Patrick Malphrus | Spottswood, Virginia
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Speaker: Patrick Malphrus
908 sermons
Isaiah and Election Results
Greetings and welcome! This is our daily devotional for November 4, 2020. Let's talk about who God really is, and in so doing, let us find comfort and assurance. Today's focus will be Isaiah 40.
>The Passion Week: Monday - 4/6/2020 The Passion Week: Tuesday - 4/7/2020 The Passion Week: Wednesday - 4/8/2020 The Passion Week: Maundy.. - 4/9/2020 The Passion Week: Good Friday - 4/10/2020 Easter is Over! What Now? - 4/13/2020 Using the Word Well - 4/14/2020 That I Might not Sin.. - 4/15/2020 Renewing Your Mind - 4/16/2020 The Sword of the Spirit - 4/17/2020 A Light for Your Path - 4/20/2020 Not By Bread Alone - 4/21/2020 Wise Unto Salvation - 4/22/2020 God's Word is Useful - 4/23/2020 Tools for Studying God's Word - 4/24/2020 Cast All Your Cares on Him - 4/27/2020 Pray with Confidence - 4/28/2020 Every Kind of Request - 4/29/2020 Ask and You Shall Receive - 4/30/2020 Prayer's High Price - 5/1/2020 Why Praise? He Alone is Worthy - 5/4/2020 Forget Not His Benefits - 5/5/2020 Freedom in Christ - 5/6/2020 I Shall Not Want - 5/7/2020 HOW to Praise God - 5/8/2020 Church is not Optional - 5/11/2020 Encouragement from Church - 5/12/2020 Using Your Gifts - 5/13/2020 Being a Good and Faithful.. - 5/14/2020 Prayer Time for Mattie Marsh - 5/15/2020 Finding the Right Church:.. - 5/18/2020 The Church and II John - 5/19/2020 Church Discipline - 5/21/2020 Unity and the Church - 5/22/2020 Remembering on Memorial Day - 5/25/2020 The Salt of the Earth - 5/26/2020 Being Light in the World - 5/27/2020 Judge Righteously - 5/28/2020 New Wine and Cloth - 5/29/2020 A House Divided - 6/1/2020 The Parable of the Sower - 6/2/2020 The Parable of the Weeds - 6/3/2020 Mustard Seeds and Yeast - 6/4/2020 The Treasure and the Pearl - 6/5/2020 The Parable of the Net - 6/7/2020 Talk is Cheap - 6/8/2020 The Lost Sheep - 6/9/2020 The Unmerciful Servant - 6/11/2020 The Rich Young Ruler - 6/12/2020 The Workers in the Vineyard - 6/15/2020 The Two Sons - 6/16/2020 The Parable of the Tenants - 6/17/2020 The Wedding Banquet - 6/18/2020 The End of the Age - 6/19/2020 The Faithful and Wise Servant - 6/22/2020 The 10 Virgins - 6/23/2020 The Good Samaritan - 6/25/2020 Pesky Neighbors, Good Fathers - 6/26/2020 The Parable of the Rich Fool - 6/29/2020 The Fig Tree - 6/30/2020 The Great Banquet - 7/1/2020 The Lost Coin - 7/2/2020 The Prodigal and the Father - 7/3/2020 The Shrewd Manager - 7/6/2020 The Rich Man and Lazarus - 7/7/2020 The Persistent Widow - 7/8/2020 The Pharisee and the Tax.. - 7/9/2020 Intro to Judges - 7/10/2020 Judges: Othniel - 7/13/2020 The Left Handed Judge - 7/14/2020 Shamgar: 1 Verse, 1 Judge - 7/15/2020 Judges: Deborah, Part 1 - 7/16/2020 Judges: Deborah, Part 2 - 7/17/2020 Judges: Deborah's Song - 8/3/2020 Judges: Intro to Gideon - 8/4/2020 Judges: Gideon, Part 1 - 8/5/2020 Judges: Gideon, Part 2 - 8/6/2020 Judges: Gideon, Part 3 - 8/7/2020 Choose Today - 8/9/2020 Judges: Gideon, Part 4 - 8/10/2020 Judges: Gideon, Part 5 - 8/11/2020 Judges: Gideon, Part 6 - 8/12/2020 Judges: Gideon, Part 7 - 8/13/2020 Judges 9: Destruction Within - 8/14/2020 Judges: Tola and Jair - 8/17/2020 Judges: Jephthah, Part 1 - 8/18/2020 Judges: Jephthah Part 2 - 8/19/2020 Judges: Jephthah, Part 3 - 8/20/2020 Judges: Ibzan, Elon, and Abdon - 8/21/2020 Judges: Samson, Part 1 - 8/24/2020 Judges: Samson, Part 2 - 8/25/2020 Judges: Samson, Part 3 - 8/26/2020 Judges: Samson, Part 4 - 8/27/2020 Judges: Samson, Part 5 - 8/28/2020 Righteous Anger - 8/30/2020 Judges: Samson, Part 6 - 8/31/2020 Judges: Samson and Delilah - 9/1/2020 Judges: Samson's End - 9/2/2020 Judges 17: The Dumpster Fire - 9/3/2020 Judges 18: Craziness Continued - 9/4/2020 Judges 19: The New Sodom - 9/7/2020 Judges 20: Tragic Unity - 9/8/2020 Judges 21: The Conclusion - 9/9/2020 John 1: Part 1 - 9/10/2020 John 1: Part 2 - 9/11/2020 John 1: Part 3 - 9/14/2020 John 1: Part 4 - 9/15/2020 John 1: Part 5 - 9/16/2020 John 1: Part 6 - 9/17/2020 John 1: Part 7 - 9/18/2020 John 1: The Lamb of God - 9/21/2020 John 2: The First Sign - 9/22/2020 John 2: Temple Cleansing, Pt.1 - 9/23/2020 John 3: Old Dogs, New Tricks - 9/24/2020 John 3: Condemnation and.. - 9/25/2020 John 3: John's Testimony - 10/6/2020 John 4: The Woman at the.. - 10/7/2020 John 4: The Woman at the.. - 10/8/2020 John 4: A Plentiful Harvest - 10/9/2020 John 4: The Second Sign - 10/12/2020 John 5: Jesus the Judge - 10/14/2020 John 5: Cafeteria Christianity - 10/15/2020 John 6: Feeding 5000 - 10/16/2020 John 6: Walking on Water - 10/19/2020 John 6: The Bread of Life - 10/20/2020 John 6: God's Sovereign Grace - 10/26/2020 John 6: The Bread of Life.. - 10/27/2020 John 6: The Words of Life - 10/28/2020 A Timely Reminder from Psalm 2 - 11/3/2020 Isaiah and Election Results - 11/4/2020 Remember, Remember the 5th.. - 11/5/2020 John 7: Jesus and His Identity - 11/6/2020 John 7: A Crowd Divided - 11/9/2020 John 8: Misconceived Tolerance - 11/10/2020 John 8: I AM Challenged - 11/11/2020 John 8: Testimony Validated - 11/12/2020 John 8: Freedom in Christ - 11/13/2020 Not all Israel is Israel - 11/16/2020 Before Abraham was...I AM - 11/17/2020 The Man Born Blind - 11/18/2020 Real Evangelism - 11/19/2020 The Gate and the Good Shepherd - 11/20/2020 The Reason for Thanksgiving - 11/22/2020 Perseverance of the Saints - 11/23/2020 Jesus and Lazarus, Part 1 - 11/24/2020 I Am the Resurrection and Life - 11/30/2020 "Lazarus, come out!" - 12/1/2020 John 12: Jesus Anointed - 12/2/2020 The Triumphal Entry - 12/3/2020 John 12 and Jesus' Prediction - 12/4/2020 Belief without Faith - 12/7/2020 Jesus as Judge - 12/8/2020 John 13: Christ as Servant - 12/9/2020 A Tale of Two Traitors - 12/10/2020 The Exclusivity of the Gospel - 12/11/2020 Jesus is Enough - 12/14/2020 Praying in Jesus' Name - 12/15/2020 The Spirit of Truth - 12/16/2020 Let's Talk Weather - 12/17/2020 Joseph's Obedience - 12/18/2020 Union with Christ - 12/28/2020 Christological Controversies - 12/29/2020 John 14: The Holy Spirit - 12/30/2020 I AM the True Vine - 12/31/2020 The Vine and the Branches - 1/4/2021 Abiding in His Love - 1/5/2021 Friendship and Predestination - 1/6/2021 A Hateful World - 1/7/2021 It's a Crazy World - 1/8/2021 The Spirit's Work - 1/11/2021 John 16: Never Alone - 1/12/2021 High Priestly Prayer, Part 1 - 1/13/2021 John 17: Part 2 - 1/19/2021 John 17: Part 3 - 1/20/2021 John 18: Part 1 - 1/21/2021 The Night He was Betrayed:.. - 1/22/2021 John 18: Part 1 - 1/25/2021 John 18: What is Truth? - 1/26/2021 John 19: King of the Jews - 1/27/2021 No King but Caesar - 1/28/2021 The Crucifixion, Part 1 - 1/29/2021 The Crucifixion: Part 2 - 2/1/2021 The Crucifixion Aftermath - 2/2/2021 Humiliation to Exaltation - 2/3/2021 The Empty Tomb - 2/15/2021 Mary and the Empty Tomb - 2/16/2021 The Great Commission - 2/17/2021 Thomas: From Doubt to Belief - 2/18/2021 Breakfast with the Lord - 2/19/2021 John 21: Mercy and Calling - 2/23/2021 Romans 1: Salutations - 2/24/2021 The Power of the Gospel - 2/25/2021 Romans 1:17--Live By Faith - 2/26/2021 Romans 1: What's Going On? - 3/1/2021 Homosexuality and God's Word - 3/2/2021 Fools do Foolish Things - 3/3/2021 Romans 2: Judgement Coming - 3/4/2021 Judgement Day Explained - 3/5/2021 Romans 2: Talk is Cheap - 3/8/2021 The Jewish Question: Romans 3 - 3/10/2021 Our Natural State: Romans 3 - 3/15/2021 Most Important Paragraph.. - 3/16/2021 The Most Important.. - 3/17/2021 Our Proper Response: Romans 3 - 3/18/2021 No Room for Boasting - 3/23/2021 Faith's Definition - 3/24/2021 Romans 5: Peace with God - 3/25/2021 Rejoice in Suffering: Romans 5 - 3/26/2021 Just the Right Time - 3/29/2021 The Best is Yet to Come - 3/30/2021 Our Sinful Nature - 3/31/2021 Romans 6: Dead to Sin - 4/1/2021 The Wages of Sin - 4/12/2021 The Law and Christ - 4/13/2021 The Law's Uses - 4/14/2021 Keeping It Real - 4/15/2021 No Condemnation? Really? - 4/16/2021 Living by the Spirit - 4/19/2021 The Two Types of People - 4/19/2021 We Are Obliged - 4/21/2021 Thinking on Heaven - 4/23/2021 Help from the Spirit - 4/26/2021 Remember God's Sovereignty - 4/27/2021 The Love of God in Christ - 4/28/2021 God's Promise and Judaism - 4/29/2021 Romans 9 and God's Sovereignty - 4/30/2021 Jesus the Stumbling Block - 5/3/2021 Works vs. Faith - 5/4/2021 Preach the Gospel - 5/5/2021 The Remnant of Israel - 5/6/2021 Grafted Branches - 5/7/2021 ALL Israel will be Saved? - 5/10/2021 Sovereignty vs. Responsibility - 5/11/2021 Renewing Your Mind - 5/13/2021 Remember Where You Came From - 6/27/2021 Be Transformed, Not Conformed - 8/9/2021 Members of One Body - 8/10/2021 A Transformed Life - 8/11/2021 Life Together - 8/12/2021 Vengeance is the Lord's - 8/13/2021 Submit to Authorities, Part 1 - 8/16/2021 Submit to Authorities, Part 2 - 8/17/2021 The Debt of Love - 8/18/2021 The End Is Near - 8/19/2021 Christian Liberty, Part 1 - 8/20/2021 Christian Liberty, Part 2 - 8/23/2021 Christian Liberty, Part 3 - 8/24/2021 Christian Liberty, Part 4.. - 8/25/2021 Deny Yourself - 8/26/2021 Unity's Importance - 8/30/2021 Accept One Another...In Christ - 8/31/2021 Goals for Pastors and Churches - 9/1/2021 Prayer and Giving - 9/2/2021 A Final Warning - 9/3/2021 Psalm 1: The Path to Happiness - 9/7/2021 Psalm 1: The Wicked's Reward - 9/8/2021 Psalm 2: God's Anointed One - 9/13/2021 Psalm 3: Forgiveness in Life - 9/14/2021 Psalm 4: When Trouble Comes - 9/15/2021 Psalm 5: God and the Wicked - 9/17/2021 Psalm 6: Real Repentance - 9/20/2021 Psalm 7: Righteous Judgement - 9/21/2021 Psalm 8: Created Order - 9/22/2021 Psalm 9: Remembering God - 9/23/2021 Psalm 10: The Real World - 9/24/2021 Psalm 11: Jehovah's Refuge - 9/27/2021 Psalm 12: Real Oppression - 9/28/2021 Psalm 13: Emotional Battles - 9/29/2021 Fools and Foolishness - 10/18/2021 Who May Dwell with God? - 10/19/2021 Psalm 16: Service and Promise - 10/20/2021 Psalm 18: Remember the Lord - 10/22/2021 Psalm 18: Real Righteousness - 10/26/2021 Psalm 18: To God be the Glory - 10/27/2021 Psalm 18: Praise Him! - 10/28/2021 Psalm 19: Heavens' Declaration - 11/1/2021 Psalm 20: Trust in Jehovah - 11/2/2021 Psalm 21: Jehovah's Might - 11/3/2021 Psalm 22: A Messianic Psalm - 11/4/2021 Psalm 23: I Shall Not Want - 11/5/2021 Psalm 23: Green Pastures - 11/8/2021 Psalm 23: He Restoreth My Soul - 11/10/2021 Psalm 23: Righteous Paths - 11/11/2021 Psalm 23: Through the Valley - 11/12/2021 Psalm 23: Thy Rod and Staff - 11/15/2021 Psalm 23: A Table Prepared - 11/16/2021 Psalm 23: Anointing and Cup - 11/17/2021 Psalm 23: Goodness and Mercy - 11/18/2021 Psalm 24: Who May Stand? - 11/22/2021 Psalm 25: Seek the Lord First - 11/23/2021 Psalm 100: Give Thanks - 11/24/2021 Psalm 26: Walk by Faith - 11/29/2021 Psalm 27: Courage in the Lord - 11/30/2021 Psalm 28: Prayer and Gossip - 12/1/2021 Psalm 29: Jehovah Almighty - 12/2/2021 Psalm 30: Hope for the Future - 12/3/2021 Psalm 31: Ultimate Trust - 12/6/2021 Psalm 31: Trust and Idols - 12/7/2021 Psalm 32: Blessed Forgiveness - 12/8/2021 Psalm 33: Unfailing Love - 12/9/2021 Psalm 34: Praise at all times? - 12/10/2021 Psalm 35: Imprecatory What? - 12/13/2021 Psalm 35: Praying for Justice - 12/14/2021 Psalm 37: Our Proper Response - 12/16/2021 Immanuel: God With Us - 12/17/2021 James 1: Introduction to James - 1/3/2022 James 1: Consider it Pure Joy - 1/4/2022 James 1: Lack Nothing - 1/5/2022 James 1: Get Wisdom! - 1/6/2022 James 1: Ask Without Doubt! - 1/7/2022 James 1: Worldly Priorities - 1/10/2022 James 1: Love is the Key - 1/11/2022 James 1: How Temptation Works - 1/12/2022 James 1: Every Gift From Above - 1/18/2022 James 1: Predestination as.. - 1/19/2022 James 1: ANGER and how to.. - 1/20/2022 James 1: Ultimate Motivation - 1/21/2022 James 1: Talk is Cheap! - 1/24/2022 James 1: Watch Your Mouth! - 1/26/2022 James 2: Picking Favorites - 1/27/2022 James 2: The Royal Law - 1/28/2022 James 2: Faith vs. Works - 1/31/2022 James 2: Faith AND Works - 2/1/2022 James 3: Warning for Preachers - 2/2/2022 James 3: Women in Ministry - 2/3/2022 James 3: The Tongue - 2/4/2022 James 3: Real Wisdom - 2/7/2022 James 3: Worldly Wisdom - 2/8/2022 James 4: The Real Problem - 2/9/2022 James 4: The Real Solution - 2/10/2022 James 4: Judging and Salvation - 2/11/2022 What is Love? - 2/14/2022 James 4: The Future - 2/15/2022 James 4: Sin Defined - 2/16/2022 James 5: Warning! - 3/14/2022 James 5: Stand in Patience - 3/15/2022 James 5: Examples of Patience - 3/16/2022 James 5: Do Not Swear - 3/17/2022 James 5: Pray! Always! - 3/18/2022 James 5: Prayer Works - 3/21/2022 John 1: In the Beginning - 3/22/2022 John 1: The Word was God - 3/23/2022 John 1: Darkness vs. Light - 3/25/2022 John 1: Adoption as Heirs - 3/28/2022 John 1: Chosen by God - 3/29/2022 John 1: The Word Became Flesh - 3/30/2022 John 1: Grace and Truth - 3/31/2022 John 1: The Baptizer's.. - 4/1/2022 John 1: The Baptizer's.. - 4/25/2022 John 1: Behold the Lamb - 4/26/2022 John 1: What dost thou seek? - 4/27/2022 John 1: Come and See - 4/28/2022 John 2: Choice Wine - 4/29/2022 John 2: Temple Cleansing - 5/2/2022 John 2: Judge Not - 5/3/2022 John 3: Nicodemus, Part 1 - 5/4/2022 John 3: Nicodemus, Part 2 - 5/5/2022 John 3: Whosoever Believes - 5/6/2022 John 3: Christ must Increase - 5/9/2022 John 4: The Woman at the Well - 5/10/2022 John 4: The Plentiful Harvest - 5/11/2022 John 4: Point them to Jesus! - 5/12/2022 John 4: The Royal Official - 5/13/2022 John 5: The Bethesda Healing - 5/16/2022 John 5: God the Son - 5/17/2022 John 5: The Only Way - 5/18/2022 The Full Armor of God - 5/19/2022 John 6: Feeding the 5000 - 8/1/2022 John 6: Walking on Water - 8/2/2022 John 6: I AM the Bread of Life - 8/3/2022 John 6: Those the Father Gives - 8/4/2022 John 6: Those the Father Draws - 8/8/2022 John 6: Flesh and Blood - 8/9/2022 John 6: Real Communion - 8/10/2022 John 6: All of Jesus - 8/11/2022 John 7: Rejected - 8/15/2022 John 7: Read the Signs - 8/16/2022 John 7: A Crowd Divided - 8/17/2022 John 7: Further Division - 8/18/2022 John 8: He Who is Without Sin - 8/22/2022 John 8: Leave Your Life of Sin - 8/23/2022 John 6: The Light of the World - 8/24/2022 John 8: The Only Way - 8/25/2022 John 8: Life or Death - 8/29/2022 The Truth will Set You.. - 8/30/2022 John 8: REMEMBER - 8/31/2022 John 8: The Father of Lies - 9/1/2022 Before Abraham was, I AM - 9/6/2022 John 9: Who Sinned? - 9/7/2022 John 9: While it is Still Day - 9/8/2022 John 9: Missed Opportunities - 9/12/2022 John 9: I Once was Blind - 9/13/2022 John 9: Seeing is Believing - 9/14/2022 I AM the Gate for the.. - 9/15/2022 The Good Shepherd: John 11 - 9/21/2022 John 10: Wolves and Hirelings - 9/22/2022 John 10: The Jews Divided - 9/26/2022 John 10: Just Look! - 9/27/2022 John 11: The One He Loved - 9/28/2022 John 11: That You May Believe - 9/29/2022 John 11: Resurrection and Life - 10/3/2022 John 11: Jesus Wept - 10/4/2022 John 11: "Lazarus, come out!" - 10/5/2022 John 11: Turf on Display - 10/6/2022 John 12: Be Mary! Not Judas - 10/24/2022 The Cost of Discipleship - 10/25/2022 John 12: The Triumphal Entry - 10/26/2022 "We Would See Jesus" - 10/27/2022 John 12: The Missed Him - 10/31/2022 John 12: The Power of the Word - 11/1/2022 John 12: Belief vs. Faith - 11/2/2022 John 13: The Extent of Love - 11/3/2022 John 13: Our Lord's Betrayal - 11/7/2022 A Tale of Two Traitors - 11/8/2022 The Only Way, Truth, and Life - 11/9/2022 You Have Seen the Father - 11/14/2022 John 14: Trust and Obey - 11/15/2022 John 14: The Spirit of Truth - 11/16/2022 John 14: The Basics - 11/17/2022 John 15: The True Vine - 11/29/2022 John 15: Remain in Me - 11/30/2022 John 15: Real Joy in Love - 12/1/2022 John 15: Love and Hate - 12/6/2022 John 15: You Must Testify - 12/7/2022 John 16: The World's Hatred - 12/8/2022 John 16: A Kingdom Mindset - 12/12/2022 John 16: To Change and Convict - 12/13/2022 John 16: Promise of Peace - 12/14/2022 John 17: The Glory He Had - 12/15/2022 The Glory of Christmas - 12/15/2022 John 17: True Discipleship - 1/2/2023 John 17: On a Mission - 1/3/2023 John 17: Prayer for Us - 1/4/2023 John 17: Glory and Presence - 1/5/2023 The Counselor, Part 1 - 1/8/2023 John 18: Jesus Arrested - 1/9/2023 John 18: Peter Acts - 1/10/2023 John 18: The Cup of Wrath - 1/16/2023 John 18: Missed Opportunities - 1/17/2023 John 18: Jesus and Pilate - 1/18/2023 John 18: The Mockery - 1/19/2023 John 19: The Rejection - 1/23/2023 John 19: The Humanity - 1/24/2023 John 19: It Is Finished - 1/25/2023 John 19: Laid in the Tomb - 1/26/2023 John 20: The Empty Tomb - 1/30/2023 John 20: Just One Word - 1/31/2023 John 20: Peace Be With You - 2/1/2023 John 20: Keys to the Kingdom - 2/2/2023 John 20: Doubting Thomas - 2/6/2023 John 21: I'm Going to Fish - 2/7/2023 John 21: Swim to the Lord! - 2/8/2023 John 21: Restoration - 2/9/2023 Acts...What, Why, How, When? - 2/14/2023 Acts 1: Wait on the Spirit - 2/15/2023 Acts 1: Why are you Looking? - 2/16/2023 Acts 1: The End of Judas - 2/20/2023 Acts 1: A New Apostle - 2/21/2023 Acts 2: The Holy Spirit Fills - 2/22/2023 Acts 2: The Crowd Reacts - 2/23/2023 Acts 2: Cry Out and Be Saved - 3/13/2023 Acts 2: The Guilty Parties - 3/14/2023 Acts 2: Cut to the Heart - 3/15/2023 Acts 2: The Real Church - 3/16/2023 Acts 3: Signs and Wonders - 3/20/2023 Acts 3: Peter Preaches Again - 3/21/2023 Acts 4: With Jesus - 3/23/2023 Acts 4: Evangelism Explained - 3/27/2023 Acts 4: The Power of Prayer - 3/28/2023 Acts 4: A Spirit Filled Church - 3/29/2023 Acts 5: Ananias and Sapphira - 3/30/2023 Acts 5: Yielding to the Spirit - 4/4/2023 Acts 5: The Sadducees Respond - 4/5/2023 Acts 5: Obey God - 4/6/2023 Acts 5: Gamaliel's Reasoning - 4/10/2023 Acts 5: Worth of Persecution - 4/11/2023 Acts 6: Deacons and Apostles - 4/12/2023 Acts 6: Stephen's Opposition - 4/13/2023 Acts 6: Accusations Abound - 4/17/2023 Acts 7: Stephen's Sermon - 4/18/2023 Acts 7: The Trial Ends - 4/19/2023 Acts 7: Reflections on Stephen - 4/20/2023 Acts 8: The Scattered Church - 4/24/2023 Acts 8: Simon the Sorcerer - 4/25/2023 Acts 8: A Sin Called Simony - 4/26/2023 Acts 8: The Ethiopian - 4/27/2023 Acts 9: Saul on the Road - 5/15/2023 Acts 9: Persecution's Results - 5/16/2023 Acts 9: God's Business - 5/17/2023 Acts 9: Saul the Preacher - 5/18/2023 Acts 9: Saul in Jerusalem - 5/22/2023 Acts 9: Peter on the Road - 5/23/2023 Acts 10: Store Up Treasures - 5/24/2023 Acts 10: Clean and Unclean - 5/25/2023 Reading God's Word, Part 1 - 9/4/2023 Reading God's Word, Part 2 - 9/5/2023 Reading God's Word, Part 3 - 9/6/2023 Reading God's Word, Part 4 - 9/7/2023 Acts 9: Gospel Power - 9/11/2023 Acts 9: Holy Encouragement - 9/12/2023 Acts 10: Offerings and Visions - 9/13/2023 Acts 10: Peter's Vision - 9/14/2023 Acts 10: One in Christ - 9/18/2023 Acts 10: No Favoritism - 9/19/2023 Acts 10: A Pivotal Moment - 9/20/2023 Acts 11: Who Can Stop God? - 9/21/2023 Acts 11: The First Christians - 9/25/2023 Acts 11: The Unstoppable God - 9/26/2023 Acts 12: Pray Expectantly! - 9/27/2023 Acts 12: Warning and Promise - 9/28/2023 Acts 13: On Ordination - 10/2/2023 Acts 13: Satan and Sorcerers - 10/3/2023 Acts 13: God's Plan - 10/4/2023 Acts 13: A Turning Point - 10/5/2023 Acts 14: Divisive Work - 10/16/2023 Acts 14: Healing and Stoning - 10/17/2023 Acts 14: Church Government - 10/18/2023 Acts 15: Salvation's Formula - 10/19/2023 Acts 15: Jesus is Enough - 10/23/2023 Acts 15: Salvation and Israel - 10/24/2023 Acts 15: Brotherly Love - 10/25/2023 Acts 15: Conflict - 10/26/2023 Acts 16: An Act of Love - 10/30/2023 Acts 16: Trust God - 10/31/2023 Acts 16: Salvation Explained - 11/1/2023 Acts 16: Spiritual Warfare - 11/2/2023 Acts 16: So Shines a Good Deed - 11/6/2023 Acts 16: Salvation Explained - 11/7/2023 Acts 16: Civil Disobedience - 11/8/2023 Acts 17: Gospel Power - 11/9/2023 Acts 17: Noble Bereans - 11/13/2023 Acts 17: A Logical Response - 11/14/2023 Acts 17: Modern Philosophy - 11/15/2023 Acts 17: What's Going On - 11/16/2023 Acts 17: A Prompting... - 11/20/2023 Acts 18: Be Warned - 11/21/2023 Acts 18: When One Door Closes - 11/22/2023 Psalm 107: Thanksgiving - 11/23/2023 Acts 18: God is Faithful - 1/15/2024 Acts 18: Be a Blessing! - 1/16/2024 Acts 18: Discipleship Display - 1/17/2024 Acts 19: Baptisms - 1/18/2024 Acts 19: The Way - 1/22/2024 Acts 19: OH NO - 1/23/2024 Acts 19: Sins of Sorcery - 1/24/2024 Acts 19: The Aftermath - 1/25/2024 Acts 19: Guardrails - 1/29/2024 Acts 20: Historicity - 1/30/2024 Acts 20: The Lord's Day - 1/31/2024 Acts 20: Paul's Motivation - 2/1/2024 Acts 20: Farewell Warnings... - 2/5/2024 Acts 20: Committed - 2/6/2024 Acts 21: Spirit Empowerment - 2/7/2024 Acts 21: Zeal and Opposition - 2/8/2024 Acts 21: Appeasement - 2/12/2024 Acts 21: Hate and Lunacy - 2/13/2024 Acts 22: Truth's Objective - 2/14/2024 Acts 22: Government Work! - 2/15/2024 Acts 23: Innocent and Shrewd - 2/19/2024 Acts 23: Wisdom on Display - 2/20/2024 Acts 23: Prophet Killers - 2/21/2024 Acts 23: Worldly Wisdom - 2/22/2024 Acts 24: Lies - 2/26/2024 Acts 24: Real Christianity - 2/27/2024 Acts 24: Roman Confusion - 2/28/2024 Acts 25: To Rome! - 2/29/2024 Acts 25: Royalty - 3/4/2024 Acts 25: Real Power - 3/5/2024 Acts 26: Evangelism - 3/6/2024 Acts 26: Gospel Foolishness - 3/7/2024 The Monday Before Easter - 3/25/2024 End Times... - 3/26/2024 Bless or Betray? - 3/27/2024 What Should You Do? - 3/28/2024 Acts 27: Out to Sea - 4/1/2024 Acts 27: Faith in Action - 4/2/2024 Acts 28: Snakebit! - 4/3/2024 Acts 28: The Conclusion - 4/4/2024 Acts and its Ending - 4/8/2024 Genesis 1: The Beginning - 4/9/2024 Genesis 1: The Godhead - 4/10/2024 Genesis 1:Order in Creation - 4/11/2024 Genesis 1: Created Order - 4/15/2024 Genesis 1: Death before Sin? - 4/16/2024 Genesis 2: The Sabbath - 4/17/2024 Genesis 2: Personally Made - 4/18/2024 Genesis 2: Two into One - 4/22/2024 Genesis 3: The Serpent - 4/23/2024 Genesis 3: Rebellion - 4/24/2024 Genesis 3: We Get it Honest - 4/25/2024 Genesis 3: The Prophesy - 4/29/2024 Genesis 3: Marital Discord - 4/30/2024 Genesis 3: The Fallen World - 5/1/2024 Genesis 3: Satan's Lies - 5/2/2024 Genesis 4: Matter of the Heart - 5/6/2024 Genesis 4: A Warning for Anger - 5/7/2024 Genesis 4: Brother's Keeper - 5/8/2024 Genesis 4: Historicity - 5/9/2024 Genesis 4: A Lineage Ended - 5/13/2024 Genesis 5: Walk with God - 5/14/2024 Genesis 5: Comfort - 5/15/2024 Psalm 100: Right Relationship - 5/16/2024 Genesis 6: Sons of God, Part 1 - 9/9/2024 Genesis 6: Sons of God, Part 2 - 9/10/2024 Genesis 6: The Worst Time Ever - 9/11/2024 Genesis 6: The Real God - 9/12/2024 Genesis 6: Walk with God - 9/13/2024 Genesis 6: Walking with God - 9/16/2024 Genesis 6: The Family - 9/17/2024 Genesis 7: We Don't Noah Lot - 9/18/2024 Genesis 7: Contradictions? - 9/19/2024 Genesis 7: Catastrophe! - 9/20/2024 Genesis 7: The Storm - 9/23/2024 Genesis 8: Stay Inside - 9/24/2024 Genesis 8: Aromas - 9/25/2024 Genesis 9: Cultural Mandate - 9/26/2024 Genesis 9: Life Blood - 9/27/2024 Genesis 9: Sign of Grace - 9/30/2024 Genesis 9: Ham's Curse - 10/1/2024 Genesis 10: Japheth and Ham - 10/2/2024 Genesis 10: Cursed Nations - 10/3/2024 Genesis 10: Shem's Blessing - 10/4/2024 Genesis 11: Babel - 10/7/2024 Genesis 11: The Powerful Play - 10/8/2024 Genesis 11: Foreshadowing - 10/9/2024 Genesis 12: Blessings - 10/10/2024 Genesis 12: Man of Faith - 10/11/2024 Genesis 12: Lack of Faith - 10/14/2024 Genesis 13: Trust on Display - 10/15/2024 Genesis 13: Lot's Choices - 10/16/2024 Genesis 13: Promise Renewed - 10/17/2024 Genesis 14: Time to Fight - 10/18/2024 Genesis 14: No Compromise - 10/21/2024 Genesis 14: Melchizedek - 10/22/2024 Genesis 15: Look to the Stars - 10/23/2024 Genesis 15: By Faith - 10/24/2024 Genesis 15: God Came Near - 10/25/2024 Genesis 16: Pricey Pragmatism - 10/28/2024 Genesis 16: Pricier Pragmatism - 10/29/2024 Genesis 16: God Sees - 10/30/2024 Genesis 17: Promises - 10/31/2024 Genesis 17: Covenant Renewed - 11/1/2024 Genesis 17: Real Faith - 11/4/2024 Genesis 17: Worship - 11/5/2024 Genesis 18: Visitor(s) - 11/6/2024 Genesis 18: God's Power - 11/7/2024 Genesis 18: Justice - 11/8/2024 Genesis 18: Intercession - 11/11/2024 Genesis 19: Wicked - 11/12/2024 Genesis 19: Lot was what? - 11/13/2024 Genesis 19: Perversion - 11/14/2024 Genesis 19: Consequences - 11/15/2024 Genesis 20: Crooked Sticks - 11/18/2024 Genesis 21: God's Timing - 11/18/2024 Genesis 21: Messes Cleaned - 11/20/2024 Genesis 21: Precedent Setter - 11/21/2024 God Came Near... - 11/22/2024 Genesis 22: Abraham Tested - 1/6/2025 Genesis 22: Testing Continued - 1/6/2025 Genesis 22: Jehovah Jireh - 1/8/2025 Genesis 23: Promises, Promises - 1/9/2025 Genesis 23: Great Faithfulness - 1/10/2025 Genesis 24: Keep Moving - 1/13/2025 Genesis 24: Specifics - 1/14/2025 Genesis 24: Answered Prayer - 1/15/2025 Genesis 24: Business First - 1/16/2025 Genesis 24: Love Story - 1/17/2025 Genesis 25: Good Old Age - 1/20/2025 Genesis 25: Consequences - 1/21/2025 Genesis 25: Abraham's Legacy - 1/22/2025 Genesis 25: Two Nations - 1/23/2025 Genesis 25: The Despiser - 1/24/2025 Those Who are Perishing - 1/27/2025 Genesis 26: Deception Again - 1/28/2025 Genesis 26: Blessings - 1/29/2025 Genesis 26: Peacemakers - 1/30/2025 Genesis 27: Sad Deception - 1/31/2025 Genesis 27: Blessings - 2/3/2025 Genesis 27: Motivations - 2/4/2025 Genesis 28: Jacob's Flight - 2/5/2025 Genesis 28: Jacob's Ladder - 2/6/2025 Genesis 28: The Tithe - 2/7/2025 Genesis 29: At First Sight - 2/10/2025 Genesis 29: Trickster Tricked - 2/11/2025 Genesis 29: The Brokenhearted - 2/12/2025 Genesis 30: Conflict's Roots - 2/13/2025 Genesis 30: Worldly Wisdom - 2/14/2025 A Redeemed Situation - 3/10/2025 God's Intervention - 3/11/2025 Genesis 31: Because I Said So - 3/12/2025
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