Speaker: Jason Cooley
2,621 sermons
Satan's Sorcerers Always Oppose The Gospel
>Giants & Their Grave Sites - 7/2/2019 Giants-Ancient IndianTestimoy - 7/5/2019 Giants In Europe, Nephilim.. - 7/11/2019 Giants Found in South America - 7/20/2019 Nephilim Tools&Structures - 7/23/2019 American Boy Destroyed-Shooter - 8/11/2019 Jesuit General-Antichrist ID - 9/12/2019 AI Preachers Beast666 - 9/23/2019 KanyeWest:TransformCounterfeit - 9/30/2019 Baphomet's Kids-Androgyny - 10/1/2019 NWO Churches-Antichrist Houses - 10/7/2019 Halloween&Churches-Tricked? - 10/9/2019 Rapture Study:Tribulation.. - 10/16/2019 The Rapture: Is It.. - 10/23/2019 John MacArthur- Moore Go Home! - 10/25/2019 Peter 2.0-First Cyborg-.. - 10/29/2019 MacArthur on Paula White-Kanye - 11/4/2019 Pope Worships GoddessPachamama - 11/5/2019 Sabbath Keepers RefutedHebRoot - 11/13/2019 Post Trib Proofs-.. - 11/17/2019 Kanye West,Dr.Dre - 11/22/2019 Ellen G White-MarkofBeast - 11/26/2019 Ellen G White&Familiar Spirits - 12/1/2019 Evan.Transgender Tranformation - 12/7/2019 Church Shooters&Self Defense - 12/30/2019 Ruckmanism&Multiple Gospels - 1/7/2020 Marijuana:Christians&Weed - 1/14/2020 Kobe Bryant:CelebritySalvation - 2/2/2020 Super Bowl & J-Lo Blasphemy - 2/3/2020 Catholic Necromancy-Rosary - 2/5/2020 AI Microchip For Mental Health - 2/9/2020 VR & Familiar Spirits - 2/16/2020 She Pastors Examined&Refuted - 3/27/2020 Nation of Narcs:Tattle Tales - 4/20/2020 Homeschool Haters&SBC Jezebels - 4/25/2020 HyperDip Multi-Gospels Refuted - 5/4/2020 Pope Pays Prostitutes - 5/10/2020 Medical Mafia,The Mark&The.. - 5/12/2020 2 Pastors -Bible Q&A - 5/21/2020 George Floyd-Police State - 5/28/2020 Mnpls Burns:Antifa,BLM&AGENTS - 5/29/2020 MNLPS Riots&Race Baiters - 6/1/2020 Fatherless homes &Black Lives - 6/4/2020 Black Lives Matter&Woke Cult - 6/8/2020 Beast Breath Down Church Neck - 7/1/2020 Sorcery Against Christians - 7/8/2020 Magic Enchantment&Incantations - 7/9/2020 Giant Creatures Defy Evolution - 7/12/2020 Mask Mandates,Vaccines-NWO - 7/23/2020 Masks,Vaccines&Fetal Cells - 8/7/2020 Backslider:Causes&Duty Recover - 8/12/2020 CCM,Sods& Joel Osteen's Cube - 8/14/2020 Antifa Thug Mace OPBC.. - 8/25/2020 Womens Suffrage, Feminism100yr - 8/29/2020 Mask Shaming,Weather Witches - 9/2/2020 Paradigm:Police,Antifa Anarchy - 9/6/2020 States Fake Homeschool Psyop - 9/11/2020 BLM Witches & Familiar Spirits - 9/14/2020 Ruth B Ginsburg-Feminist - 9/19/2020 The Tempters Trap:Tempting God - 10/1/2020 Pence Mansplaining&CovidChurch - 10/10/2020 Rock Stars:Devil Possession - 10/14/2020 State Sponsored Child Abuse - 10/20/2020 Jesuit,Mason&Presidents - 10/22/2020 Covid Kill-Depression lockdown - 10/26/2020 Election 2020-Trump/Biden - 11/2/2020 Election Aftermath: 2020 Psyop - 11/7/2020 Politicians Steal Thanksgiving - 11/16/2020 Election Theatre:Planned Chaos - 11/23/2020 Deer Hunting,Humility& Life.. - 12/3/2020 Satans Sorcerers Oppose Gospel - 12/12/2020 Giants,Molech&Hells Gates - 12/21/2020 Capitol Chaos:Patriot Psyop - 1/6/2021 Trumped 2.0 Saga of A Psyop - 1/11/2021 Trump Trap:Washington DC.. - 1/14/2021 Deborah-What's A Prophetess? - 1/16/2021 Patriotism,Trump&USA Churches - 1/18/2021 Trump Out,Biden In-NWO Cont - 1/21/2021 Snopes Attacks Creationism - 2/8/2021 Satan Provokes Saints&Defense - 2/19/2021 OPBC Live: Ministry Update,.. - 3/1/2021 70 Reasons To Rejoice Now! - 3/2/2021 Feminism-Fall of Woman - 3/8/2021 Another Jesus-Sodomite Christ - 3/10/2021 501c3 Churches ChainedTo State - 3/17/2021 Backslidings&Recovery - 3/22/2021 Slaying Goliath:Spirit Warfare - 4/3/2021 The Spirit of Envy-Beware!.. - 4/5/2021 Farrakhan, Crowley & UFO's - 4/7/2021 Are You An Angel Like Abigail? - 4/18/2021 The Woke Jesus:Another Christ - 5/1/2021 The World Hates the.. - 5/8/2021 Gay Men Choir:Coming For Kids - 7/10/2021 Zeus: God Of The Olympics - 8/6/2021 Crypto-Babylon&Afghanistan - 8/20/2021 Murder of Gabby Petito-Lessons - 9/23/2021 Electronic Immortality&Cyborgs - 10/1/2021 Schools:Cannabilism,Kinsey - 10/24/2021 Kanye West is a Master.. - 11/7/2021 Lets Go Brandon QAnon Apostasy - 11/17/2021 Pets Over Parenting-Unnatural - 2/7/2022 Fallen Angels Super Heroes, - 3/11/2022 Klaus Schwab WEF,Great Reset - 3/18/2022 Russia&Ukraine Psyop Deep Fake - 3/24/2022 Bilderberg2022:Trump,Epstein - 6/4/2022 Rick Warren Jesuit Plant&SBC - 6/18/2022 Roe Vs Wade -Whats it Mean? - 6/24/2022 Hard Times To Be A Christian - 6/30/2022 Satanic Church FalseConversion - 7/6/2022 Transgender Takeover Of Women - 7/15/2022 Lesbian Lutherans&Apostasy - 8/6/2022 10 Things About Heaven - 8/17/2022 Trump-FBI Raid Psyop - 8/17/2022 Sabbath Keepers Vs 1st Day - 8/24/2022 7 Things Not in Heaven - 8/28/2022 Christian Warriors Strength - 9/5/2022 King Charles&Great Reset -NWO - 9/16/2022 EMINEM False Gospel-Masonic - 9/19/2022 Christian Tarot Cards-Occult - 9/23/2022 Sacred Feminine, Shekinah &NIV - 9/26/2022 Female Preachers Are Witches - 9/30/2022 Destroying the VictimMentality - 10/7/2022 Birth Control:Silent Abortion - 10/24/2022 Election 2022 Aftermath - 11/11/2022 Mormons Go Gay Marriage-Why? - 11/19/2022 Masonic Mormonism-Joseph Smith - 11/21/2022 Trump,Repub,Dems-All NWO - 12/26/2022 NWO Right/Left Paradigm? - 12/30/2022 Origen:Father of False Bibles - 1/4/2023 Jesuit New World Order - 1/7/2023 How Wolves Attack - 1/25/2023 Andy Stanley&SBC Sodomite - 1/28/2023 Are You Offended At God-Danger - 2/1/2023 Big Box IFB Colleges -Effemi.. - 2/3/2023 AI, Aliens,Algorithms:Gods&B.. - 2/4/2023 European Evangelism-PleasePray - 2/8/2023 America A Heathen Nation- - 2/8/2023 Super Bowl-Romes CircusMaximus - 2/14/2023 Call Me Marah:Bitter Believers - 2/15/2023 Old Paths European Evangelism - 2/16/2023 Satan's Sifting&Saints Falling - 3/13/2023 Walk in the Spirit:But How? - 9/3/2023 Lucifer's Preachers:Disguised - 10/12/2023 Danger of Discontentment &Cure - 11/19/2023 Henry Killinger Kissinger - 12/7/2023 Pagan Origins of Ash Wednesday - 2/29/2024 Did Man Walk on the Moon? - 3/4/2024 Gender Roles In Feminist World - 3/7/2024 Fornication-End Times Apostasy - 3/10/2024 The CIA Owns AI: Propaganda - 3/15/2024 Beta Males, Feminist Preachers - 3/18/2024 Your Authority?Bible vs Heart - 3/30/2024 Canada's Hate Speech Laws-L@@K - 4/1/2024 Trumps Patriotic Bible-PSYOP - 4/7/2024
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