Speaker: Jeremy Preece
116 sermons
All Things Are Possible With God (Mk 10)
Would we cheerfully give up all we had to follow Christ? Perhaps we, like the rich young man in Mark 10, might grieve the loss of possessions, yet still obey, because of Christ's incredible power to save us.
>Poured Out - 5/12/2021 The Gift of Grace - 5/19/2021 Justified By Faith - 5/26/2021 Humility of the Call (Eph.. - 6/2/2021 Every Spiritual Blessing.. - 6/10/2021 Christ Our Redeemer (Eph.. - 6/17/2021 The Mystery of His Will.. - 7/1/2021 Marked By God (Eph 1:13-14) - 7/11/2021 Hearing Is Believing (Eph.. - 7/18/2021 To The Praise of His Glory.. - 7/29/2021 Wisdom, Understanding.. - 8/6/2021 Far Above All Others (Eph.. - 8/13/2021 But God... (Eph 2:1-5) - 8/21/2021 By Grace, For Works - 8/29/2021 Citizens of the Promise.. - 9/5/2021 Of God's Household (Eph.. - 9/11/2021 The Prisoner of Christ (Eph.. - 9/18/2021 The Revelation of God's.. - 9/25/2021 Least of All Saints (Eph 3:8) - 10/3/2021 Mystery Hidden in God (Eph.. - 10/9/2021 Boldness and Confidence.. - 10/23/2021 Do Not Lose Heart (Eph 3:13) - 10/31/2021 Comprehending Christ's Love.. - 11/14/2021 The Power At Work Within Us.. - 11/22/2021 All Things Are Possible.. - 12/1/2021 A Manner Worthy (Eph 4:1-3) - 12/8/2021 One In Christ (Eph 4:4-6) - 12/18/2021 The Shepherds and the Lamb.. - 12/21/2021 The Humility of Christ's.. - 1/1/2022 Christ's Gift of Those Who.. - 1/8/2022 Unified in Truth (Eph 4:14-16) - 1/21/2022 Unified in the Body of.. - 1/29/2022 Put On The New Self (Eph.. - 2/11/2022 Speak Truth (Eph 4:25) - 2/16/2022 Godly Anger (Eph 4:26) - 2/26/2022 The Purpose of Work (Eph 4:28) - 3/12/2022 Words of Grace (Eph 4:29) - 3/19/2022 Do Not Grieve the Holy.. - 4/3/2022 Walking In The Spirit (Eph.. - 4/13/2022 Firstborn From The Dead.. - 4/22/2022 Imitators of God (Eph 5:1-2) - 5/1/2022 Living Obediently (Eph 5:3-5) - 5/9/2022 Children of Light (Eph 5:6-12) - 5/19/2022 Exposed By The Light (Eph.. - 5/30/2022 Making the Most of Our Time.. - 6/11/2022 Pride & Humility - 6/18/2022 Making Melody With Your.. - 7/3/2022 Husbands & Wives (Eph 5:22-30) - 7/10/2022 A Heavenly Mystery (Eph.. - 7/24/2022 Children and Fathers (Eph.. - 7/30/2022 Serving With A Sincere.. - 8/12/2022 Be Strong In The Lord (Eph.. - 8/20/2022 Stand Firm! (Eph 6:13-14) - 8/27/2022 Spiritual Armor (Eph 6:15-17) - 9/2/2022 Pray In The Spirit (Eph 6:18) - 9/17/2022 Praying Beyond Our.. - 9/24/2022 Paul's Final Greetings (Eph.. - 10/10/2022 Introduction to Philippians - 10/15/2022 Bondservants of Christ (Phil.. - 10/28/2022 Grace To You (Phil 1:1-2) - 11/8/2022 He Who Began A Good Work In.. - 11/16/2022 The Joy of Being Thankful (P.. - 11/22/2022 Approve What Is Excellent (P.. - 12/15/2022 Courage To Speak The Word of.. - 12/20/2022 Our Motives in Ministry (Phi.. - 1/2/2023 Whether By Life or By Death.. - 1/15/2023 To Live Is Christ (Phil 1:21.. - 1/31/2023 Pressing On For His Glory (P.. - 2/11/2023 Striving Together For The Fa.. - 2/19/2023 To Suffer For His Sake (Phil.. - 2/26/2023 If There Is Any... (Phil 2:1.. - 3/12/2023 With Humility of Mind (Phil.. - 3/19/2023 He Humbled Himself (Phil 2:5.. - 4/2/2023 The Name Above Every Name (P.. - 4/15/2023 Work Out Your Salvation (Phi.. - 4/29/2023 Without Grumbling (Phil 2:14.. - 5/13/2023 Share Your Joy (Phil 2:17-18) - 6/3/2023 Kindred Spirit (Phil 2:19-22) - 7/8/2023 Epaphroditus: Brother, Worke.. - 7/22/2023 Rejoice In The Lord! (Phil 3.. - 8/13/2023 Beware! (Philippians 3:2-3) - 8/27/2023 Counted As Loss (Phil 3:3-7) - 9/4/2023 Surpassing Value of Knowing.. - 9/17/2023 Knowing Christ & Christ Know.. - 10/1/2023 The Upward Call of Christ (P.. - 10/17/2023 Have This Attitude (Phil 3:1.. - 11/4/2023 Following a Good Example (Ph.. - 11/11/2023 Enemies of the Cross (Phil 3.. - 11/30/2023 Citizens of Heaven (Phil. 3:.. - 12/16/2023 Stand Firm in the Lord (Phil.. - 1/11/2024 In the Book of Life (Phil. 4.. - 1/20/2024 Rejoice in the Lord, Always!.. - 2/4/2024 Be Anxious for Nothing (Phil.. - 2/10/2024 The Peace of God (Phil 4:7) - 2/17/2024 Dwell On These Things (Phil... - 3/3/2024 I Can Do All Things (Phil. 4.. - 3/27/2024 Giving and Receiving (Phil... - 4/3/2024 A Fragrant Aroma (Phil. 4:18.. - 4/23/2024 Greet Every Saint (Phil. 4:2.. - 4/28/2024 Introduction to Colossians - 5/26/2024 By The Will Of God (Col. 1:1.. - 6/3/2024 The Father of Our Lord Jesus.. - 6/13/2024 Hope Laid Up In Heaven (Col... - 6/24/2024 Bearing Fruit (Col. 1:5-6) - 7/6/2024 Our Beloved Fellow Servant.. - 7/20/2024 Spiritual Wisdom and Underst.. - 8/31/2024 Walk In A Manner Worthy (Col.. - 9/19/2024 Giving Thanks To The Father.. - 9/29/2024 The Image of the Invisible G.. - 10/22/2024 By Him All Things Were Creat.. - 11/1/2024 Recap of Colossians 1:1-16 - 1/5/2025 In Him All Things Hold Toget.. - 1/13/2025 Reconciled To God (Col. 1:18.. - 1/25/2025 Holy and Blameless (Col. 1:2.. - 2/2/2025 Rejoice In Suffering (Col 1:.. - 2/17/2025 The Mystery Hidden for Ages.. - 3/3/2025
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