In this lesson we conclude our look at the "10 Commandments of James" – which are not 10 separate, distinct commands, but a way for us to pay attention, to understand what James is communicating.
These verses are the conclusion of the section that began in 3:12 in which he upbraided his readers for committing numerous sins, including envy, strife, pride, arguing, engaging in friendship with the world, and more! His conclusion? Repent! But not any mere outward, perfunctory repentance, but rather heart-rending, true repentance. A repentance characterized by affliction, mourning, weeping -- where we stop laughing and our joy turns to sorrow.
Yet, it is easy to be fooled by tears -- the tears of others, as well as our own. How do we know if have truly repented. Paul has the answer, as he contrasts godly sorrow with worldly sorrow (the fruit of "worldly wisdom") as described in 2 Corinthians 7.
Finally, James uses an inclusion to conclude the passage, referring once again to humility, wonderfully demonstrated in Jesus' parable of the Pharisee and the Publican. |