Kingdom Beginnings (Gen 1:26-3:19) Intro We suffer from ennui in the visionless, purposeless Christian life.
What's going on when Jesus announces, 'The time has been fulfilled, & the kingdom of God is at hand!' (Mk 1:15)? What is the gospel of the kingdom (Mt 4:23,9:35,24:14; Mk 1:14; Acts 8:12,14:22,19:8,20:25,28:23,28:31; etc.)? How can we be workers for the kingdom of God (Col 4:11)? What does 'thy kingdom come' mean? What are we praying for? Is it here or is it not?
1. Constitution of God's Kingdom (Creation, Gen 1-2) God is King of all the earth (Ps 47:7), for he made it (Ps 93:3-5). But does that mean man is not to rule & subdue the earth? No. It is mediatorial dominion.
Various callings & organizations are necessary for fulfillment of our calling, but they all submit to God. Not the church over every area, but sphere sovereignty.
Why are we to fill the earth w/image of God & subdue it? Ultimately, for his glory (Ps 72:19; Is 43:7; Hab 2:14).
2. Rebellion of God's Kingdom (Fall, Gen 3:1-19) When the devil shows Jesus all the kingdoms of the world & their glory & says, 'All this authority I will give You, & their glory; for this has been delivered to me, & I give it to whomever I wish. Therefore, if You will worship before me, all will be Yours' (Lk 4:6), is he lying? See Jn 12:31, 14:30, 16:11, etc.
Next week: Reconstitution of God's kingdom, its utter failure, & the coming of the King who comes to make His blessings flow far as the curse is found. |