Ken Wimer | Shreveport, Louisiana
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Speaker: Ken Wimer
6,073 sermons
The Testimony of John the Baptist [Umboni wa Yohane Mbatizi paza Yesu Khristu]
How was John the forerunner of Jesus? How did John bear record of the Son of God? Does a witness show that he's true when he's consistent? Why did God say He would send Elijah after his death but it was John the Baptist?
>International Worship 03/11/17 - 3/11/2017 International Worship 03/18/17 - 3/18/2017 International Worship 03/25/17 - 3/25/2017 International Worship 04/01/17 - 4/2/2017 International 04/08/17 Full - 4/9/2017 Int'l Worship 04/15/17 Full - 4/15/2017 International Worship 04/22/17 - 4/22/2017 International Worship 04/29/17 - 4/29/2017 International Worship 05/06/17 - 5/7/2017 International Worship 05/20/17 - 5/20/2017 International Worship 05/27/17 - 5/28/2017 International Worship 06/03/17 - 6/3/2017 International Worship 06/10/17 - 6/10/2017 International Worship 06/24/17 - 6/24/2017 International Worship 07/01/17 - 7/1/2017 International Worship 07/08/17 - 7/8/2017 International Worship 07/15/17 - 7/16/2017 International Worship 07/29/17 - 7/30/2017 International Worship 08/05/17 - 8/5/2017 International Worship 08/12/17 - 8/12/2017 International Worship 08/19/17 - 8/19/2017 International Worship 08/26/17 - 8/26/2017 International Worship 09/09/17 - 9/9/2017 International Worship 09/23/17 - 9/23/2017 International Worship 09/30/17 - 9/30/2017 International Worship 10/07/17 - 10/7/2017 International Worship 10/21/17 - 10/21/2017 International Worship 10/28/17 - 10/28/2017 International Worship 11/11/17 - 11/11/2017 International Worship 11/25/17 - 11/25/2017 International Worship 12/02/17 - 12/2/2017 International Worship 12/09/17 - 12/9/2017 International Worship 12/16/17 - 12/16/2017 International Worship 12/30/17 - 1/5/2018 The Temple of the Living God - 12/30/2018 Free in Christ - 1/4/2019 The City of God - 1/6/2019 Redeemed by Christ - 1/11/2019 The River of Life - 1/13/2019 Christ is All - 1/18/2019 Christian Grace and Conduct - 1/25/2019 Born of God - 1/27/2019 All Things in Jesus Name - 2/4/2019 The Importance of Prayer - 2/8/2019 Believing On Christ - 2/10/2019 Walking in Wisdom - 2/16/2019 What it is to Believe on Jesus - 2/17/2019 Fellow Brethren in Christ - 3/3/2019 The Eternal God - 3/8/2019 Fellow Workers - 3/11/2019 Greeting the Brethren - 3/15/2019 The God of Glory - 3/17/2019 God Has Spoken - 3/22/2019 Salvation of Lost Sinner - 3/24/2019 Conversion of a Lost Sinner - 3/29/2019 God Who Is Light - 4/12/2019 Prayers for the Church - 4/14/2019 The Light of the World - 4/19/2019 Beloved and Chosen of God - 4/21/2019 The First Man Adam - 4/26/2019 Preaching the Gospel of God - 4/28/2019 Death Burial and Resurrection - 5/3/2019 Fellowship in Christ - 5/5/2019 The End Times - 5/10/2019 Comforting in Faith - 5/12/2019 The Reigning Christ - 5/17/2019 A Walk Pleasing to God - 5/19/2019 God's Righteous Judgements - 5/24/2019 Sanctified Unto the LORD - 5/26/2019 A Life of Sanctification - 6/2/2019 Not One Righteous - 6/7/2019 God's Righteousness Fulfilled - 6/14/2019 The Believer's Hope - 6/16/2019 Boasting Excluded - 6/21/2019 Faith of Abraham and David - 6/28/2019 The Day of the LORD - 6/30/2019 How God Justifies Sinners - 7/5/2019 Sudden Destruction - 7/7/2019 The Righteousness of Faith - 7/12/2019 Christ Our Hope and Comfort - 7/14/2019 Believing God - 7/26/2019 Words of Exhortation - 7/28/2019 The Fruits of Justification - 8/2/2019 Living Under God's Grace - 8/4/2019 Christ' Care for His Church - 8/11/2019 Death in Adam, Life in Christ - 8/16/2019 Patience and Faith - 8/18/2019 Grace Reigns in Righteousness - 8/23/2019 God's Vengeance on His Enemies - 8/25/2019 The Spirit of Anti-Christ - 9/1/2019 Christ the Chief Cornerstone - 9/6/2019 The Falling Away [Chipatuko] - 9/8/2019 Chosen to Salvation - 9/15/2019 A Chosen Generation - 9/20/2019 The LORD is Faithful - 9/22/2019 Strangers and Pilgrims - 9/27/2019 Living by Grace - 9/29/2019 A Song of Praise - 10/6/2019 Christ Our Great Example - 10/11/2019 Wells of Salvation - 10/13/2019 Husbands & Wives Instruction - 10/18/2019 Worshipping God in Truth - 10/20/2019 True Beauty Before the LORD - 10/25/2019 Jesus Christ the Son of God - 10/27/2019 Christ the Light and Life - 11/10/2019 The Word Made Flesh - 11/17/2019 Followers of Christ - 11/23/2019 Grace & Truth By Jesus Christ - 11/24/2019 The Only Begotten Son - 12/1/2019 Living For Christ - 12/6/2019 A Good Conscience Before God - 12/21/2019 Testimony of John the Baptist - 12/22/2019 The Sufferings of Christ - 12/27/2019 Christ the Lamb of God - 12/29/2019 This Is The Son Of God - 1/5/2020 Sons of God by Grace - 1/10/2020 Seeking Christ - 1/12/2020 The End is Near - 1/17/2020 Rejoicing in Christ Sufferings - 1/24/2020 Suffering According God's Will - 1/31/2020 Feeding the Flock of God - 2/7/2020 Be Sober and Vigilant - 2/14/2020 Unity in the Gospel - 2/21/2020 Manna Typifies Christ - 2/23/2020 Unleavened Typifies Christ - 3/1/2020 Faith, Grace and Peace - 3/7/2020 All Things Needful in Christ - 3/13/2020 Calling & Election Sure - 3/20/2020 Necessary Reminders - 3/27/2020 A Sure Word of Prophecy - 4/3/2020 Warning False Preachers - 4/10/2020 Beware of False Teachers - 5/8/2020 False Teaching Described - 5/29/2020 The Reward of Unrighteousness - 6/5/2020 Those Who Turn Back - 6/19/2020 Scoffers and Mockers - 6/26/2020 The Longsuffering of God - 7/3/2020 As a Thief in the Night - 7/10/2020 Growing in Grace - 7/17/2020 A Savior is Born - 7/24/2020 Glory to God in the Highest - 7/31/2020 Made Under the Law - 8/7/2020 A Testimony to the Redeemer - 8/21/2020 The Child Jesus [Mwana Yesu] - 9/4/2020 The Revelation of God's Son - 9/11/2020 Jesus Superior to Angels - 9/25/2020 Jesus Son of Righteousness - 10/2/2020 The Son of God Reigns - 10/9/2020 So Great a Salvation - 10/16/2020 Christ the Son of Man - 10/23/2020 Christ the Seeking Merchant - 1/8/2021 Grace Upon the Elected Sinner - 5/21/2021 The Elect Will Hear My Voice - 5/28/2021 Full of Grace and Truth - 5/30/2021 Hope In the LORD - 7/9/2021 Sealed by the Spirit - 7/11/2021 Moses' Prayer to God - 7/16/2021 Christ the Rock - 7/18/2021 Fishers of Men - 7/23/2021 Following Christ - 7/25/2021 Enemies of Christ - 8/1/2021 Understanding God's Judgments - 8/6/2021 The God Who Reigns - 8/8/2021 Waiting On God - 8/15/2021 The Just Shall Live By Faith - 8/20/2021 Four Woes [Matsoka anai] - 8/23/2021 A Prayer for Revival - 8/27/2021 The Power of God - 9/3/2021 Afflictions of the Righteous - 9/12/2021 Election of God - 9/26/2021 Spirit Helps Our Infirmities - 10/10/2021 The Work of the Spirit - 10/24/2021 Christ the Rock - 10/29/2021 The Lion of Judah - 10/31/2021 Gathering the People Unto Him - 11/7/2021 The Faith [Chikhulupiliro] - 11/15/2021 The Mystery of The Faith - 11/21/2021 Suffering For Christ - 11/28/2021 Fear Not [Usaopa] - 12/5/2021 Dry bones [Mafupa ouma] - 12/10/2021 The Work of an Evangelist - 12/19/2021 Preaching God's Whole Counsel - 12/26/2021 The Church of the LORD.. - 12/31/2021 Watchfulness - 1/9/2022 The Parable of Two Builders - 1/16/2022 Intro to Things Old & New - 1/21/2022 Parable Old Things Made New - 1/23/2022 Parable of the Sower and Seed - 2/6/2022 The Parable of the Soils - 2/13/2022 Parable of the Fig Tree - 2/20/2022 Parable of Wheat and Tares - 2/27/2022 Parable of the Good Samaritan - 3/4/2022 Who Is My Neighbor? - 3/6/2022 The Parable of the Rich Fool - 3/13/2022 Parable of the Growing Seed - 3/22/2022 Parable of the Mustard Seed - 3/25/2022 Parable of the Hidden Leaven - 3/27/2022 Parable of the Hidden Treasure - 4/3/2022 Parable of the Net - 4/12/2022 Christ Revealed in the Heart - 4/15/2022 Parable of the Householder - 4/17/2022 The Seeking Shepherd Parable - 4/24/2022 Parable of Finding A Lost Coin - 5/1/2022 Christ the Peace of His People - 5/6/2022 Parable of the Lost Son - 5/13/2022 Free from the Law - 5/18/2022 Law Kills Christ Makes Alive - 5/20/2022 Parable of the Lost Son - 5/22/2022 Preach the Only Sent Message - 6/3/2022 Parable of the Elder Brother - 6/5/2022 Life is the Gift from God - 6/11/2022 Parable of the Unjust Steward - 6/12/2022 Thomas' Absence - 6/18/2022 The Faithful Steward - 6/19/2022 Parable of Two Sons - 6/26/2022 I Have Reserved for Myself - 7/1/2022 Parable of the Wicked Servants - 7/3/2022 Grace Saves But Law Kills - 7/8/2022 Parable of the Cornerstone - 7/10/2022 Parable of the Wedding Feast - 7/17/2022 Parable of the Budding Tree - 8/8/2022 Knowing the Mystery of God P2 - 8/12/2022 Parable of the Porter - 8/14/2022 Parable of the Master - 8/21/2022 Parable of the Bridegroom - 8/28/2022 Parable of the Ten Virgins - 9/4/2022 My Covenant [Pangano Langa] - 9/12/2022 My Salvation - 9/16/2022 Parable of the Talents - 9/18/2022 Parable of the Wicked Servant - 9/25/2022 Importance of Holy Scriptures - 10/7/2022 Rich Man in Torment Parable - 10/9/2022 The God of Time - 10/21/2022 Parable of Persevering Prayer - 10/23/2022 The Patience of God is Real - 10/28/2022 Parable of Two Men Praying_.. - 11/6/2022 Weakest Clan in Manaseh - 11/11/2022 Who Makes Us to Differ - 11/13/2022 Fire from the Rock - 11/18/2022 Parable of the Landowner [Fani - 11/20/2022 Christ Jesus our Hope of Glory - 11/25/2022 Parable of Complaining Workers - 11/29/2022 New Wine and Old Wineskins - 12/4/2022 The Finished Work - 12/9/2022 Wise Serpents & Gentle Doves - 12/11/2022 Christ is the Way - 12/30/2022 Salvation A Free Gift - 1/13/2023 Freely Given - 2/3/2023 Jesus The True Vine (Yesu Mp.. - 2/5/2023 Hearing [Kumva] - 2/17/2023 Joseph the picture of Jesus - 2/24/2023 The Healing Savior [Mpulumut.. - 8/11/2024 Faith, the Gift from God - 8/16/2024 The Shepherd Seeking His Sheep - 8/18/2024 LORD of the Harvest - 8/25/2024 Complete in Christ - 8/30/2024 Messengers of Christ - 9/1/2024 Confessing Christ - 10/27/2024 The Day the LORD Hath Made - 11/10/2024 At His Feet [Kumapazi Ake] - 11/15/2024 The LORD of the Sabbath - 12/8/2024 The Unpardonable Sin - 12/29/2024 The Good Tree [Mtengo Wabwino] - 1/5/2025 Christ the Only Foundation - 1/10/2025
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