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Don Fortner | Danville, Kentucky
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Grace Baptist Church of Danville
2734 Old Stanford Road
Danville, KY 40422
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Don Fortner
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The Lord Has Put Away Your Sin
Murder and adultery - Forgiven
9/28/2006 (THU)
  |  Bible: 2 Samuel 11:26-27
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Can a man be forgiven in Christ of such heinous crimes against God as murder and adultery? King David stole the wife of a faithful friend and then murdered him. But in 2 Samuel 12:13, God sends his messenger Nathan to tell David, "The LORD also hath put away thy sin; thou shalt not die." Are you interested in THIS mercy?
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Don Fortner
The Lord Has Put Away Your Sin

Murder and adultery - Forgiven
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Don Fortner
The Lord Has Put Away Your Sin

Murder and adultery - Forgiven
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Carl E (11/12/2015)
from Australia
“ Great Sermon! ”
What a gracious God we serve!

arthur josephContact via email (11/19/2014)
“ Great Sermon! ”
when peter thru sovereign grace was able with the power of gods spirit to look at Christ and then walk on water, then he looked somewhere else, either to self or a preacher or our own wisdom, then he fell. same with us everytime, when we look anywhere else than Christ for acceptance with god, down in pride we will certainly go, but thank god the righteous fall 7 times, but the lord lifts him up every time we fall, cause he loved us before the foundation of the world.

charlesContact via email (11/23/2009)
from india
“ what a Sermon! ”
Therefore it is of faith, that it might be by grace; to us it is by grace but to Christ it is not by Grace i mean to us our salvation is by grace(free) but for Christ it is not by grace(free) but he purchased it Because we are his sheep we believed in him and heard his voice and rest won’t believe in him because they are not his sheep, we are not his sheep because we believed in him, but we believed in him and heard his voice because we are his sheep, they are his own because of the same love with which their Lord loved them from the beginning

Dessie (3/6/2009)
from WV
“ Such a Blessing! ”
After listening to this sermon many times, it continues to bless. Thank God for it and for Brother Fortner.

Dianna (8/20/2008)
“ Great Sermon! ”
I have just found Mr. Fortner's sermons and can't wait to listen to this one. Reguarding Karen's comment on the ending---Read Matt:1:6&7 where it mentions Solomon.

karen (9/9/2007)
“ Great Sermon! ”
was lovely sermon till close to the end when brother fortner makes comment regarding Jesus coming from Solomen. It seems quite clear that through the geneology in Luke (Mary's)the our Lord comes though Davids son Nathan. The geneology on Mathew is that of Joeseph, who is only Christ's stepfather.

Chris Moody (2/16/2007)
I rejoiced in my heart greatly when I heard this message. We are such unworthy creatures for God's Great Mercy. A must listen to message!!!!!

DessieContact via email (2/13/2007)
from WV
“ Precious Message!! ”
Thank God for this message and God's providence and sovereignty as taught in this message. Few realize the truths taught in this message, both the positive and negative.

Glenda R.Contact via email (2/12/2007)
from Texas
“ Great Sermon! ”
What a message of hope and forgiveness for sinners! My favorite scripture verse is Romans 8:28 and hearing this message validated the fact that ALL things do work together for good. To think King Soloman came from David and Bathsheba. What a great message.Thank you lord for your servant Don Fortner!

Robert (11/1/2006)
from Florida
“ Surely this message is from God. ”
Probably the best message I have ever heard. I only wish that more preachers would tell us of God's willingness to forgive in Christ, and with such a kind spirit as the one of this pastor.

Brian (10/4/2006)
from KY
“ Great Sermon! ”
Having heard this message live, I must say that this was a true blessing! Pastor Fortner does a masterful job of proclaiming God's grace, uplifting the name of Christ, and putting man in his appropriate place-- an undeserving receiver of God's grace. We are sinners saved by grace and still capable of any evil thing if it were not for the grace of God. Pastor Fortner is not afraid to claim this truth, and I thank God for him and ask God to bless him and his message.

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   The Lord Has Put Away Your Sin • 9/28/2006 | 11 posts
   Predestination or Providence • 10/25/2006 | 9 posts
   Most Hideous Doctrine of All • 2/16/2008 | 8 posts
  Don Fortner
Don Fortner (1950-2020) pastored and faithfully declared the gospel of God's free grace in Christ at Grace Baptist Church of Danville Kentucky for over thirty years and was a widely published author, and conference speaker. Books and commentaries resulting from his prolific and...

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   The Funeral of an Unbeliever • 12/27/2007 | 8,400+ downloads
   Predestination or Providence • 10/25/2006 | 6,100+ downloads

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