We all have various ways of remembering those who are dear to us when we are separated by many miles. Perhaps you have photos on your fridge, on your dresser, or in your wallet. It is surely a sign that someone is not very dear when we forget them or act as though they do not exist.It is, therefore, very significant that the Lord Jesus has given to us a sacrament by which we are to remember Him for as long as we have breath. For in the Lord's Supper, Jesus has given a picture of His sacrificial love for His beloved Church whom He purchased unto Himself at the price of His own blood: "This do in remembranceof me." The Church's heavenly husband hereby calls His bride to stir up her love and affection, her zeal and enthusiasm, her holiness and godliness, and her faith and confidence in her Savior. He calls her to turn from her lusts, her covetousness, her forgetfulness, her pride, her self-righteousness, her resentment, and all her ways wherein she has loved her pleasures, her work, her riches, even her family more than she has loved her Redeemer. |