Rev. Nate Decker | Grandville, Michigan
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Speaker: Rev. Kenneth Koole
1,218 sermons
The Holy Spirit: Spirit Of Life And Truth
Lord's Day 20 I. As The Spirit Of Life II. As The Spirit Of Truth
>A Word That Probes the Heart - 1/6/2008 The Necessity of Daily Prayer - 1/13/2008 Addressing God As Our Father - 1/20/2008 Praying God's Name Be Hallowed - 1/27/2008 To Pray for Church and Kingdom - 2/3/2008 Praying God's Will Be Done - 2/10/2008 Praying Each Day for Bread - 2/17/2008 Petitioning for Forgiveness - 3/9/2008 Praying to be Delivered - 4/6/2008 Concluding with a Doxology - 4/13/2008 Confessing an Only Comfort - 4/20/2008 Confessing an Only Comfort - 4/27/2008 Knowing Our Misery - 5/25/2008 All Guilty in Original Sin - 6/1/2008 Our Nature - Corrupt - 6/8/2008 God's Just Requirements - 6/29/2008 God's Wrath for Mercy's Sake - 7/6/2008 Shutup Unto God's Way Out - 7/20/2008 The Mediator Faith Seeks - 7/27/2008 Gospel, God's Way of Salvation - 8/3/2008 Saved by True and Living Faith - 8/24/2008 The Faith of a Child of God - 9/21/2008 Confessing God Triune - 9/28/2008 Almighty God - Our Father - 10/5/2008 Trusting God's Father - Hand - 10/12/2008 Jesus - Only & Complete Savior - 10/19/2008 Christ Anointed as Prophet - 11/9/2008 Jesus Messiah - A Royal Priest - 11/23/2008 Christ's Divine Lordship - 11/30/2008 The Messiah Promised - 12/14/2008 Sent to Suffer - 12/28/2008 Submitting to Pilate's Judging - 1/11/2009 The Old Man Crucified - 1/18/2009 Christ's Resurrection - 2/1/2009 Christ Ascended to Glory - 2/22/2009 The Return of the King - 3/1/2009 The Truth About the Spirit - 3/15/2009 Membership in Christ's Church - 3/29/2009 Communion Through Forgiveness - 4/5/2009 Glorying in the Resurrection - 4/19/2009 Justification by Faith Alone - 4/26/2009 Justification by Faith Alone - 5/24/2009 Grace of Divine Justification - 5/31/2009 Benefited by Means of Grace - 6/21/2009 The Vital Sign of Holy Baptism - 6/28/2009 The Efficacy of Baptism - 7/5/2009 Called to Partake of the Table - 8/2/2009 The Truth Re: Lord's Supper - 8/9/2009 A Proper Partaker of the Table - 8/30/2009 Christian Discipline - A Gift - 9/6/2009 Called to the Godly Life - 9/13/2009 True Conversion - 9/20/2009 Confess Jehovah as God Alone - 9/27/2009 God by Images Forbidden - 10/4/2009 Using God's Name With Honor - 10/11/2009 Swearing an Oath as Citizens - 10/18/2009 Keeping Holy the Sabbath - 10/25/2009 Honoring Our Parents - 11/8/2009 We Shall Not Murder! - 11/22/2009 Commanded To Be Chaste - 11/29/2009 Thou Shalt Not Steal - 12/13/2009 Love & the Tongue Tied toTruth - 12/20/2009 The 10th Commandment - 1/3/2010 Humble Sincerity in Prayer - 1/10/2010 Prayer's Proper Address - 1/17/2010 Hallowed Be Thy Name - 1/24/2010 Praying God's Kingdom Come - 1/31/2010 Praying Thy Will Be Done - 2/7/2010 Praying Daily for Our Bread - 2/21/2010 Pleading As Debtors Before God - 2/28/2010 Petition Against Temptation - 3/7/2010 Prayer's Proper Conclusion - 3/14/2010 The Only Possible Comfort - 4/18/2010 Holy Spirit, Comfort and Jesus - 4/25/2010 Proper Self Appraisal, the Law - 5/2/2010 Man's Present Condition - 5/9/2010 Confessing Our Original Sin - 5/23/2010 The Complete Corruption of Man - 5/30/2010 Everlasting Punishment - 6/20/2010 Oh, To Be Reconciled Unto God - 6/27/2010 Mediator So Desperately Needed - 7/11/2010 That Which Characterizes Faith - 7/18/2010 Confessing Glory of God Triune - 7/25/2010 Confessing God As Father - 8/1/2010 Confessing God's Providence - 8/22/2010 Confessing Jesus as Savior - 8/29/2010 Confessing Christ, Anointed - 9/12/2010 Confessing I Am A Christian - 9/19/2010 Christ's Divine Lordship - 9/26/2010 The Wonder of the Incarnation - 10/3/2010 The Suffering of Jesus Christ - 10/10/2010 Taking Upon Himself Our Death - 10/17/2010 The Wonder of The Resurrection - 10/24/2010 Christ Ascended - 11/7/2010 Christ Coming In Judgment - 11/28/2010 The Gift of the Holy Spirit - 12/5/2010 Communion Within the Church - 12/12/2010 The Resurrection of The Body - 12/19/2010 Counted as Righteous By Faith - 1/9/2011 Not Of Works - But Of Grace - 1/16/2011 Christ-Ordained Means of Grace - 1/23/2011 The Sign Of Baptism - 1/30/2011 Testimony of Our Lord's Supper - 2/13/2011 God's Covenant, Infant Baptism - 2/20/2011 Sacramental Grace of Supper - 2/27/2011 Proper Partakers - 3/6/2011 Called to Christian Discipline - 3/13/2011 The 'Must' Of Good Works - 3/20/2011 True Conversion - Life-Long - 3/27/2011 The New Man And His Good Works - 4/3/2011 God's Law, Forbidding Idolatry - 5/8/2011 Worship Pleasing to God - 5/22/2011 Speaking God's Name Aright - 5/29/2011 Keep The Sabbath As Christians - 6/5/2011 Children Honor Our Authority - 7/3/2011 Those Convicted of Murder - 7/10/2011 Called to Faithfulness, Purity - 7/17/2011 Warned About Greed and Hate - 7/24/2011 Requirements of God's Law - 7/31/2011 Bear False Witness Forbidden - 8/7/2011 Called To Pray - 9/11/2011 Turning To Our Father, Prayer - 9/18/2011 Hallowing God's Great Name - 10/2/2011 Praying Christ's Kingdom Come - 10/23/2011 Petition of Discipleship - 10/30/2011 Praying For Our Earthly Needs - 11/6/2011 Petitioning Forgiveness - 11/20/2011 Praying To Be Kept From Evil - 11/27/2011 Conclude Prayer With Doxology - 12/4/2011 True Comfort - God Sent - 12/11/2011 The Truth About Our Misery - 12/18/2011 The Origin of Man's Corruption - 1/8/2012 So Great A Depravity - 1/15/2012 The Justice of God's Demands - 1/29/2012 Righteousness of God Upheld - 2/5/2012 In Need Of A Special Redeemer - 2/19/2012 That Which Faith Confesses - 2/26/2012 The Faith That Alone Saves - 3/4/2012 Confessing Great Three In One - 3/11/2012 Confessing God As Our Creator - 3/18/2012 God of Wonderful Providence - 3/25/2012 Jesus: The One Only Name - 4/1/2012 The Messiah - 4/15/2012 Our Messianic High Priest - 4/22/2012 Promised Messianic King - 5/20/2012 Confessing Christ's Sonship - 6/3/2012 Confessing Christ As Lord - 6/10/2012 Wonder of the Incarnate Christ - 6/24/2012 Substitutionary Suffering - 7/1/2012 The Power of the Cross - 7/8/2012 Christ Risen From the Dead - 7/15/2012 Reality of Christ's Ascension - 7/22/2012 The Return of the King - 8/5/2012 The Holy Spirit - 9/2/2012 Belonging To The Church - 9/9/2012 Members Of Christ's Body - 9/16/2012 The Wonder Of Our Resurrection - 9/30/2012 Sinners Counted As Righteous - 10/7/2012 Salvation By Grace Alone - 10/14/2012 God-Ordained Means of Grace - 10/26/2012 The Sign of Holy Baptism - 11/4/2012 The Word of The Lord's Table - 11/18/2012 The Truth of The Lord's Supper - 12/2/2012 Proper Partakers - 12/9/2012 The Grace Of The Keys - 12/16/2012 The Must Of Good Works - 1/13/2013 True Conversion - 1/20/2013 The Relevancy of God's Law - 1/27/2013 Honoring The One True God - 2/3/2013 Worship Of Images Forbidden - 2/17/2013 Those Who Know God's Name - 2/24/2013 Keeping The Lord's Day - 3/24/2013 The Sixth Commandment and Love - 3/31/2013 Purity and Faithfulness - 4/7/2013 The Sin of Theft - 4/14/2013 The Evil of the Lie - 4/21/2013 Raising Honorable Children - 4/28/2013 The Heart of the Matter - 5/5/2013 Being Taught To Pray - 5/26/2013 Praying To God As Father - 6/2/2013 Hallowing God's Name - 6/9/2013 Praying For Church And Kingdom - 6/23/2013 Prayer That God's Will Be Done - 6/30/2013 Day By Day Praying for Bread - 7/7/2013 Debtors Praying, Forgiveness - 7/14/2013 Praying To Be Kept From Evil - 7/21/2013 Prayer's Concluding Doxology - 7/28/2013 Maintaining Firm Foundations - 8/18/2013 Instructed In A Unique Comfort - 9/8/2013 Gracious Preservation Assured - 9/15/2013 Exposing Man's True Nature - 9/29/2013 Originally Good - 10/6/2013 Confessing Our Original Sin - 10/20/2013 Man's Complete Corruption - 10/27/2013 Are We Indeed To Blame? - 11/3/2013 Righteousness and Punishment - 11/17/2013 Satisfaction Through Atonement - 11/24/2013 Wonderful Mediator Unveiled - 12/1/2013 Truth Concerning the Saved - 12/15/2013 What Characterizes True Faith - 1/12/2014 The Creator As Our Father - 1/19/2014 God Triune - God of Friendship - 1/26/2014 God's Hand of Providence - 2/2/2014 Jesus: The Complete Savior - 2/9/2014 Promised Messiah - 3/9/2014 High Priest of Royalty - 3/16/2014 Unique Suffering of Christ - 3/30/2014 The Word of The Cross - 4/6/2014 Dead to Sin - Alive in Christ - 5/4/2014 Confessing Jesus As Our Lord - 5/11/2014 Christ Jesus The Incarnate One - 5/18/2014 The Ascended Lord Jesus - 5/29/2014 Christ Jesus Coming Again - 6/1/2014 Concerning the Spirit of Truth - 6/8/2014 Membership In Christ's Church - 6/22/2014 Communion of the Saints - 6/29/2014 The Bodily Resurrection - 7/6/2014 Justifying the Unrighteous - 7/20/2014 Good Works Dependence Refuted - 7/27/2014 Preaching With the Sacraments - 8/3/2014 Instructed By Baptism - 8/10/2014 Forgiveness of Sins - 8/17/2014 Baptizing Infants - 8/24/2014 Testimony of our Lord's Supper - 9/14/2014 Real Presence at the Supper - 9/21/2014 Partaking: Exclusive Privilege - 9/28/2014 The Keys of the Kingdom - 10/5/2014 Christian Discipline - 10/12/2014 A Life of Good Works - 10/19/2014 The Life Of Good Works - 10/26/2014 Warned Against Idolatry - 11/2/2014 Images Forbidden In Worship - 11/9/2014 Not To Take God's Name In Vain - 11/16/2014 The Lord's Day: The Holy Day - 11/30/2014 Keeping Of The 6th Commandment - 12/7/2014 Called To Purity, Faithfulness - 12/28/2014 God's Law Against Covetousness - 1/11/2015 Prayer: Mark Of A Christian - 1/18/2015 To Address God As Our Father - 1/25/2015 The Holy Spirit: Life & Truth - 11/22/2015 Faith's Confession Of Church - 11/29/2015 Called To Fellowship Of Saints - 12/6/2015 Resurrection of Soul and Body - 12/13/2015 The Wonder Of Justification - 12/27/2015 Defense Of Salvation - 1/10/2016 Grace Properly Emphasized - 1/17/2016 The Sign of Baptism - 1/24/2016 Called To Partake - 2/7/2016 Lord's Supper: Truth vs. Error - 3/6/2016 Proper Partakers - 4/3/2016 Church Discipline - 4/10/2016 The Necessity of a Godly Life - 4/17/2016 The Work of True Conversion - 5/1/2016 If Jehovah Be God... - 5/8/2016 Worshiping According to Word - 5/29/2016 Warned Against Profanity - 6/5/2016 The NT Sabbath: A Day of Rest - 6/12/2016 Warned Against Murder - 7/10/2016 Honoring Parents - 7/17/2016 Called to Sexual Purity - 7/24/2016 God's Children & Possessions - 7/31/2016 God's Exacting Law Underscored - 8/7/2016 Made Known by One's Tongue - 8/14/2016 Called To Pray - 9/11/2016 Addressing God As Father - 9/18/2016 Hallowing God's Name - 9/25/2016 Praying For Christ's Kingdom - 10/2/2016 3rd Petition: Thy Will Be Done - 10/9/2016 A Petition For Our Daily Bread - 10/16/2016 Praying As Debtors - 10/23/2016 Praying Over... - 11/6/2016 Prayer's Conclusion:.. - 11/27/2016 What Is Thy Only Comfort? - 12/4/2016 God's Law & The True.. - 12/11/2016 Adam's Original Disobedience - 1/8/2017 Totally Disqualified As.. - 1/15/2017 God's Righteous Judgment.. - 1/22/2017 Fallen Man: All.. - 1/29/2017 God's Fore-Ordained.. - 2/5/2017 Saved By Faith In The.. - 2/19/2017 The True Faith to Which we.. - 3/5/2017 The Almighty One: Triune - 3/12/2017 Confessing God Our Father.. - 3/19/2017 Confessing Jesus: The One,.. - 4/23/2017 Christ Jesus: Mediator of.. - 4/30/2017 (Christ: The Mediator of.. - 5/7/2017 (The Christ - Mediator of.. - 5/21/2017 Christ's Sonship and Ours - 5/28/2017 The Wonder of The Incarnation - 6/18/2017 Christ Suffering For His.. - 6/25/2017 Christ's Death And Ours - 7/2/2017 Christ's Death and Ours - 7/2/2017 Our Old Man Crucified.. - 7/9/2017 The Power of Christ's.. - 7/16/2017 Looking For Christ's Return - 7/30/2017 The Holy Spirit Sent Us - 8/6/2017 Confessing Christ's Holy.. - 8/20/2017 Communion Of Saints Through.. - 8/27/2017 Confessing The Resurrection.. - 9/3/2017 Counted As Righteous By.. - 9/17/2017 Not of Works, But By Faith,.. - 10/1/2017 Infant Baptism - 10/22/2017 Keys: Their Faithful Exercise - 11/19/2017 Calling Believers To Good Work - 11/26/2017 Called To A Converted Life - 12/3/2017 The Good Works Required Of Us - 12/10/2017 Jehovah As One True God - 12/17/2017 Called To Proper Worship - 12/24/2017 Using God's Name, Reverence - 1/14/2018 God's Covenantal People - 1/21/2018 Honor Thy Father & Mother - 1/28/2018 Called Regard For Neighbor - 2/4/2018 Not Adultery, But.. - 2/18/2018 The Forbidding Of Theft - 2/25/2018 Not To Bear False Witness - 3/4/2018 Law's Concluding Word - 3/18/2018 Christian's Calling To Pray - 4/8/2018 Approaching God As Father - 4/22/2018 Allowing God's Name - 4/29/2018 Praying for Church and Kingdom - 5/6/2018 Thy Will Be Done - 5/20/2018 4th Petition: Praying For Need - 6/3/2018 4th Petition: Debtors - 6/10/2018 Praying to Be Kept from Evil - 6/24/2018 Adoration and Confidence - 7/1/2018 Belonging to God's Covenant - 8/19/2018 Misery, God's Covenant People - 8/26/2018 God's Covenant with Adam - 9/9/2018 Man's Fall From God's Favor - 9/16/2018 God's Covenant Justice - 9/25/2018 Satisfaction: God's Covenant - 9/30/2018 Christ: Mediator, Covenant - 10/7/2018 Faith: Means To Enjoy Covenant - 10/14/2018 Our Triune Covenant God - 10/26/2018 Faith in God My Father - 11/18/2018 Confessing God as Creator - 11/25/2018 The Doctrine of Providence - 12/9/2018 Christ: Anointed Chief Prophet - 12/30/2018 Christ: Priest Upon Throne - 1/6/2019 Christians: Anointed - 1/20/2019 The Only Begotten Son of God - 1/27/2019 The Virgin Birth of Jesus - 3/10/2019 The Suffering of Jesus Christ - 3/17/2019 Death, Burial, Descent - 3/24/2019 The Death, Burial, and.. - 3/24/2019 Profit, Christ's Resurrection - 4/7/2019 Church's Comfort - 4/28/2019 Faith in the Holy Spirit - 5/5/2019 The Believer's Hope - 5/26/2019 Our Perfect Salvation - 6/2/2019 Profit of Believing: Justified - 6/16/2019 Objections to Justification - 6/23/2019 The Preaching of the Gospel - 6/30/2019 The Sacraments - 7/7/2019 The Sacrament of Baptism - 7/21/2019 The Sacrament of the Lords.. - 8/4/2019 Eating the Bread of Life - 8/11/2019 The Roman Catholic Mass - 8/18/2019 The Proper Partaker of the.. - 8/25/2019 The Keys of the Kingdom of.. - 9/1/2019 The Key of Discipline - 9/15/2019 The Necessity of Walking in.. - 9/22/2019 Daily Conversion - 9/29/2019 The Law of God - 10/13/2019 The First Commandment - 10/27/2019 Worshiping God Properly - 11/3/2019 The Third Commandment - 11/10/2019 Swearing God-Glorifying Oaths - 11/17/2019 The Lamb of God Who Takes.. - 11/17/2019 The Fourth Commandment - 12/1/2019
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