The time had arrived. God had orchestrated history, had sent out his faithful preachers, and had distributed His word in the Greek language. The stage was set for the most important person in history to enter history and make all things new. According to God’s vantage point, history was merging on a mountain top experience. However, the average person did not see it this way. God had been silent for 400 years sent the prophet Malachi. The nation of Israel had not recovered the international prominence as in the days of King David and Solomon. Israel had gone through the Babylonian captivity, the rise of the Medo-Persian empire, and the return of the remnant to the land to rebuild the Temple and the Walls of Jerusalem. They has seen the Greeks under Alexander the Great sweep through and spread the Hellenistic culture and the use of the Greek language. The Romans overcome the Greeks, established the Pax Romana (Roman Peace), and built road systems through the known world. Israel had been set aside. The people were oppressed. The worship was stale. Lips were offering praise, but many hearts were far from God. There were a faithful few who were looking for the consolation (comfort of encouragement) of Israel (Luke 2:25). On a quiet night, “silent night, holy night” as we often sing, the Savior was born. |