Speaker: Leonard Ravenhill
445 sermons
Spiritual Olympics - by Leonard Ravenhill
Spiritual Olympics by Leonard Ravenhill
>Questions Of The World To Man - 6/1/2007 Becoming Mature in God - 6/29/2007 Willing to Drink His Cup? - 7/2/2007 Exceeding Sinfulness of Sin - 7/2/2007 Learning To Be A Minister - 7/7/2007 The Greatest Prayer - 7/8/2007 Prayer in Revival-by Ravenhill - 7/10/2007 Oh, America, America! - 7/24/2007 Revival - by Leonard Ravenhill - 7/24/2007 Elijah-He Prayed - 7/25/2007 The Holy Ghost - 7/26/2007 Elijah - by Leonard Ravenhill - 8/1/2007 Revival Sermon - sufferings - 8/4/2007 Sodom Had No Bible - 8/4/2007 Travailing in Prayer - 8/10/2007 Laughing Pastors Rebuked - 8/12/2007 Pure Heart and Pure Church - 8/12/2007 Revival (Joseph) - 8/12/2007 Are We Longing for Repentance - 8/16/2007 Christ Magnified In Our Bodies - 8/21/2007 Acts of the Apostles - 8/29/2007 God is Worthy of Worship - 8/29/2007 Jacob Meeting God - 8/29/2007 The Glory of God - 8/29/2007 Fruit of the Vine - 8/30/2007 Go Weeping - Come Rejoicing - 8/30/2007 His Majestic Birth - 8/30/2007 Revival Series - Series 01A/07 - 8/30/2007 Revival Series - Series 01B/07 - 8/30/2007 Revival Series - Series 02/07 - 8/30/2007 Revival Series - Series 03/07 - 8/30/2007 Revival Series - Series 04/07 - 8/30/2007 Revival Series - Series 05/07 - 8/30/2007 Revival Series - Series 06/07 - 8/30/2007 Revival Series - Series 07/07 - 8/30/2007 Satan and Endtimes - 8/30/2007 Suffer Here or Suffer There - 8/30/2007 Take Time To Be Holy - 8/30/2007 The Bride of Christ - 8/30/2007 The Cost of Discipleship - 8/30/2007 The Cost of Worship - 8/30/2007 The Price of Revival - 8/30/2007 Pure In Heart Shall See God - 8/30/2007 Tokens of His Compassion - 8/30/2007 True Revival - 8/30/2007 We Are The Lord's - 8/30/2007 Who's Touching the Ark - 8/30/2007 Anahiem Talk on Revival - 9/1/2007 A Pure Heart - 9/5/2007 Hebrews - Overview - Part 01 - 9/8/2007 Hebrews - Overview - Part 02 - 10/21/2007 Hebrews 2 - Moses - 10/25/2007 Hebrews 3 - Cain and Abel - 10/26/2007 Hebrews 4 - Repentance - 10/26/2007 Hebrews 5 - Abel and Enoch - 10/26/2007 Hebrews 6 - Noah - 10/26/2007 Hebrews 7 - Power in Weakness - 10/26/2007 Hebrews 8 - Faith - 10/26/2007 It Is Finished - 11/25/2007 Birth & Death, Christian Life - 12/7/2007 Do these things move you - 1/1/2008 Preventing Christ's Return - 1/31/2008 Alone - Abandonment - 2/8/2008 As In The Days Of Noah & Lot - 3/30/2008 Either Pentecost or Holocaust - 4/24/2008 Baptism of Repentance - 4/30/2008 What is Your Life - Ravenhill - 4/30/2008 Behold He Prayeth - 1 Year! - 5/27/2008 Revival Forum 89 - Ravenhill - 5/31/2008 Be Holy In All Conversation - 7/1/2008 Be Still (Psalm 46) - 7/2/2008 Can you say I am not ashamed? - 7/3/2008 John 7:37 - By Ravenhill - 7/8/2008 Desperate Prayer - by Ravenhil - 7/9/2008 Filling that which is filled - 7/20/2008 Esther - Prayer Meeting - 8/1/2008 Fire - Prayer Meeting - 8/2/2008 Fire of God - 8/2/2008 Galatians 4 & 19 - Prayer Mtg. - 8/3/2008 Genesis 32 by Leonard Ravenhil - 8/6/2008 Giant Joshua - 8/6/2008 Give Me Souls Or I'll Die - 8/14/2008 Go Hide Thyself - 8/17/2008 God's Covenant With Man - 8/30/2008 Three-Fold Vision - 8/30/2008 Habitation - Leonard Ravenhill - 8/31/2008 Judgment Seat of Christ - 9/2/2008 Moved by the Holy Ghost - 9/2/2008 Paul's Preaching... - 9/3/2008 Hannah's Effectual Prayer - 9/6/2008 He That Saith - 9/13/2008 Hell Has No Exits - Forever - 9/16/2008 Heroes In Hebrews - 9/19/2008 Holiness & Righteousness - 9/21/2008 I Beseech Thee - 10/25/2008 I Have All - I Am Full - 11/1/2008 I have appeared unto thee 1 - 11/7/2008 I have appeared unto thee - 2 - 11/10/2008 I Will Come Again - 11/11/2008 Work a work not believed - 11/13/2008 Intimacy with God - 11/22/2008 The Voice of God - 11/22/2008 Washed With Fire - 11/22/2008 If any man be in Christ - Pt 1 - 11/30/2008 If any man be in Christ - Pt 2 - 1/11/2009 If any man be in Christ - Pt 4 - 1/18/2009 Isaiah 64 - Leonard Ravenhill - 1/18/2009 I've Come to do Thy Will - 1/22/2009 Jeremiah by Leonard Ravenhill - 1/25/2009 Job - by Leonard Ravenhill - 1/25/2009 John did no miracles - 1/25/2009 Leonard Ravenhill's Memorial - 1/27/2009 Lost dimension in Christians - 1/27/2009 Lowliness of mind - 1/27/2009 You Are My Friends - 1/27/2009 Moses and Exodus 33 - 2/21/2009 Most Holy Faith - 3/10/2009 My Peace - Leonard Ravenhill - 4/5/2009 Paul's Advice to Timothy - 4/10/2009 Psalm 51 -by Leonard Ravenhill - 4/12/2009 Purity and Fire - All 4 parts - 4/24/2009 Repent, Repent, Repent - 4/24/2009 Resurrection Power of Jesus - 5/4/2009 Revival by Leonard Ravenhill - 5/10/2009 Romans 7 vs Romans 8 - 5/12/2009 Romans 8.28 Leonard Ravenhill - 5/24/2009 Samson - by Leonard Ravenhill - 5/27/2009 Sharing-Time - by Ravenhill - 6/10/2009 To Live is Christ, Die is Gain - 6/15/2009 So Panteth My Soul - 7/1/2009 Strengthen Me Just Once - 7/1/2009 The Church That is, Is not the - 7/1/2009 The Days of Noah - 7/1/2009 The Holy of Holies - 7/1/2009 The incandescent Man - 7/1/2009 The Indestructible Man - 7/2/2009 The spirit of a true prophet - 7/4/2009 Vine and the Branches - 7/4/2009 Who are God's annointed - 7/4/2009 Will Ye Also Go Away - 7/4/2009 Witness of the Spirit - Part 1 - 7/4/2009 Witness of the Spirit - Part 2 - 7/4/2009 Woe Lo Go - The Vision - 1955 - 7/4/2009 Woe, Lo, and Go - Pt 1-3 of 4 - 7/4/2009 Woe, Lo, and Go - Part 4 - 7/4/2009 Worship (Part 1 of 3) - 7/4/2009 Worship (Part 2 of 3) - 7/4/2009 Worship (Part 3 of 3) - 7/4/2009 Worship beyond prayer & praise - 7/4/2009 Worship defined - 7/4/2009 Ye Are Yet Carnal - 7/4/2009 Your Reasonable Service - 8/5/2009 Weeping Between Porch & Altar - 8/21/2009 Tokens of His Compassions - 9/10/2009 1 Corinthians 13 - part 2 - 9/18/2009 Abraham and Lot - 9/18/2009 Accountability to God - 9/18/2009 Birth & Death In The Christian - 9/18/2009 Books I Recommend - 9/18/2009 Deeper Waters - 9/18/2009 The Witness Of The Spirit - 9/18/2009 Fresh revelation of Jesus - 9/19/2009 John the Baptist, fire of God - 9/19/2009 He Is Able - 9/20/2009 Intercessory Prayer - 9/20/2009 Monday Night - 9/20/2009 More than Conquerors - 9/20/2009 No Man Greater Than Prayer - 9/22/2009 Revival Series - 10/6/2009 Ye must be born again - 10/6/2009 The End Times - 10/9/2009 1 Corinthians 13 - part 1 - 1/1/2010 A Burning Heart - 1/3/2010 Baptismal Of Fire - 2/18/2010 Psalms 51 - Exceeding Sins - 2/18/2010 The Beauty Of Holiness - 2/18/2010 Thoughts on 2 Timothy 2:15 - 2/18/2010 Church That Is, Isn't - 2/28/2010 Mounting up w/ eagles wings - 2/28/2010 Faith Series - Part 1 of 2 - 3/4/2010 Faith Series - Part 2 of 2 - 3/4/2010 Prayer Demands Sanctification1 - 3/4/2010 Prayer Demands Sanctification2 - 3/4/2010 Sin Of The World - by Leonard - 3/5/2010 Sermon on the Mount 1 - 3/14/2010 Sermon on the Mount 2 - 3/14/2010 Sermon on the Mount 3 - 3/14/2010 Sermon on the Mount 5 - 3/14/2010 Sermon on the Mount 6 - 3/14/2010 Beatitudes - Part 10 of 10 - 4/6/2010 Beatitudes - Part 3 - 4/6/2010 Beatitudes - Part 4 of 10 - 4/6/2010 Beatitudes - Part 5 of 10 - 4/6/2010 Beatitudes - Part 6 of 10 - 4/6/2010 Beatitudes - Part 7 of 10 - 4/6/2010 Beatitudes - Part 8 of 10 - 4/6/2010 Beatitudes - Part 9 of 10 - 4/6/2010 Eternity -by Leonard Ravenhill - 5/16/2010 What Is the Secret - 5/28/2010 Freedom from Bondage Romans - 6/1/2010 Gethsemane's Cup - 6/2/2010 Grieving The Spirit - 6/2/2010 He Spared Not His Own Son - 6/3/2010 Hebrews 11 - Part 1 of 7 - 6/4/2010 Hebrews 11 - Part 2 of 7 - 6/4/2010 Hebrews 11 - Part 3 of 7 - 6/4/2010 Hebrews 11 - Part 4 of 7 - 6/4/2010 Hebrews 11 - Part 5 of 7 - 6/4/2010 Hebrews 11 - Part 6 of 7 - 6/4/2010 Hebrews 11 - Part 7 of 7 - 6/4/2010 Four Anchors - 6/26/2010 Holiness of God - 6/26/2010 Mounting with Wings - 6/26/2010 Preach the Word - 6/26/2010 The Majesty of Our God - 6/26/2010 Word of Reconciliation - 6/26/2010 Holiness - 6/27/2010 Practical Problems - 6/27/2010 The 2nd Coming of Christ - 6/27/2010 The Baptism of Love - 6/27/2010 The Vine and the Branches - 6/27/2010 Where Is The Secret - 6/27/2010 Clouds of Glory - 6/28/2010 Crucified With Christ - 6/28/2010 Beginning Faith - 7/3/2010 Elijah and Other of Like Faith - 7/3/2010 Here's My Life - 7/3/2010 Is That Old Man Dead - 7/3/2010 Moved By The Holy Ghost - 7/3/2010 Renewing Of Life - 7/3/2010 Types in Hebrews 11 - 7/3/2010 Is The Lord Among Us Or Not - 7/7/2010 Peter, John & the Cripple - 7/7/2010 True Power - 7/7/2010 Power in the Christian Life - 7/7/2010 Prophecy Of Jesus - 7/7/2010 Stopping the Power of Darkness - 7/7/2010 Such As I Have - 7/7/2010 The Cross by Leonard Ravenhill - 7/7/2010 Abiding In Christ - 7/13/2010 His Tongue is an Unruly Member - 7/13/2010 Last Day, That Great Day - 7/13/2010 Mature in God - 7/13/2010 Anointing Of The Holy Spirit - 7/13/2010 The Fire Of God - 7/13/2010 The Resurrection - 7/13/2010 The True Vine - 7/13/2010 Take Heed, Lest You Fall - 7/15/2010 David and Goliath - 7/24/2010 How Much Could You Lose - 7/24/2010 Questions and Answers - 7/24/2010 Samson, God's Superman - 7/24/2010 Suffering With Jesus Christ - 7/24/2010 The Anatomy of Prayer - 7/24/2010 The Sheep, Silver and Sons - 7/24/2010 The Whole Armour of God - 1 - 7/24/2010 The Whole Armour of God - 2 - 7/24/2010 The Whole Armour of God - 4 - 7/24/2010 Three Prayers by Leonard Raven - 7/24/2010 Threefold Vision - 7/24/2010 Will You Also Go Away - 7/24/2010 Heroes in Hebrews - 7/29/2010 Eyes On Eternity - 7/31/2010 Hebrews 11:23-33 - 7/31/2010 Living To Die - 7/31/2010 Love-Portrait of - 7/31/2010 Lowliness of Mind - 7/31/2010 Paul - A Man of Passion - 7/31/2010 Pulling Down Strongholds - 7/31/2010 Revival Praying - 7/31/2010 Stephen, Full of Faith & Power - 8/13/2010 The Bride Prepared - 8/13/2010 The Church's Strength & Secret - 8/13/2010 The Cost That Counts - 8/13/2010 The Cry of Sodom - 8/13/2010 The Perils of Paul - 8/13/2010 The Power Of Faith - Alone - 8/13/2010 Trust And Obey - Part 1 & 2 - 8/13/2010 What is the Secret - 1 & 2 - 8/13/2010 Where is Your Strength - 8/13/2010 Worship - Preoccupation With - 8/13/2010 Worship - Then Prayer - 8/13/2010 Worship In The Beauty - 8/13/2010 Be Strong And Do Exploits - 8/23/2010 Living Hope Thru Rssurrection - 8/23/2010 1 Kings 16-18 - 8/26/2010 Excellency of Knowing God - 8/26/2010 Go Hide Thyself Elijah - 8/26/2010 I Am Thy Strength and Shield - 8/26/2010 Micah's Idols & Priest Problem - 8/26/2010 Men Like Noah - 8/31/2010 Needed - A Broken Body - 9/1/2010 Prayer - Matthew 6 - 9/2/2010 The Majesty of God - 9/3/2010 Post Resurrection of Christ - 9/4/2010 Vision For The Unsaved World - 9/6/2010 How much can you lose... - 9/7/2010 The Man God Tore Apart - 1 - 9/7/2010 The man God tore apart - 2 - 9/7/2010 The Prayer Never Repeated - 9/7/2010 Hell - 9/8/2010 Who For The Joy - 9/9/2010 The Supremacy of Christ - 9/11/2010 Praying Men and Women - 9/12/2010 Samson's Strength - 9/15/2010 What Does God Require of You - 9/15/2010 Where Are The Elijahs of God - 9/15/2010 Apostle's Acts - 10/2/2010 The Golden Calf - 10/2/2010 The Word to Samuel - 10/2/2010 Christ Came To Make Men Holy - 10/6/2010 Prayer of Love is Our Witness - 10/6/2010 The Potter's House - 10/6/2010 The Word of Reconciliation - 10/6/2010 Total Abandonment to the Lord - 10/6/2010 Die, Wait, And Get Alone - 10/7/2010 Don't Blame It On The Devil - 10/7/2010 Secret of a Christian Life - 10/7/2010 Going Without Knowing - 10/7/2010 Humble Yourself - 10/7/2010 Is Your Affection On Things - 10/7/2010 Much Fishing, Where Is Catch - 10/7/2010 Only Purged Branches - 10/7/2010 Pharisees by Leonard Ravenhill - 10/7/2010 Stir Up The Gift Of God - 10/7/2010 The Lord's Prayer - 10/7/2010 They Saw His Miracles - 10/7/2010 Unto The Furthermost - 10/7/2010 Woe Is Me, I Am Undone - 1 - 10/7/2010 Woe Is Me, I Am Undone - 2 - 10/7/2010 Be Ye Holy - 10/12/2010 Broken or Brokenness - 10/12/2010 I Want To Know Him & The Power - 10/12/2010 Is Christ All You Have - 10/12/2010 Joel's Prophecy - 10/12/2010 No Two Saints Are Alike - 10/12/2010 Sifting by Leonard Ravenhill - 10/12/2010 Crib, The Cross & The Crown - 10/12/2010 There Is A Warfare - 10/12/2010 They Were More Noble - 10/12/2010 This One Thing I Desire - 10/12/2010 Great In The Sight Of The Lord - 10/14/2010 Running, Kneeling, Asking - 12/9/2010 While Men Slept - 12/9/2010 See Christ Standing - 12/10/2010 A Storm Arose, Christ Arose - 12/11/2010 Spiritual Olympics - 12/11/2010 The Light Of The World - 12/11/2010 How To Stop Forces of Satan - 11/23/2011
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Darren Clough (5/5/2016)from Tennessee
Great Sermon! Great message!!!!
Leonard Ravenhill became one of the twentieth century's greatest authorities on revival. His message is drastic, fearless, and often radical. Appalled by the disparity between the New Testament Church and what passes for the Church today, Ravenhill gives a no-compromise call to...
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