Dr. Lance T. Ketchum | Hutchinson, Minnesota
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Speaker: Dr. Lance T. Ketchum
1,599 sermons
The Spirit Enabled Gift of Giving
>Overview of the Epistle to.. - 1/16/2022 II. Overview of the Epistle.. - 1/16/2022 III. Overview of the.. - 1/23/2022 IV. Overview of the Epistle.. - 1/23/2022 Called of God - 1/30/2022 II. Called of God - 1/30/2022 III. Called of God - 2/6/2022 IV. Called of God - 2/6/2022 The Gospel of God - 2/13/2022 II. The Gospel of God - 2/13/2022 III. The Gospel of God - 2/20/2022 Jesus Christ Our Lord - 2/27/2022 The Believer's Calling to.. - 3/6/2022 II.The Believer's Calling.. - 3/6/2022 Eight Characteristics of a.. - 3/13/2022 II.Eight Characteristics of.. - 3/13/2022 Not Ashamed of the Gospel - 3/20/2022 II. Not Ashamed of the Gospel - 3/20/2022 I. Condemned - 3/27/2022 II. Condemned - 3/30/2022 III. Condemned - 4/4/2022 IV. Condemned - 4/4/2022 V. Condemned - 4/10/2022 VI. Condemned - 4/10/2022 II. Filled with all.. - 4/24/2022 I. God's Condemnation for.. - 5/1/2022 II. God's Condemnation for.. - 5/1/2022 Four Principles of Divine.. - 5/15/2022 Judgment with Impartiality - 5/15/2022 Misplaced Faith in a.. - 5/22/2022 Misplaced Faith in.. - 5/22/2022 III. Misplaced Faith in.. - 5/29/2022 II. Misplaced Faith in.. - 5/30/2022 Condemnation-Hypocrisy of.. - 6/5/2022 II. Condemnation: Hypocrisy.. - 6/5/2022 I. Assets Weighed Against.. - 6/12/2022 II. Assets Weighed Against.. - 6/12/2022 I. Overview of the Doctrine.. - 6/19/2022 II. Overview of the.. - 6/20/2022 Atonement? - 7/3/2022 II. Atonement ? - 7/3/2022 I. Defining Justification - 7/10/2022 II. Defining Justification - 7/10/2022 Illustration of.. - 7/17/2022 II. Illustration of.. - 7/17/2022 III. Illustration.. - 7/24/2022 Abraham Justified Apart.. - 7/24/2022 II. Abrahan Justified Apart.. - 8/14/2022 God's Eternal Promise in.. - 8/14/2022 II. God's Vocational Call - 8/21/2022 Life Out of Death Through.. - 8/21/2022 Elect "in Christ" - 8/21/2022 Resting in the Unbelievable - 8/28/2022 Faith is a Choice! - 8/28/2022 Application and Positional.. - 9/4/2022 The Believer's New Standing.. - 9/4/2022 Glorying in Tribulations - 9/18/2022 II. Glorying in Tribulations - 9/18/2022 The Positional Benefits of.. - 9/25/2022 II. The Positional Benefits.. - 9/25/2022 Extending God's Love.. - 10/9/2022 Two Natures of the Believer.. - 10/9/2022 Much More Then - 10/16/2022 II. Much More Then - 10/16/2022 Abounding Grace - 10/23/2022 To Hear, or Not to Hear, tha.. - 10/23/2022 Partners with the Sin Nature.. - 10/30/2022 For Believers Only! - 10/30/2022 Against the Law - 11/13/2022 Dead to Sin - 11/13/2022 Know, Reckon, and Yield - 11/20/2022 II. Know, Reckon, and Yield - 11/20/2022 Understanding Water Baptism.. - 12/4/2022 Understanding Water Baptism.. - 12/11/2022 The Expectation of Transitio.. - 12/11/2022 Baptism: Ordinance of Commit.. - 1/15/2023 Baptism:Commitment to the So.. - 1/15/2023 Practical Sanctification - 1/22/2023 II.Practical Sanctification - 1/22/2023 II. Transitioning from Posit.. - 1/29/2023 I.Transitioning from Positio.. - 1/30/2023 A Code of Law Cannot Produce.. - 2/5/2023 The Foolishness of Willpower.. - 2/12/2023 The New Covenant Church as t.. - 2/12/2023 The Breath of Life is the In.. - 2/26/2023 Hagar and Sarah (Law and Gra.. - 2/26/2023 "Dead to the Law" - 3/5/2023 Spiritual Life through Pract.. - 3/5/2023 When the Doctrne of Grace is.. - 3/12/2023 Who Shall Deliver Me from th.. - 3/12/2023 When Should a Sinner Questio.. - 3/19/2023 II. When Should a Sinner Que.. - 3/19/2023 Eternal Security - 3/26/2023 II. Eternal Security - 3/26/2023 Sealed with the Spirit unto.. - 4/16/2023 II. Sealed with the Spirit u.. - 4/16/2023 What are the Four Fors For? - 4/30/2023 Transitioning Believers to P.. - 4/30/2023 Six Big Ifs - 5/7/2023 II. Six Big Ifs - 5/7/2023 The "Unsearchable Riches" of.. - 5/14/2023 The Mystery of Glorification.. - 5/14/2023 First Creation in Labor Pang.. - 5/21/2023 Maintaining an Eternal Persp.. - 5/21/2023 The Grace of Glorification - 5/28/2023 The Order of the Regeneration - 5/28/2023 II. The Order of the Regener.. - 6/4/2023 Glorifying God through Unvei.. - 6/4/2023 Vocationally Called as the P.. - 6/11/2023 Differentiating Between the.. - 6/18/2023 The Priesthood of the Believ.. - 6/25/2023 Understanding God's Foreknow.. - 6/25/2023 The Believer's Eternally Sec.. - 7/2/2023 God's Eternal Dispensational.. - 7/9/2023 The Surety of the Believer's.. - 7/9/2023 Preferences versus Biblical.. - 7/23/2023 Understanding Election from.. - 7/23/2023 Seven Folds of the Abrahamic.. - 7/23/2023 The Abrahamic Covenant is No.. - 7/30/2023 Kingdom Age Rewards for the.. - 7/30/2023 The Seventh Fold of the Abra.. - 8/6/2023 The New Melchizedekian Pries.. - 8/6/2023 "Who are Israelites" - 8/13/2023 The Application of Romans 9,.. - 8/13/2023 That the Purpose of God Acco.. - 8/20/2023 When False Presuppositions D.. - 8/20/2023 Jacob Have I Loved, Esau Hav.. - 8/27/2023 Jacob and Esau Refer to Nati.. - 8/27/2023 God's Election of the Lost t.. - 9/3/2023 Only Causal Refusal to Repen.. - 9/3/2023 Refusing and Rejecting Faith.. - 9/10/2023 The Faith Seed of the Abraha.. - 9/10/2023 "Ye are not My People" - 9/17/2023 II. The Faith Seed of the Ab.. - 9/17/2023 Fourth OT Quote in Romans 9:29 - 9/24/2023 How Flesh Israel becomes Fai.. - 10/8/2023 II. Addressing the Corruptio.. - 10/15/2023 Addressing the Corruptions o.. - 10/15/2023 Answering the Philippian Jai.. - 10/22/2023 Correcting the Corruption of.. - 10/23/2023 Scriptural Context for Calli.. - 10/29/2023 Call: the Desperate Sinner's.. - 10/29/2023 Salvation Available to "Whos.. - 11/5/2023 Repentance and the Rich Youn.. - 11/5/2023 Repentance of the Sin of Sel.. - 11/12/2023 Repentance Prepares the Hear.. - 11/12/2023 Repentance of "Sin Unto Salv.. - 11/19/2023 God's New Covenant Priests/E.. - 11/26/2023 The Lord of Hosts and His Wa.. - 11/26/2023 The Soteriological Responsib.. - 12/3/2023 Four Essential Fundamentals.. - 12/3/2023 God's Promise of the Palisti.. - 12/10/2023 God's RSVP Salvation Invitat.. - 12/10/2023 Israel is Set Aside, Not "Ca.. - 12/17/2023 "Thy Kingdom Come, Thy Will.. - 12/20/2023 Five Crown Rewards - 12/31/2023 The Judgment Seat of Christ - 12/31/2023 Israel Should Have Known! - 1/7/2024 Is Faith a Gift or a Choice? - 1/7/2024 Confusing Covenants Confuses.. - 1/21/2024 God's Longsuffering with the.. - 1/22/2024 Has God Cast Away Israel? - 1/28/2024 God's Purpose in His Long-su.. - 1/28/2024 God Wants Christians to Lead.. - 2/4/2024 God's Fulfilled Promised "Cu.. - 2/4/2024 Understanding Old Testament.. - 2/18/2024 How Long have You been a Wil.. - 2/18/2024 God Confirms Abrahamic Coven.. - 2/25/2024 Emphatics for Faith in God's.. - 2/25/2024 Is God's Judgment upon Unfa.. - 3/3/2024 Receiving the Person of Jesu.. - 3/3/2024 Speaking to the Gentiles - 3/10/2024 Getting Context for Romans E.. - 3/10/2024 Two Metaphors: the "Lump" an.. - 3/17/2024 Raising and Ensign to Our Fa.. - 3/24/2024 The Tabernacle of the Congre.. - 4/7/2024 The Olive Tree Metaphor Equa.. - 4/14/2024 Warning Against Candlestick.. - 4/21/2024 "Thou Hast Left Thy First Lo.. - 4/28/2024 Old and New Priesthoods - 5/5/2024 "All Israel Shall Be Saved" - 5/5/2024 Enemies "Concerning the Gosp.. - 5/12/2024 Essentials for God to Consec.. - 5/12/2024 Three Pleas from God to Beli.. - 5/19/2024 Practical Outcomes of Christ.. - 5/19/2024 The Tripartite of Power - 5/26/2024 Two Imperatives of Romans 12:2 - 5/26/2024 Aberrant Definitions of Lega.. - 6/2/2024 Religion is not the Solution.. - 6/9/2024 Obedience that is Not from t.. - 6/9/2024 Enabling Grace to Combat Leg.. - 6/16/2024 "Through the Grace Given Unt.. - 6/23/2024 Not Everything at Which We M.. - 6/23/2024 God's Goal in Consecrating B.. - 6/30/2024 Counterfeit Spirituals - 6/30/2024 Spiritual Empowering of Serv.. - 7/7/2024 Tripartite for Spiritual Emp.. - 7/14/2024 Counterfeit Spirituals - 7/14/2024 Understanding the Genuine to.. - 7/21/2024 II. Understanding the Genuin.. - 7/21/2024 Falsehoods of Full Gospel, S.. - 7/28/2024 Addressing the Obscurities o.. - 7/28/2024 Casting Away the Old Priesth.. - 8/4/2024 Seven Service Gifts - 8/4/2024 Maintain the Body Context of.. - 8/18/2024 God is No Fool and Cannot Be.. - 8/18/2024 Where is the Fruit? - 9/1/2024 New Covenant Gift of Prophecy - 9/1/2024 The Prophet's Heart - 9/22/2024 The Empowered Gifts of Minis.. - 9/29/2024 The Teacher's Militancy - 9/29/2024 Ordain Elders in Every City - 10/13/2024 Biblical Christianity (Funda.. - 10/14/2024 Lazy Learners are Easily Dec.. - 10/20/2024 Combating Antichrist Paganis.. - 10/20/2024 Don't Partner with Those Dep.. - 10/27/2024 The New Reformed Common Deno.. - 10/27/2024 When False Teachers Try to M.. - 11/3/2024 Two Reasons to Publicly "Mar.. - 11/3/2024 The Gift of Exhortation - 11/10/2024 Understanding the Four Rheto.. - 11/10/2024 The Spirit Enabled Gift of G.. - 11/17/2024 Giving without Grudging and.. - 11/17/2024 Being Thankful for Who God Is - 11/24/2024 Giving Ourselves So God can.. - 12/1/2024 First Priority of Giving is.. - 12/1/2024
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