These first 18 verses of John set the stage and themes for the entire Gospel of John, with the truths of Christ's eternality, deity, revealing of and unity with the Father, and glory presented, and the themes of life, light, darkness, witness, world, rejection, faith, and new birth introduced. - But most of all, we see the subject of the Prologue is the Word of God who is the Son of God--and the Gospel of John is a Gospel about the Word (who is Son of God come to man)! - In this second part of two sermons through John1:1-18, verses 14-18 are emphasized. And the same outline can be used (recapitulated) as was used for the entire 18 verses, further amplifying and adding to the main themes. - I. The Word (v14)—back to defining Deity of Word (as in vv1-5), ---yet now with the incarnation plainly stated. ------A. Three important verbs: became, dwelt, beheld ------B. Three important attributes: glory, grace, truth II. The Word's Witness (v15)—back to John the Baptist (as in vv6-8), ---now to elaborate on vv6-8 & v14 ---and to show John did come, and that Jesus is still greater. ------A. John did witness ------B. Jesus greater than John III. The Word's World (vv16-17)--back to Word sent into His world, ---now to elaborate on vv9-13 & v14 ---and to show the fruits of received, fullness of grace and truth. ------A. Fullness and grace upon grace (v16) ------B. Jesus greater than Moses: grace and truth (v17) IV. The Word is With Us (vv18)—finish w/summary of begotten Son revealed, ---and to be worshiped! ---summary of Prologue: Word, His deity & humanity & coming to us. |