsel - 11/18/2018 Room at Jesus's Table - 12/30/2018 A call of repentance - 3/10/2019 The Ruling Elders in Heaven - 3/17/2019 Providence Through Trials - 3/17/2019 Can Dogs Really Go to Heaven? - 6/23/2019 Faith & It's Unexpected Fruit - 7/21/2019 Idols of the Heart - 8/11/2019 God is "Agape" - 9/15/2019 God's Multicultural World - 9/22/2019 No Idle World! - 10/27/2019 The Shepherds' Fear - 12/24/2019 With Liberty and Jubilee for.. - 2/9/2020 Hush Before The Lord, All Th.. - 3/22/2020 An Election Season Sermon - 10/4/2020 Holy, Holy, Holy - 11/1/2020 The Calling of a Deacon - 3/28/2021 Exodus - 4/4/2021 Finding Certainty - 5/23/2021 The Great Question - 6/13/2021 Our Father - 6/20/2021 The Death of Fear - 7/25/2021 Subversive Love - 9/26/2021 Facing the Hard Questions - 10/24/2021 From Defeat to Delight - 12/12/2021 From Barren to Bearing - 12/26/2021 The Beginning of the Victory.. - 1/2/2022 A Life Verse - 3/13/2022 The Absurdity of Factions - 3/20/2022 The Household of God - 5/8/2022 Abiding Secure - 5/22/2022 How to Pursue Holiness Witho.. - 5/22/2022 Now I Commend You To God - 5/29/2022 When the Kindness and Love o.. - 6/12/2022 An Invitation to the Life of.. - 6/26/2022 A Heart with Empty Hands - 6/26/2022 The Echo of Eternity - 7/3/2022 A Home We Cannot Lose - 7/24/2022 The Looking Glass of the Soul - 8/14/2022 The Touch of Heaven - 8/28/2022 How Patient is Jesus? - 9/4/2022 The Heart of Our Hope - 9/11/2022 One-Anothering - 9/18/2022 Hanged on a Tree - 9/25/2022 The Key to a Full and Joyful.. - 9/25/2022 Love: A Primal Virtue - 10/30/2022 One in Him - 12/4/2022 Balm for the Embalmed - 4/9/2023 Always Abounding - 5/21/2023 Marching Orders - 5/28/2023 Benediction - 5/28/2023 The Last Words of Jesus - 7/16/2023 The Spirit of Life - 7/23/2023 Who is Like God? - 1/19/2025 Hesed, Charis, Grace - 2/2/2025
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Jonathan Shishko
One in Him Occasional Sermons Grace OPC
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