His people, God told Isaiah. Tell my people that I will be with them. And, he reiterates, he reaffirms that in verse 5, fear not, for I am with thee. And so we come back to that truth that God is with us. If you forget everything else of the message this morning. Camp on that thought and think about that and what it means. Now here's a question I'd like that just a little bit, a little bit of feedback. What? Would you say? Is the evidence. Of God's presence in your life. Or in the situation, what would you say is the evidence that you could point to? That would reaffirm that God is in my life, or God is present. It's kind of a vague question, don't you? Very no bad answers, but what's the evidence that God is with you? Peace in my awe, brother, if I had a pink balloon, I'd give it to you. That is the first one on my list. Brother Brett, do you have peace in your heart? See, as we go through stressful times and we wonder. Does anybody care? Does anybody know what I'm going through? Marcus could ask that, and there'd be some brethren say I know exactly what you're going through, but that evidence God is present. Result is, is, is manifest by peace. Is there another? Is there something else that would be an evidence? Pizza Hut. You feel his presence. How did you? Feel his presence, Efron. You know, some of which you're not alone.
You can feel. The air. I can't see it, but. I can feel.
It's life giving, isn't it? OK, someone else. Another evidence that you can point to that you would say because of that. I know God is present. I'm sorry. People who are supportive, yes, they come around. You lay their hand on your shoulder or speak words of encouragement. |