Speaker: Dave Jenkins
1,918 sermons
Jared C. Wilson– The Imperfect Disciple: Grace for People Who Can't Get Their Act Tog
On today's episode, Dave Jenkins interviews Jared C. Wilson about his book The Imperfect Disciple: Grace for People Who Can't Get Their Act Together (Baker, 2017). What you'll hear in this episode: • How to tune into the gospel every day. • How the Gospel is good news for losers. • What it means to stare at the glory of God until we see it. • Why spilling your guts to Jesus is so important to growing in friendship with Jesus. • Why the real church can't be instagrammmable. • The nine irrefutable laws of followership. • What to do when we don't like the person in the mirror. • How to view weakness in our lives. About the Guest: Jared C. Wilson is the director of content strategy for Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary and managing editor of For the Church, Midwestern's site for gospel-centered resources. He is the author of several books, including Unparalleled, The Story of Everything, The Wonder-Working God, The Prodigal Church, and Gospel Wakefulness. His writing has appeared in Tabletalk, Rev! magazine, Exponential's Leadership Learnings, Pulpit Helps magazine, and numerous other publications. His blog, The Gospel-Driven Church, is hosted by the Gospel Coalition, and he speaks at numerous churches and conferences throughout the year. Wilson lives in Kansas City.
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Street- Passions of.. - 10/16/2021 Dave and Sarah Jenkins-.. - 10/17/2021 Costi Hinn- Defining.. - 10/18/2021 Dave Furman- Kiss the Wave:.. - 10/19/2021 Dave Jenkins- How to Deal.. - 10/19/2021 The Importance and Need for.. - 10/23/2021 Dave Jenkins- Theology for.. - 10/24/2021 Jeremy Pierre– The Dynamic.. - 10/24/2021 Nancy Guthrie– What.. - 10/24/2021 Responding to Challenges to.. - 10/24/2021 Ed Welch- Side by Side - 10/25/2021 Dave Jenkins- The Blessing.. - 11/1/2021 Dave Jenkins-- The Purpose.. - 11/2/2021 Paul Smalley- Reformed.. - 11/7/2021 Dave Jenkins – Why the.. - 11/9/2021 Michelle Lesley- The Danger.. - 11/14/2021 Dave Jenkins- Fighting.. - 11/16/2021 Bodie Hodge- Adam, Genesis,.. - 11/21/2021 Dave Jenkins-- The Purpose.. - 11/23/2021 Andrew Davis-The Glory Now.. - 11/28/2021 Dave Jenkins – The Dangers.. - 11/30/2021 Jonathan Gibson-- Be Thou.. - 12/5/2021 Deborah Howard- HELP! I'm.. - 12/7/2021 Navigating Loss at the.. - 12/12/2021 Lucy Ann Moll- Help! I Get.. - 12/19/2021 End of Year Report for 2021.. - 12/23/2021 What Happens if We Do.. - 12/27/2021 Reading and Studying the.. - 12/29/2021 Ernie Baker- Navigating.. - 1/3/2022 The Dangers of Sex Trafficking - 1/5/2022 Equipping People to Help.. - 1/8/2022 The Place of Tolerance and.. - 1/11/2022 Aimee Joseph- Decision.. - 1/16/2022 Decision-Making,.. - 1/18/2022 Biblical Counseling, the.. - 1/24/2022 Some Keys to Finding a Good.. - 1/26/2022 How the Gospel Fuels and.. - 1/30/2022 How to Sit Under a Biblical.. - 2/2/2022 Cultural Icons, Priesthood,.. - 2/7/2022 Love and Communication in.. - 2/9/2022 Navigating Conflict in.. - 2/14/2022 The Place of Friendship in.. - 2/16/2022 The Purpose of Biblical Memo.. - 2/21/2022 The Purpose of Biblical.. - 2/23/2022 Christian Friendship,.. - 2/28/2022 Addressing Bitterness and.. - 3/2/2022 Government, the Lordship of.. - 3/7/2022 Faithfulness to Christ,.. - 3/9/2022 Navigating Bible Difficulties - 3/14/2022 Handling Criticism - 3/16/2022 Freedom, Sexual Ethics, and.. - 3/21/2022 The Beauty, Loveliness, and.. - 3/28/2022 Reading and Studying the.. - 4/4/2022 Sanctification, Suffering,.. - 4/11/2022 The Dangers of Reiki and.. - 4/18/2022 Scripture and the Christian.. - 4/25/2022 Handling Conflict in Our Lives - 5/2/2022 Biblical Worldview and the.. - 5/9/2022 Abortion and a Biblical.. - 5/11/2022 Becoming Who You Were Made.. - 5/15/2022 The Dangers of the Message - 5/23/2022 Plagiarism and What the.. - 5/30/2022 The Sufficiency of God's.. - 6/6/2022 The Enneagram: What's True,.. - 6/8/2022 Cultural Marxism and.. - 6/13/2022 Communicating the Truth in.. - 6/15/2022 Engaging in Apologetics in.. - 6/20/2022 Why Christians Should Speak.. - 6/22/2022 Combating the Dangerous.. - 6/27/2022 Christian Friendship and.. - 6/29/2022 Grace At Work Redeeming the.. - 7/4/2022 Caring for a Family Member.. - 7/6/2022 The Story of Scripture and.. - 7/11/2022 Four Biblical Reasons to.. - 7/13/2022 The Puritans on Our Sin and.. - 7/18/2022 Navigating Grief and Loss.. - 7/20/2022 Digital Discipleship and.. - 7/25/2022 A Christian Response to.. - 7/27/2022 Why Having a Good.. - 8/1/2022 Why Biblical Application.. - 8/3/2022 Biblical Authority In a.. - 8/8/2022 The Battle for the Bible.. - 8/10/2022 The Inspiration of.. - 8/15/2022 The Inerrancy of Scripture.. - 8/17/2022 Christian Engagement in the.. - 8/22/2022 Infallible: The Unerring.. - 8/24/2022 The Beauty and Power of.. - 8/29/2022 Biblical Hermeneutics and.. - 8/31/2022 Faithfulness to Scripture.. - 9/5/2022 Education, Christian.. - 9/7/2022 Engaging Mormons With.. - 9/12/2022 Standing Against Deception.. - 9/14/2022 Sin, Settled Biblical.. - 9/19/2022 Help For Students with.. - 9/21/2022 Parenting Children with the.. - 9/26/2022 The 2022 Ligonier Statement.. - 9/28/2022 Dealing with the Hard Days.. - 10/3/2022 Discerning the Marks of the.. - 10/5/2022 Identifying the Marks of.. - 10/10/2022 Politics and Christian.. - 10/12/2022 Exposing Popular Deceptions.. - 10/17/2022 Communicating Biblical Truth.. - 10/19/2022 Why We Need Reformation Today - 10/24/2022 The Task of Theology and the.. - 10/26/2022 The Design and Purpose of th.. - 10/31/2022 Help for Rightly Engaging th.. - 11/7/2022 Resurrection Hope and the De.. - 11/9/2022 The Dangers of Bethel and th.. - 11/14/2022 Practical Ways to Care for Y.. - 11/16/2022 Speaking the Truth in Love w.. - 11/23/2022 Why Jesus Still Matters Toda.. - 11/28/2022 The Fear of God and the Fear.. - 11/30/2022 The Day of Trouble and the M.. - 12/5/2022 The Goal and Usefulness of B.. - 12/7/2022 Stand: Christianity Vs. Soci.. - 12/12/2022 Focusing on Christ at Christ.. - 12/14/2022 Biblical Marriage and the Re.. - 12/19/2022 End of the Year Report 2022.. - 12/21/2022 Why Every Christian Needs to.. - 12/26/2022 Six Keys to Improving Your B.. - 12/28/2022 The Attributes and Existence.. - 1/2/2023 Reading and Preaching the Wo.. - 1/4/2023 The Doctrines of Grace and U.. - 1/9/2023 What Christian Friendship Is.. - 1/11/2023 The Influence of the NAR on.. - 1/16/2023 Why Your Favorite Podcaster,.. - 1/18/2023 Mentoring, Memorization, and.. - 1/23/2023 The Goal and Practice of Bib.. - 1/25/2023 Reading and Studying the Boo.. - 1/30/2023 The Danger of Todd White's T.. - 2/1/2023 Seven Keys to Cultivating Ho.. - 2/6/2023 The Person and Work of the H.. - 2/8/2023 Biblical Love and Marriage:.. - 2/13/2023 Prayer and the Hard Days - 2/15/2023 The Holy Spirit the Helper b.. - 2/20/2023 The Evil of Euthanasia and a.. - 2/22/2023 Redeeming Productivity for t.. - 2/27/2023 The Dangers of Contemplative.. - 3/1/2023 Right Thinking for a Culture.. - 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5/29/2023 A Round Table Discussion on.. - 5/31/2023 The Image of God and the His.. - 6/5/2023 A Biblical Response to Trans.. - 6/7/2023 Christian Discipleship and t.. - 6/12/2023 The Authority of Scripture a.. - 6/14/2023 Transgenderism and Worship:.. - 6/19/2023 Transgender to Transformed W.. - 6/21/2023 Transgenderism in the Media.. - 6/26/2023 The Toxic War on Masculinity.. - 6/28/2023 Evangelizing With Confidence.. - 7/3/2023 Open Hearts 2023 and Studyin.. - 7/5/2023 Exposing the Dangerous Theol.. - 7/10/2023 The Enneagram and Biblical C.. - 7/12/2023 Concerns About Shane and Sha.. - 7/16/2023 A Strategy for Life Stewards.. - 7/19/2023 Eight Keys to Being Producti.. - 7/24/2023 The Dangers of the New Age w.. - 7/26/2023 Lessons on the Growing in th.. - 8/2/2023 The Dangers of Crystals and.. - 8/7/2023 Gender Roles and Women in th.. - 8/9/2023 Twisted Scripture: How Deliv.. - 8/14/2023 Doreen Virtue's Story: From.. - 8/16/2023 Scripture and Examples of th.. - 8/21/2023 Addressing Anger in Our Live.. - 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11/15/2023 A Christians' Call to Speak.. - 11/19/2023 Embracing Gratitude and Than.. - 11/20/2023 Finding Comfort in the Lord.. - 11/27/2023 Speaking up Against the Thre.. - 11/29/2023 Gospel Hope for Victims of S.. - 12/4/2023 Helping Individuals Overcome.. - 12/6/2023 Responding to Attacks on the.. - 12/11/2023 Understanding the Significan.. - 12/13/2023 Help for the Grieving and Th.. - 12/18/2023 End of the Year 2023 Report.. - 12/20/2023 Hope at Christmas and Beyond.. - 12/25/2023 Reading the Bible in 2024 wi.. - 12/27/2023 Rightly Reading and Studying.. - 1/1/2024 The Benefits and Strategies.. - 1/3/2024 The Sanctity of Life: Meanin.. - 1/8/2024 Daily Worship from Pascha to.. - 1/10/2024 Contentment: The Journey of.. - 1/15/2024 Loving the Word, Loving Peop.. - 1/16/2024 Memorizing Scripture for Lif.. - 1/17/2024 The Peace of God: Salvation.. - 1/22/2024 Biblical Life Change: The Fu.. - 1/24/2024 The Warrior Savior: A Theolo.. - 1/29/2024 Finding Contentment in Chris.. - 1/31/2024 Unraveling NAR and Modern-Da.. - 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Dave Jenkins is happily married to Sarah Jenkins. He is a writer, editor, and speaker living in beautiful Southern Oregon. Dave is a lover of Christ, His people, the Church, and sound theology. He serves as the Executive Director of Servants of Grace Ministries, the Executive...