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Don Fortner | Danville, Kentucky
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Grace Baptist Church of Danville
2734 Old Stanford Road
Danville, KY 40422
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Don Fortner
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Predestination or Providence
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10/25/2006 (WED)
  |  Bible: Ephesians 1:11
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Ephesians 1:11 In whom also we have obtained an inheritance, being predestinated according to the purpose of him who worketh all things after the counsel of his own will:
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Don Fortner
Predestination or Providence

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Don Fortner
Predestination or Providence

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  If you were blessed by this message, please add your comment ...
Aileen Willoughby (8/30/2021)
from Bradenton Fl
“ Great Sermon! ”
The very first sermon I heard by pastor fortnet and what a knockout punch it was !! I have listened to it several times since and it continues to bring me comfort and thankfulness that I am a sinnee saved only by Gods free grace

H Hudson (9/6/2015)
from Deerfield Beach, Florida
“ Clear Sermon! ”
This is a strong and truthful presentation of the power of God and how all things work for good for those who love God and are called to His purpose. It gives comfort to all believers.

Gwen Tomlinson (7/13/2014)
from Kentucky
“ Great Sermon! ”
Thank you Lord. You used this sermon to ease my fear and insecurity. Just knowing that you are in control , molding into the image of your Son , once again gives me comfort. Knowing, no matter what You are watching, providing and moving me according to your good purpose.

Ron AContact via email (8/28/2012)
from Charlotte, Mi
“ Great Sermon! ”
This is a message so vital to the true believer in CHRIST'S ear!!!! The LORD GOD ALMIGHTY REIGNS NOW AND FOREVER!!!! The comment by Preston is what I would expect from a person brought up in the free-will,works- based,man-centered religion of the modern world today!! Preston,weather he knows it or not, is striving with his maker, as stated in Romans 9:20-21 King James Version (KJV) 20 Nay but, O man, who art thou that repliest against God? Shall the thing formed say to him that formed it, Why hast thou made me thus? 21 Hath not the potter power over the clay, of the same lump to make one vessel unto honour, and another unto dishonour? Preston is stumbling at the cross of CHRIST, and is denying a Sovereign LORD!!! I pray that if it be GOD'S will, that he turns Preston from this horrible error!!! GOD is not to be trifled with, and those who strive and fail to believe GOD ALMIGHTY, are going to be sent to eternal perdition! It is only those who bow to the KING!! That will worship at the feet of the MASTER forevermore!!! Praise the LORD ALMIGHTY!!! Who reigns now and forever!!!!!!

Noel (12/4/2010)
from Philippines
“ Biblical Truth Indeed!! ”
God's absolute sovereignty is all over His Holy Book, we praise the LORD for giving us wisdom to understand and faith to believe! God bless Ptr. Don and others like him who continue to preach strongly the Doctrines of Grace to the praise of the glory of God's grace! Glory to the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit!

only a sinner (5/3/2009)
“ Great Sermon! ”
Also to Preston, Saying that this is not how God intended the world to turn out, is saying that God is not in COMPLETE control. A god that is not in complete control is a silly god indeed, and a silly god to believe on. I believe in a God that has everything under His control, just as he planned it!

Grateful (2/17/2007)
“ Great Sermon! ”
Question for Preston..... At what point has the Lord not been, isn't, or won't continue to be omnipotent, omniscient, and omnipresent??? If the God of the universe existed before anything else, then that would mean there was the Trinity and nothing else. Period. Nothing else. When something... anything was created, it came into being because He created it. Everything IS exactly how He planned it and desires it to be at this point on the eternal timeline. We forget that everything exists for His glory and pleasure, not ours. Keep searching - the Lord will reveal Himself to you in extraordinary ways. These are difficult things to absorb, they are not of our sick American mind-set, but, nonetheless they are true and they are reality. Our opinion is of no value.

Preston Nesselrotte (2/17/2007)
from Madison, AL
“ This message makes God out to be a tyrant ”
How sad a message. That we would impugn the loving character of God by telling people that this world is EXACTLY how God planned it! Mankind and Satan are in REBELLION to God, this is not how God intended the world to turn out. If anyone has read more than a couple of chapters of the Bible, they would clearly see that God is working with mankind to come back to reality. We need to stop trading in the truth for myths. This is Greek paganism repackaged. Save yourself some time and pass on listening to this silliness.

DessieContact via email (2/17/2007)
from WV
“ Outstanding Sermon! ”
Thank God for this sermon and the precious truths taught. As difficult as life becomes at times, we must continue to remember the truths of this sermon. God is in complete control and His Providence is always there for us. My intention is to listen to this sermon at least once a week if be God's will. Thank you Brother Fortner; I for one needed this precious sermon to remind me afresh of these truths.

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   The Lord Has Put Away Your Sin • 9/28/2006 | 11 posts
   Predestination or Providence • 10/25/2006 | 9 posts
   Don Fortner's Funeral.. • 5/2/2020 | 8 posts
  Don Fortner
Don Fortner (1950-2020) pastored and faithfully declared the gospel of God's free grace in Christ at Grace Baptist Church of Danville Kentucky for over thirty years and was a widely published author, and conference speaker. Books and commentaries resulting from his prolific and...

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   Predestination or Providence • 10/25/2006 | 6,000+ downloads

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