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Interim - Rev. Ian Goligher | Calgary, Alberta
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Rev. Armen Thomassian
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Christian Response to Terrorism | ISIS Paris Attacks and Beirut Bombing
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11/17/2015 (TUE)
  |  Bible: Matthew 5:43-48
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This is the audio taken from a video put up on Facebook by Rev. Thomassian. It was done by himself as a personal response to the various reactions to the news of recent terrorist activity.
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Rev. Armen Thomassian
A Godly Response to Terrorism

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Rev. Armen Thomassian
A Godly Response to Terrorism

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Rev. Armen Thomassian (12/7/2015)
from Calgary, Alberta
“ To Mac ”
No doubt I lack knowledge and experience, but I would caution against going down the road of trying to pry into the secret counsel of the Almighty in these events, especially when interpreting them through third party information such as the media. Not that I doubt the possibility of what you suggest, but I don't want to go there and I don't believe we need to. Luke 13:1-5 would be important to bear in mind.

Mac (12/6/2015)
from N. Ireland
“ Great Sermon! ”
Should we not see that God is using terrorists as a rod of correction? The theatre attenders were glorifying Satan and singing about death. God gave them up to destruction. The workers at the satirical magazine, at the previous attack, had mocked Mohammed, but don't forget that they had mocked God for years! Lack of knowledge and experience will hinder comparing Scripture with Scripture and not interpreting verses in isolation. Listen to some of the veteran preachers preaching on the Troubles in Northern Ireland.

Mourner (11/28/2015)
“ Romans 12:19 ”
Rom 12:19 Dearly beloved, avenge not yourselves, but rather give place unto wrath: for it is written, Vengeance is mine; I will repay, saith the Lord. Reading through 'A Cloud of Witnesses' I was often struck that the Scottish martyrs of the Killing Times in Scotland were frequently praying on the scaffold for their enemies and as you say; they were mindful of their own grace and mercy. They were however quick to differentiate between personal offenses and those done against God Psalm 51:4. God only can forgive offenses down against Himself. His election known only to Himself is contrasted in Scripture with those to whom he withholds mercy for his own sovereign purposes. Romans 9:15-17; Ps. 16:1-4 I agree with you as to the urgent need for prayer in the Spirit; "And this is the confidence that we have in him, that, if we ask any thing according to his will, he heareth us:" If we are to pray in the Spirit that proceeds from David's son and David's Lord, we need to be forming our prayers from the Psalms balanced in the whole counsel of God. Appreciated the balance you added in the consideration of the news and the media's effect on a personal level, so as to bring all considerations to prayer for our enemies wherever they may be found.

Florin MotiuContact via email (11/27/2015)
from Oradea, Romania
“ Good biblical response. ”
Good biblical call to pray for those terrorists and to love their soul, wishing their salvation, not their eternal punishment in hell. Thank you.

Rev. Armen Thomassian (11/26/2015)
from Calgary, Alberta
“ To Joe & John ”
Thanks for your comments. I would suggest that David's imprecatory prayers depict the prayers of David's greater Son, the Lord Jesus, as He mediates for the Church and His own Kingdom. However, His instruction to us in Matthew 5 and other passages is plain, which is why the focus is there. I'm not saying that we can't pray for God to stop those that are enemies, but our discernment is rarely as clear as David's and people are often moved by the flesh rather than the Spirit. May God give us all clarity in the face of tragedy.

John1 (11/25/2015)
from MO
“ Great Sermon! ”
I would have liked you talked about a passage like psalm chapter 59 and how this also fits in. Please use the entire Bible when discussing a topic, especially since David and his prayers are almost always mentioned when this topic comes up. David a man after gods own heart.

Joe Lee (11/24/2015)
from Usa
“ Half the picture ”
Thank you for the reminder to love our enemies and pray for their salvation. We should do always. Yet shouldn't we also pray that God would protect innocent life by breaking their teeth, even destroying them if necessary.

Natalie (11/24/2015)
from Sydney
“ Great Sermon! ”
Thank you for a salient reminder of our Christian duty in these difficult times.

Robert Reid (11/24/2015)
from australia
“ Great Sermon! ”
This sermon speaks very wisely. I guess we need Jesus to change our way of thinking. We must try not to see things through worldly eyes but pray that The Lord will bring peace as written in isaiah 19.

Aldo Hechavarria (11/23/2015)
from Florida, USA
“ Great Sermon! ”
Sometimes we need to be reminded of God's word.

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  Rev. Armen Thomassian
Born in Scotland and raised in Northern Ireland, Rev. Armen Thomassian currently serves as the Senior Minister of Faith Free Presbyterian Church in Greenville, SC, and teaches Old Testament Theology at Geneva Reformed Seminary. Prior to receiving his theological training at the...

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