Christmas Bell (Rejoice Hymnal #200)
1. Jesus the preeminent. v1: Come we merrily on Christmas morn To the place where Christ was born. Kneel we rev'rently before His feet. Wiseman, shepherd there we meet. Hear we angels singing of His birth, "Peace, good will to men upon the earth." Go we joyously the world to tell; Ring we merrily the Christmas Bell!
2. Jesus the prophesied v2: This is He whom the bards foretold; Bring Him incense, myrrh, and gold. This the Babe Whom the psalmists sing; Crown Him Prophet, Priest, and King!
3. Jesus the sacrifice v2, cont: He will live a sinless life; He will die a sacrifice. He will rise and remove death's sting; Hear the Christmas Bell we ring!
4. Jesus the conqueror v3: Ring the bell for the world to hear; Death and hell should hold no fear. This sweet Babe in a manger bed Hath the pow'r to raise the dead. He hath keys to hell's domain; In His hands the serpent's chain.
5. Jesus the acclaimed v 3, cont: At His feet ev'ry knee shall bow, As the ox and the as do now. v 4: Ev'ry bell in the world should ring, Giving honor to our King! Bells of silver, bronze, and gold; Bells of iron that ring out bold. Let them all with one accord Peal out welcome to our Lord.
6. Jesus the hope v4, cont: Tell to sinners far and near, Jesus Christ, God's Son is here! |