Few people have time to think about the really important questions in life. They are busy just making ends meet, having fun and solving problems. If asked the question, why were you born, their first thought may be, what are you talking about, I don't have time to think about things like that, but a question like that can change a life. We are easily overwhelmed with life's details and we lose sight of what it is all about. Like a brick layer focusing on how many bricks he is laying every day no longer thinks about what he is building or how important it is or who will benefit by his work. In this message there are three questions asked and answered, that can help us pause and consider what our daily efforts are putting together, as we hurriedly stack one day on another like building blocks of life.
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John Neidlinger
Three Questions Our Timeless Creator Re-edited Our Timeless Creator Inc.
The speaker would like you to know this about this series of messages. He became a new creature, (2 Cor 5:17) on May 20 1973. At that moment the reality of GOD’s existence and the direct connection to the Bible became miraculously clear. Overwhelmed with excitement he began...