Speaker: Dr. John Vaughn
2,851 sermons
Don't let the simplicity of this title fool you. This is a very practical clip from a wonderful sermon delivered with grace and winsomeness. I'd encourage you to listen to the entire sermon. Listen to the entire sermon: sermonaudio.com/sermon/112518233248215
>Clip: Encouraging Christians - 9/11/1988 God Our Refuge in Time of Need - 11/25/2001 What Will Change America? - 10/12/2003 Church of Evan Roberts Today - 7/21/2004 Heartfelt Message to the Youth - 7/21/2004 Multigenerational Christianity - 7/21/2004 Clip: Perhaps This is the Time - 7/21/2004 Clip: The Need for God's Power - 7/21/2004 Praying in the Face of Death - 9/19/2004 Early Church Youth Groups? - 9/19/2004 Clip: It May Be - 1/28/2007 Clip: Message from a Dying Man - 9/2/2012 Do We Believe in Revival? - 9/24/2017 Does Christ Have All of You? - 2/14/2018 Praying in the Holy Ghost - 11/11/2018 This Church Must Not Be Dead! - 11/11/2018 Clip: Be A Nice Person! - 11/25/2018 Clip: Encouragement! - 11/10/2020 Clip: Fire in the Pulpit - 11/12/2020 As Long As He Sought the Lord - 11/19/2020 How to Prevent Dead Prayers - 11/20/2020 Clip: Praying for an Answer - 11/20/2020 Clip: Ye Are My Witnesses - 11/23/2020 Clip: Spiritual Power Is Real - 11/27/2020 What Did Our Forefathers Do? - 11/27/2020 Clip: Fervency in Prayer - 11/28/2020 Where Are the Prayer Meetings? - 11/28/2020 Clip: When We Lose the Axehead - 12/19/2020 Death Over a Marred Conscience - 12/25/2020 Payson on Civil Disobedience - 12/25/2020 Clip: Explaining Romans 13 - 12/25/2020 All my friends are unbelievers - 12/25/2020 Manton on Civil Disobedience - 12/25/2020 Ian Paisley Knew Revival - 12/30/2020 America Needs Divine Healing - 1/6/2021 We Need Courage - 1/13/2021 What We Can Expect from Biden - 1/14/2021 Counsel from an Evangelist - 1/16/2021 The Plight of Every Preacher - 1/17/2021 When God Said No to Steven Lee - 1/17/2021 In Season and Out of Season - 1/17/2021 Witnessing With Intention - 1/17/2021 A Burden for Young People - 1/21/2021 Jonathan Edwards' Grave - 1/31/2021 You're a Dinosaur - 2/3/2021 None Greater Than Prayer Life - 2/22/2021 Desperate Times and Prayers - 2/23/2021 Power in United Prayer - 2/23/2021 What's Missing in Our Churches - 3/9/2021 Putting Legs on Our Prayers - 3/16/2021 Where Is the Lord? - 4/2/2021 Clip: Scared to Death of COVID - 4/11/2021 We Need to Make an Impact - 4/11/2021 How to Have God's Hand Upon Us - 4/14/2021 Remembering Tyndale and Rogers - 4/16/2021 Do You Want Power of Christ? - 5/2/2021 God Only Uses Broken Vessels - 5/2/2021 Clip: Hudson Taylor's Weakness - 5/2/2021 Half-Hearted Christianity - 5/24/2021 Clip: Dead Prayer Meetings - 5/27/2021 Clip: Clarence Sexton's Father - 9/12/2021 Clip: Read the Bible! - 9/13/2021 Mutiny on Bounty: True Story - 9/27/2021 Courage to Tell the Truth - 9/30/2021 A Plea for the Prayer Meeting - 10/4/2021 Giving Ourselves Prayer & Word - 10/28/2021 Clip: Praying a Hole in Heaven - 11/1/2021 Clip: In the Hands of Christ - 11/3/2021 Reading Papers on Revival - 11/4/2021 Black Lives Matter in NYC - 11/17/2021 As Long as He Sought the Lord - 12/16/2021 Fact-Checked in Real-Time - 12/16/2021 Brainerd & Modern Missions - 12/16/2021 David Brainerd, Edwards & Yale - 12/16/2021 David Brainerd's Prayer Life - 12/16/2021 Learning Prayer from the Kings - 12/16/2021 Clip: The Opportune Moment - 12/16/2021 Family Worship Not the Church - 12/17/2021 God's Strength in Weakness - 12/17/2021 Launch of Like-Minded People - 12/17/2021 Learning Prayer from Jesus - 12/17/2021 Learning Prayer from Others - 12/17/2021 The Cancelled Prayer Meeting - 12/17/2021 Clip: The Power of Nothing - 12/17/2021 Clip: The Robert Trump Story - 12/17/2021 Clip: We Need a Strategy - 12/17/2021 What Will Solve Racial Divide? - 12/17/2021 Where is the Family Altar? - 12/17/2021 Clip: Bonds Closer Than Blood - 1/9/2022 Clip: The Transcendence of God - 1/9/2022 Clip: God Will Break Through - 1/30/2022 Clip: A Spirit-Filled Life - 2/23/2022 Why Were You Born? - 2/24/2022 Some of you need to wake up! - 3/7/2022 Prayer of 95-Year-Old Man - 6/11/2022 Clip: Finding Your Identity - 6/28/2022 Clip: We Will Reign With Him - 7/3/2022 We're Not Desperate! - 11/26/2022 Consumed With Revival - 1/27/2023 Clip: Internationalization - 1/30/2023 Quench Not the Spirit - 2/19/2023 We Have Options, No to Prayer - 3/12/2023 We Are Not a Praying Church! - 10/12/2023 God's Sovereign Customs Agency - 10/16/2023 Greatest Clip on Treasure! - 10/16/2023 Illustration of Two Glasses - 10/16/2023 Should We Divide Over Doctrine - 10/26/2023 36-Hour Prayer Meeting - 2/7/2024 Distinct Lack of Experience - 3/12/2024 Reading Papers on Revival - 3/12/2024 Filling the Gap of the Power - 10/19/2024 Hebrides Island Revival Bible - 10/27/2024 Life Advice from a Quant - 10/28/2024 CLIP: America's Day of Terror - 11/3/2024
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Suz (1/28/2021)from NorCal
Confusing message Did Jesus call us to be nice? Is nice one of the fruits of the Spirit? When Jesus confronted people was he nice? Recently an atheist publicly stated: Christian are too nice... are we too nice now not to answer the doubter or the critic or the so-called worldly Christian? Walk with a man as far as you can but like Jesus, speak truth... and be kind... big difference in nice and kind. Nice tries to please and kind’s concerns are for the welfare of the other person.
Dr. John C. Vaughn and his wife Carol have launched a ministry of encouragement for all who care for others: pastors, missionaries, chaplains, educators, and everyone involved in helping those who serve others. For many years, Dr. Vaughn has been involved in chaplaincy as an...
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