Who is the Holy Spirit? 02 John 14:16 Who exactly is the Holy Spirit?The Holy Spirit Is God's Voice In Our Lives.The passage where I want to begin is John 14 where Jesus is spending His final days with His disciples. He is preparing them for His death, burial, resurrection, and ascension back to the Father. In these final, vital words of preparation, He promises to send them the Holy Spirit.Throughout the New Testament we see examples of the Holy Spirit speaking to believers. For instance:1) Peter,2) The Early Church at Antioch.I want you to see that the Holy Spirit lives and abides in every believer.Romans 8:9 says if you don't have the Spirit, you don't belong to Christ.The Holy Spirit Is God's Confirming Voice In The Believer.God can use the scriptures, people, events, circumstances, etc., as channels to communicate to you--BUT--it is the Holy Spirit that relays and confirms the message.The Holy Spirit uses a person, event, or circumstance to speak... but He does the speaking!The Holy Spirit is how God confirms His message, will and direction to us through scriptures, people, circumstances, events, etc.So our goal is to learn to listen to the Holy Spirit and let the Holy Spirit be the interpreter of every life event or circumstance. |