Explains and defends the first term of communion, which is 'An acknowledgement of the Old and New Testament to be the Word of God, and the alone infallible rule of faith and practice.'
Covers the attributes of Scripture, including the necessity, inspiration, authority, sufficiency, perspicuity, perpetuity, etc. of the Word of God. Also deals with principles of interpretation (hermeneutics) and how we know that God's Word is His Word, and thus can be trusted as the absolute, inerrant, infallible and inspired truth.
Touches on higher criticism and the debate over bible versions, upholding the Textus Receptus (i.e. the ecclesiastical or received text) and the King James Version.
A fine defense of Sola Scriptura which also touches on how 'extra-biblical' terms of communion are not only required by Scripture itself, but are an inescapable necessity.
Price is careful to point out the difference between the primary, infallible standard of Scripture and those uninspired subordinate standards, which nevertheless bind the conscience whenever they say the same thing as Scripture.
A great introduction to God's Word that comes with our highest recommendation.
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