Don Fortner | Danville, Kentucky
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Speaker: Don Fortner
2,968 sermons
When Christ comes to save He comes in power, making all things new. — "If any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new" (2 Corinthians 5:17).
>Eight Stubborn Statements - 12/15/2007 Four Stages of Grace - 6/15/2010 In That Day - 7/14/2013 It Is Well With The Righteous - 1/19/2014 Salvation Is Of The Lord - 4/26/2016 God's Prophet, Providence... - 5/1/2016 A People Laden With Iniquity - 5/8/2016 A Remnant - 5/22/2016 Contemptible Religion - 6/5/2016 God's Word For You - 6/12/2016 God Has Spoken - 6/26/2016 Two Things God Will Do - 7/17/2016 What Will It Take To Save You? - 8/28/2016 The Glory of Zion - 9/12/2016 Walking In the Light - 9/25/2016 Why Did God Forsake Israel? - 10/16/2016 In The Day of Grace - 10/23/2016 Man Humbled - God Exalted - 11/6/2016 The Lord Alone Exalted - 11/13/2016 Cease Ye From Man - 11/27/2016 Jerusalem Ruined, Judah Fallen - 12/4/2016 It Shall Be Well With The.. - 12/18/2016 In These Last Days - 1/8/2017 Christ The Branch - 1/15/2017 A Song of Praise To An.. - 2/5/2017 What Did Isaiah See? - 3/5/2017 Holy, Holy, Holy, is the.. - 3/26/2017 The Making of a Prophet - 4/2/2017 It Shall Not Stand - 5/7/2017 If Ye Will Not Believe - 5/21/2017 Our Virgin Born Savior - 6/4/2017 When God Hides His Face - 6/18/2017 Christ Our Sanctuary - 7/16/2017 Signs and Wonders - 7/30/2017 A Call To Dogmatism - 8/13/2017 'Nevertheless' – The.. - 8/20/2017 His Name Shall Be Called.. - 9/10/2017 His Name Shall be Called.. - 9/17/2017 His Name Shall be Called.. - 9/24/2017 His Name Shall Be Called.. - 10/8/2017 Christ the Prince of Peace - 11/19/2017 Christ the King - 12/3/2017 "The Zeal of the LORD" - 12/17/2017 bring you to repentance? - 1/7/2018 Undstanding Divine Providence - 1/14/2018 What a Change Grace has Made! - 2/4/2018 Lord shall Recover Remnant - 2/11/2018 Christ Our Ensign - 2/18/2018 Glorious Rest of Our Redeemer - 3/4/2018 In That Day - 3/18/2018 My Confession - 4/15/2018 Faith and Fear - 4/22/2018 When Judgment Comes - 5/13/2018 God's Prophet and His Message - 5/20/2018 The Purpose of God - 6/3/2018 Captivity, Deliverance,Victory - 6/10/2018 3 Facts about God's Purpose - 6/24/2018 Lucifer's Fall - 7/14/2018 What shall one then answer? - 7/22/2018 The Burden of Moab - 8/19/2018 The Burden of Damascus - 8/26/2018 Scattered and Peeled - 9/9/2018 Salvation God's Way - 9/16/2018 Wonders of Grace - 9/23/2018 The Naked Preacher - 10/28/2018 The Burden of Babylon - 11/11/2018 The Watchman - 11/18/2018 A Nail in a Sure Place - 12/9/2018 To Stain Pride of All Glory - 12/22/2018 When Judgment Day Comes - 1/13/2019 The Crimes of Babylon - 1/24/2019 This is Our God - 2/1/2019 Christ is All - 2/5/2019 Six Provisions of Grace - 2/10/2019 The Covering Removed - 2/12/2019 The Day of Grace - 2/17/2019 Trust Ye in the Lord Forever - 2/26/2019 Perfect Peace - 3/12/2019 Stayed upon Jehovah - 3/17/2019 Five Encouragements for Faith - 3/26/2019 The Path of the Just - 3/31/2019 A Review, a Promise, an.. - 4/6/2019 A God Wrought Salvation - 4/14/2019 Thy Dead Men Shall Live - 4/20/2019 The Hope of the Resurrection - 4/21/2019 Fury Is Not In Me - 4/28/2019 God's Promises to Israel - 5/12/2019 Judgment Begin at House of God - 5/21/2019 Readiness - 6/2/2019 God Our Keeper - 6/4/2019 They Would Not Hear - 6/23/2019 A Refuge of Lies - 6/23/2019 Wonderful in Counsel - 6/23/2019 Learning from the Reprobate - 7/2/2019 Vain Worship - 7/14/2019 When the Gospel Comes in Power - 7/23/2019 Rebel Children and a.. - 7/27/2019 The Longsuffering of God - 8/18/2019 Irresistible Grace - 8/25/2019 God is My Defense - 9/8/2019 Behold, a King shall Reign.. - 9/10/2019 Christ Our Hiding Place - 9/15/2019 Our Judge, Our Lawgiver,.. - 9/17/2019 The Character and.. - 9/22/2019 Seeing the King's Beauty - 10/8/2019 Look Upon Zion - 10/20/2019 Forgiven - 10/27/2019 The Day of the Lord's.. - 11/3/2019 When Christ Comes - 11/17/2019 A Fearful Heart - 11/19/2019 Almighty Grace - 11/24/2019 Going Home - 12/1/2019 The Way - 12/8/2019 A Day of Trouble - 12/15/2019 Lessons for a Day of Trouble - 1/5/2020 Set Your House in Order - 1/12/2020 My Experience of Grace - 1/19/2020 God Left Him - 2/2/2020 The Threefold Message Of.. - 2/9/2020
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