Speaker: Jack Harvey
494 sermons
>Delegate Authority - 1/19/2001 Doing God's Work - 2/18/2001 Will We Serve the Lord? - 2/18/2001 Goals and Purposes - 2/18/2001 Goals and Purposes - 2/18/2001 Be Ye Steadfast - 2/21/2001 Appointed Once To Die - 2/25/2001 Goals of a Christian - 2/25/2001 Office of a Bishop - 2/25/2001 The Wayward Son - 3/4/2001 Jesus is Coming for Us - 3/7/2001 Things That God Will Not Do - 3/11/2001 Bible Versions - 3/11/2001 A Balanced Christian Life - 3/14/2001 We Are All Like Worms - 3/18/2001 Knowledge and Wisdom - 3/18/2001 Learn to Obey - 3/21/2001 The Patience of Job - 3/25/2001 Patience of Joseph - 3/25/2001 Persecution - 3/28/2001 Life - 4/1/2001 Tongues; Untrue Holiness - 4/1/2001 To Preach - 4/4/2001 Beware of Covetousness - 4/8/2001 Are There Few That Be Saved? - 4/8/2001 Why Don't You Love Me Like Y.. - 4/11/2001 Just Kiss My Feet - 4/15/2001 Preach, Preach, Preach! - 4/15/2001 No Need to Doubt Him Now - 4/16/2001 Where is the Elisha of GOD? - 4/17/2001 Danger of Delay - 4/18/2001 Will Thou Not Revive Us Again? - 4/19/2001 I Just Can't Let Go - 4/20/2001 Making a Covenant - 4/22/2001 Faith: The Only Thing That P.. - 4/22/2001 Order of Being Converted - 4/25/2001 Things Above - 4/29/2001 The Call of the Master - 4/29/2001 Life - 5/2/2001 The Preeminence of Prayer - 5/6/2001 Great is Thy Faith - 5/6/2001 Rooftop Experience - 5/13/2001 The Battlements - 5/13/2001 Looking Out for Spiritual He.. - 5/16/2001 Nashon a Hero of the Faith - 5/20/2001 Following JESUS - 5/20/2001 If We Suffer - 5/23/2001 The Importance of Sunday - 5/27/2001 Revival of Honesty - 5/27/2001 Shame or Glory - 7/8/2001 Godliness With Contentment - 7/8/2001 Accountability - 7/11/2001 The Greatness of the Early C.. - 7/15/2001 Church Polity - 7/16/2001 Church Polity, Divorce - 7/16/2001 Hinderance to Prayer Part 2 - 7/16/2001 Hindrances to Prayer Part 1 - 7/16/2001 Power of Prayer - 7/16/2001 A High View of GOD - 7/17/2001 Bible Principles for Deputat.. - 7/17/2001 God's Harvest - 7/17/2001 There Must Be a Hell - 7/17/2001 Are the Heathen Lost? - 7/18/2001 Ecclesiastical Separation - 7/18/2001 The Crucified Man - 7/18/2001 A Living Sacrifice - 7/19/2001 Have Faith in God - 7/19/2001 Hinderance to Prayer- Evange.. - 7/19/2001 Hinderance to Prayer- Evange.. - 7/19/2001 Practical Missions and Bapti.. - 7/19/2001 8 Steps for Consistent Chris.. - 7/20/2001 A Spiritual Man - 7/20/2001 Ministry of the Evangelist - 7/20/2001 Natural Family Relationships - 7/20/2001 For Your Sakes He Became Poor - 7/22/2001 The Tongue - 7/22/2001 Back to the Basics - 7/25/2001 The Pure Gospel - 7/29/2001 The Scarlet Sins - 7/29/2001 More - 8/1/2001 Matter of Faith - 8/5/2001 Remember - 8/8/2001 Remember Lot's Wife - 8/12/2001 The Fringe and the Blue Ribbon - 8/12/2001 Awesomeness of GOD - 8/15/2001 All Glorious Blood of Christ - 8/19/2001 Yearning for Holiness - 8/19/2001 Don't Be a Fault Finder - 8/22/2001 Charity Edifieth - 8/26/2001 In the Midst - 8/26/2001 Walk in Love Without Comprom.. - 8/29/2001 Without Faith it is Impossib.. - 9/2/2001 Where are the Men? - 9/12/2001 The Wrath and Judgement of GOD - 9/16/2001 Behold Your King - 9/30/2001 Put on the Whole Armor of God - 9/30/2001 Are You Blessed or Are You C.. - 10/7/2001 Purity Blessed - 10/7/2001 The Lord's 2nd Coming - 11/4/2001 Touch Not, Taste Not - 11/4/2001 Nahshon - 11/7/2001 Most Destructive Sin - 11/11/2001 Make No Mention of Other Gods - 11/11/2001 Be Thankful - 11/14/2001 How to Be Happy - 11/16/2001 There's Blood On Your Hands - 11/18/2001 Little Foxes that Destroy th.. - 11/18/2001 A Change in Your Life - 11/21/2001 A Zeal for the House of GOD - 11/25/2001 It is Your Life - 11/25/2001 God of Great Grace - 11/28/2001 Is it Worth Going to Moab? - 12/2/2001 Who Will Pick Up the Stretch.. - 12/2/2001 What To Do When You Smell th.. - 12/3/2001 The Glory of GOD - 12/4/2001 Building the Ark to Save the.. - 12/5/2001 The Tragedy of Going to Hell - 12/6/2001 What to Do When You Don't Kn.. - 12/7/2001 Don't You Want to Be Great f.. - 12/9/2001 After He Saves Us, He Protec.. - 12/16/2001 God's Revenge for the Gibeon.. - 12/16/2001 Taking Inventory as a Christ.. - 12/19/2001 The Birth of Christ - 12/23/2001 Lying Prophets - 12/23/2001 Having Some Goals - 12/26/2001 His Compassion Fail Not - 12/30/2001 3 Things You Need in Your Ch.. - 12/31/2001 Be Thankful - 12/31/2001 Is God Pleased With You? - 12/31/2001 Pride - 12/31/2001 Serving God with the Right H.. - 12/31/2001 War Between God and the Devil - 12/31/2001 What Would Jesus Do? - 12/31/2001 You Must Have Salvation - 12/31/2001 Your Sin Will Find You Out - 12/31/2001 A Country's Judgement - 1/2/2002 Amazing Grace to the Hivites - 1/6/2002 Honour - 1/6/2002 Over and Above - 1/9/2002 How Are You Going to Finish? - 1/13/2002 Separate or Sin Will Take.. - 1/13/2002 Covetousness Which is Idolatry - 1/16/2002 Will of God - 1/20/2002 Will You Trust Him - 1/20/2002 Meat to Eat That Ye Know Not - 1/23/2002 Weapons of God - 1/27/2002 Three Things to Do - 1/27/2002 Foolishness is Sin - 1/30/2002 Infilling of the Holy Spirit - 2/3/2002 Our Fathers Have Told Us - 2/3/2002 In the Days of Thy Youth - 2/6/2002 Wonderful, Wonderful Jesus - 2/10/2002 Wonderful, Wonderful Jesus - 2/10/2002 Love the LORD - 2/13/2002 The Devil's At the Door - 2/17/2002 Idol Worship - 2/17/2002 Acceptable in Thy Site - 2/20/2002 Vengeance of Eternal Fire - 2/24/2002 The Word of the Lord Came - 2/24/2002 The Lord is My Shepard - 2/27/2002 Testimony/God's Last Laugh - 3/3/2002 Temperance - 3/3/2002 Jesus Sent the 12 - 3/6/2002 Indifference - 3/10/2002 God's Direction - 3/10/2002 What is Your Life? - 3/13/2002 Have You Lost Your Song? - 3/17/2002 Fill Your Life with Prayer - 3/17/2002 What is Your Life? Soulwinning - 3/20/2002 Is Your Life a Life of Love? - 3/24/2002 Your Life a Life of Holiness? - 3/24/2002 Is Your Life Following Jesus? - 3/27/2002 Life or Damnation - 3/31/2002 Add Thou Not Unto His Words - 3/31/2002 A Call to Action - 4/3/2002 Build Your Life w Jesus Christ - 4/7/2002 3 Choices in Christian Walk - 4/7/2002 Great Commission (Soulwinning) - 4/10/2002 The Power of God is Jesus - 4/14/2002 The Watchman Must Warn - 4/14/2002 The KJV is Inspired of God - 4/17/2002 Jesus is Life - 4/21/2002 Do You Have Rebellious Heart? - 4/21/2002 What Do You Trust? - 4/24/2002 GOD's Mercy on Nineveh - 4/28/2002 The Fall of Nineveh - 4/28/2002 Renew Your Covenant - 5/1/2002 Humility is the Greatest - 5/5/2002 One Thing is Needful - 5/8/2002 A Virtuous Woman - 5/12/2002 JESUS, Our Sacrifice - 5/12/2002 Forsaking Everything - 5/15/2002 Our Heart Should be.. - 5/19/2002 Sadness to Gladness - 5/19/2002 How Do We Go? - 5/22/2002 So Great Salvation - 5/26/2002 The Lord of Harvest - 5/26/2002 What We Must Preach - 5/29/2002 Love Thy Neighbor - 6/2/2002 The Passover - 6/2/2002 Zeal - 6/5/2002 The Devil - 6/9/2002 Do You Have Great Zeal? - 6/12/2002 Strong Fathers - 6/16/2002 The Armor of God - 6/16/2002 The WORD of GOD - 6/19/2002 Joseph of the Old Testament - 6/23/2002 The Greatest Things - 6/23/2002 Present Your Body a Living.. - 6/26/2002 The Last Thing the Lord Said - 6/30/2002 Lean Not unto Thine Own.. - 6/30/2002 Without Faith it is.. - 7/7/2002 Works - 7/7/2002 Can You Be Commended? - 7/10/2002 Christ Died for All - 7/14/2002 Giving Your All - 7/21/2002 Uttermost Part of the Earth - 7/24/2002 Faith Promise "God is Able" - 7/28/2002 Greatness of Christ - 8/4/2002 Christian - 8/4/2002 Abram - 8/7/2002 How to Have Spiritual.. - 8/11/2002 The Foolishness of God and.. - 8/11/2002 The Power of Prayer - 8/14/2002 The Gospel - 8/18/2002 8 Things for Balanced.. - 8/19/2002 8 Things for Balanced.. - 8/20/2002 The Rearing of Children - 8/22/2002 The Rearing of Children 2 - 8/23/2002 Having Greater Charity - 8/25/2002 Strange Fire - 8/25/2002 Bear Witness of the Light - 8/28/2002 Compassion - 9/1/2002 Great Faith - 9/1/2002 20 Things That Will/Will.. - 9/4/2002 The Great Commission - 9/8/2002 God Hates and Detests These.. - 9/11/2002 We Need the Power of GOD - 9/15/2002 Do Not Drink - 9/15/2002 Go, Grow, Glow - 9/18/2002 Holy, Holy, Holy (Leadership) - 9/22/2002 Holy, Holy, Holy - 9/22/2002 The Leadership of Nahshon - 9/25/2002 To Put Off and Stay Off - 9/29/2002 The Christlike Attitude of.. - 9/29/2002 Nazarites - 10/2/2002 Gideon - 10/6/2002 Zeal of GOD - 10/6/2002 Not Being Double Minded - 10/9/2002 Compassion - 10/13/2002 Results of Covetousness - 10/16/2002 Ye Must Be Born Again - 10/20/2002 Remember This Day - 10/20/2002 Hear, Learn, Keep, and Do - 10/23/2002 Put On The Whole Armour of God - 10/27/2002 What is Your Testimony? - 10/27/2002 What Do You Value the Lord.. - 11/3/2002 The Matter of Prayer - 11/3/2002 Flee Covetousness - 11/6/2002 Wonderful Grace - 11/10/2002 In Obedience to God - 11/10/2002 Kiss the Sun Through the Day - 11/17/2002 Where are We Going to Bury.. - 11/17/2002 The Last Judges, Sampson - 11/24/2002 Most Important Relationship.. - 11/24/2002 Seven Years of Death - 11/27/2002 Clothes, Clothes, and More.. - 12/1/2002 Boaz, The Type of Christ - 12/1/2002 Proper View of the Birth of.. - 12/4/2002 Single Mindedness - 12/8/2002 Is There Not a Cause? - 12/8/2002 The Kindness of GOD - 12/11/2002 Heed the Revelation - 12/15/2002 Thanksliving - 12/15/2002 For Mine Eyes Have Seen Thy.. - 12/18/2002 I Have Somewhat Against Thee - 12/22/2002 The Compassion and Reproof.. - 12/22/2002 5 Great Women in the Bible - 12/29/2002 Remember and Repent - 12/29/2002 3 Things to Have Joy In - 12/31/2002 Nuggets - 12/31/2002 The Second Adam - 12/31/2002 It's Time to Get Excited - 1/1/2003 Thankfulness - 1/1/2003 Jeroboam Made Israel to Sin - 1/5/2003 We Need Not Be a Fickle Group - 1/5/2003 Church of Laodicea - 1/8/2003 Preach the Word - 1/12/2003 Preach the Word (Cont) - 1/12/2003 How Do We View GOD? - 1/12/2003 Stealing - 1/15/2003 Is It Holy and Good? - 1/19/2003 Blessed is He that Readeth - 1/22/2003 Practical Christian Living - 1/26/2003 Exceeding Magnifical - 1/26/2003 Revelation - 1/29/2003 Being Precious - 2/2/2003 Supernatural Tongues - 2/2/2003 Matter of Prayer - 2/5/2003 Solomon's Temple - 2/9/2003 The Holy House - 2/9/2003 Specific Instructions - 2/12/2003 Justification - 2/16/2003 The Glory of the Lord.. - 2/16/2003 We Are the Lord's - 2/19/2003 The Importance of Revival - 2/23/2003 Quench Not The Spirit - 2/23/2003 Do You Want a Blessing from.. - 2/26/2003 The Bible is So Inspired! - 2/26/2003 The Bible Contains the Mind.. - 3/2/2003 The Men of David - 3/2/2003 Declaring the Glories of God! - 3/5/2003 Endure Hardness as a Good.. - 3/5/2003 Follow After Charity - 3/9/2003 Soul Winning - 3/9/2003 Misunderstood - 3/12/2003 It Doesn't Rain in the.. - 4/2/2003 Becoming Beautiful to God - 4/6/2003 The Three Hebrew Children - 4/6/2003 What You Sow, You Reap! - 4/9/2003 Yielding Our Body - 4/13/2003 Got Wisdom? - 4/13/2003 Be a Faithful Witness - 4/16/2003 Earthquakes - 4/20/2003 Go After the Wisdom of God - 4/20/2003 Oh, Look and See What God.. - 4/23/2003 When It Becomes Hell on Earth - 4/24/2003 Don't Throw Away That Which.. - 4/25/2003 Thou Art The Christ - 4/27/2003 We Are the Lord's Beautiful.. - 4/27/2003 The Great Deceiver-The Devil - 5/4/2003 Love One Another - 5/7/2003 The Beauty of Mary - 5/11/2003 Woes - 5/11/2003 Are You Willing to Suffer? - 5/14/2003 What a Fool - 6/1/2003 Your Reasonable Service for.. - 6/1/2003 Recognizing the Presence of.. - 6/2/2003 How to Stay Stable in an.. - 6/3/2003 America, What Has Happened? - 6/4/2003 Stay Away From Vanity - 6/8/2003 Exercising Faith - 6/15/2003 What are You Plugged Into? - 6/15/2003 Hidden Dangers - 6/18/2003 The Portion to the Unbelievers - 6/22/2003 The Son Shall Not Bear the.. - 6/22/2003 With All Thine Heart - 6/25/2003 Covering of the Eyes - 6/29/2003 The Love of Christ Constrain.. - 6/30/2003 The Strength of Samson - 7/6/2003 The Blessed Man and the Curs.. - 7/6/2003 We Need to Pray - 7/7/2003 Be Against Some Things - 7/10/2003 Having the Vision of God - 7/10/2003 Wilt Thou Be Made Whole - 7/10/2003 Faith Promise Mission - 7/11/2003 God is the Author of Music.. - 7/11/2003 Without Me Ye Can Do Nothing - 7/11/2003 God is the Author of Music.. - 7/12/2003 Terrible Place Called Hell - 7/13/2003 God Provides - 7/13/2003 Give - 7/16/2003 It is More Blessed to Give.. - 7/20/2003 Woe to Them That Are At.. - 7/20/2003 Without the Love of GOD,.. - 7/23/2003 John the Baptist - 7/27/2003 The "Good" Life - 7/27/2003 Prayer - 7/30/2003 Meditation - 8/3/2003 The Primacy of Preaching - 8/3/2003 The Road to Berachah - 8/6/2003 Martyrs for Christ - 8/10/2003 Who is my Neighbor? - 8/10/2003 What Truth Produces - 8/13/2003 Sacrifice and Repentance - 8/17/2003 The False Shepherds - 8/20/2003 Being Clean for the LORD - 8/24/2003 Who Is Your Best Friend - 8/24/2003 Great Commission - 8/27/2003 Doing What Pleases the Lord.. - 8/31/2003 Rain - 9/3/2003 The Holy Place - 9/7/2003 Folly of the Hypocrite - 9/7/2003 Power - 9/10/2003 Stand for the Lord - 9/14/2003 The Bloody City - 9/14/2003 The Deliverers in the Bible - 9/21/2003 Church Covenant - 9/21/2003 Let's Go Soul Winning - 10/1/2003 Holiest of All - 10/12/2003 The Royal Law - 10/12/2003 Women in the Lineage of Christ - 10/15/2003 Being a Hypocrite - 10/19/2003 Do You Have These 3 D's in.. - 10/19/2003 Especially Loved by God - 10/22/2003 Could You Be Called Charity.. - 10/26/2003 Could You Be Called Charity.. - 10/26/2003 Sing Unto the Lord - 10/29/2003 Tested of God - 11/2/2003 Sacrifice - 11/2/2003 We Must Learn to Refuse.. - 11/5/2003 The 3:16's of the Bible - 11/9/2003 Christian Reminders - 11/9/2003 Heavenly Heartburn - 11/12/2003 Remember - 11/16/2003 Admonitions of the Wicked - 11/16/2003 Perfect Peace - 11/19/2003 Nobody Cares for Them - 11/23/2003 Pressing Toward The Mark - 11/23/2003 My Devotions - 11/24/2003 Another Plan of Evangelism - 11/25/2003 Biblical Separation - 11/25/2003 Strife and Vain Glory - 11/25/2003 The Lord is Faithful - 11/25/2003 God Uses Nobodies - 11/26/2003 Mark of Holiness - 11/26/2003 I Have a Dream - 11/27/2003 Everyone Starts Out as a Child - 11/28/2003 I'm A Soldier - 11/28/2003 Is Our Music Approved by God? - 11/28/2003 The New Birth - 11/30/2003 Jesus is the Only Way - 11/30/2003 Let Us Be Impartial - 12/3/2003 The Law is Our Schoolmaster I - 12/7/2003 The Law is Our Schoolmaster II - 12/7/2003 Beauty of the LORD/Glory of.. - 12/10/2003 The Greatness of God - 12/14/2003 Four Walls - 12/14/2003 Purity - 12/17/2003 Holiness to The LORD - 12/21/2003 Learning to Walk with GOD - 12/21/2003 Things to Remember - 12/24/2003 The Peculiarity of John the.. - 12/28/2003 The Gospel Was Preached Unto.. - 12/28/2003 He Caused Trouble - 12/31/2003 John the Baptist - 12/31/2003 Names to Live Up To - 12/31/2003 This is the Holy Bible - 12/31/2003 A Time - 1/4/2004 How's Your Heart? - 1/4/2004 What We As Believers Should Do - 1/7/2004 This Terrible Thing Called P.. - 1/11/2004 Foolishness of Being a Fool - 1/11/2004 This Matter of Anointing - 1/14/2004 Curses and Blessings - 1/18/2004 Forsaking the Lord - 1/18/2004 Lord Teach Us to Pray - 1/21/2004 Compassion - 1/25/2004 Wisdom and Faith - 1/25/2004 Our Merciful God - 1/28/2004 Samson The Great - 2/1/2004 Samson - A Type of Christ - 2/1/2004 Remember and Repent - 2/4/2004 The Value of Rubies - 2/8/2004 Love Excelleth Them All - 2/8/2004 David-A Man After GOD's Own.. - 2/11/2004 Wisdom-Knowledge Properly Ap.. - 2/15/2004 Your Eyes Affect Your Heart - 2/18/2004 Renewing of Your Mind - 2/22/2004 Men Should Lead - 2/22/2004 How Christ Preached the Gospel - 2/25/2004 The Touch of the Master's Ha.. - 2/29/2004 Sir, We Would See Jesus (Par.. - 3/3/2004 This Place Called Hell - 3/7/2004 Counseling - 3/7/2004 Saved to a Life of Suffering - 3/10/2004 GOD is a Giving God - 3/14/2004 Are You Giving Your Whole He.. - 3/14/2004 Diligence - 3/17/2004 An Unchanging God in a Chang.. - 3/21/2004 Sir, We Would See Jesus-Part 2 - 3/21/2004 The Lord Cares - 3/24/2004 Some of God's Laborers Are C.. - 3/28/2004 Faith Promise Giving - 3/29/2004 Taking Up the Mantle - 4/4/2004 Then Hear Thou From Heaven - 4/4/2004 God Can Sustain His People - 4/7/2004 Why Some People Will Not Get.. - 4/11/2004 You Can't Get Right Running.. - 4/11/2004 The Faith of Others - 4/12/2004 Pure Love -or- Pretend Love - 4/13/2004 The Forgotten Commandment - 4/14/2004 God Is - 4/18/2004 God is Looking for a Man - 4/18/2004 Suffering - 4/21/2004 Preaching the Cross of Christ - 4/25/2004 The Significance of Walls - 4/25/2004 What Would Jesus Do? - 4/28/2004 Christ - 5/2/2004 All Have Sinned - 5/2/2004 The Last Days - 5/5/2004 Get Serious About Prayer - 5/9/2004 Jesus Christ the Creator - 5/9/2004 Living for Jesus - 5/9/2004 Presumptuous Sin - 5/10/2004 Your Adversary, the Devil - 5/11/2004 The Proclamation of God's Son - 5/12/2004 Showers of Blessings - 5/16/2004 How's Our Thought Life? - 5/16/2004 Are You Known for Your Humil.. - 5/19/2004 Compel Them to Come In - 5/23/2004 We Will Drink No Wine - 5/23/2004 Job-A Type of Christ (Part 1) - 5/30/2004 Job- A Type of Christ (Part 2) - 5/30/2004 Thanksgiving - 6/6/2004 Faithfulness of Job - 6/6/2004 We Must Be Obedient - 6/7/2004 Putting Off the Old Man - 6/8/2004 We Must Think Right to Be Ri.. - 6/9/2004 Run for Their Lives - 6/10/2004 What Satan Did in the Garden - 6/10/2004 Because of His Lovingkindness - 6/11/2004 The Gospel of GOD - 6/11/2004 Job-A Type of Christ (Part 3) - 6/13/2004 Job- A Type of Christ (Part 4) - 6/13/2004 Born High, Live High, and Fl.. - 6/16/2004 Our Devotional Life - 6/20/2004 Singing Prayers to God - 6/20/2004 Teach Me - 6/23/2004 Having the Love of God - 6/27/2004 Lead Me, Try Me, Bless Me - 6/27/2004 We Must Be Busy About God's.. - 6/30/2004 Freedom - 7/4/2004 Laboring for the Lord - 7/4/2004 You Have to Believe & Work Not - 7/4/2004 Church Covenant - 7/5/2004 The Fruit of the Womb is His.. - 7/5/2004 The Need for HIS Baptist Chu.. - 7/5/2004 Is There a Remedy? - 7/6/2004 Separation - 7/6/2004 The Sabbath Day - 7/6/2004 Holiness - 7/7/2004 Repentance - 7/7/2004 We Ought Not Have a Television - 7/7/2004 Reach the Lost - 7/8/2004 The Doctrine of Salvation - 7/8/2004 The Eagle Christian - 7/8/2004 The Old Landmark - 7/8/2004 When Somebody's Wrong it Nee.. - 7/8/2004 Why We Need Holiness - 7/8/2004 Christians Must Be Right wit.. - 7/9/2004 Holiness Must Be in Your Heart - 7/9/2004 The Anointing Oil - 7/9/2004 The Trials of Faith Teach Pa.. - 7/9/2004 Having Happiness and Staying.. - 7/11/2004 Be Thou My Helper - 7/11/2004 God Assumes that His Childre.. - 7/14/2004 4 Things David Understood Ab.. - 7/18/2004 Prayer - 7/18/2004 3 Things We Can Do to Know T.. - 7/21/2004 A Virtuous Woman - 7/25/2004 Sin Not - 7/25/2004 God's Holiness in Us - 9/1/2004 Spiritual Conversions in the.. - 9/5/2004 The Spirit of the LORD Moved.. - 9/5/2004 Open Rebuke is Better Than L.. - 9/8/2004 God's Great Mercy - 9/12/2004 Young Men Used of God - 9/12/2004 The Art of Worship - 9/15/2004 Wise Men Still Seek Him - 9/19/2004 Let's Go Fishing - 9/19/2004 Envy and It's Remedy - 9/22/2004 Sowing Seed - 9/26/2004 Are You in the Right Place? - 9/26/2004 Jesus Christ is The SON OF GOD - 9/29/2004 God Delighted To Bless Us - 10/3/2004 Know Ye Not - 10/3/2004 Is It Worth It? - 10/6/2004 Things We Withhold - 10/6/2004 The Holiness of Joseph - 10/10/2004 What is Your Passion? - 10/10/2004 Deal Not Treacherously - 10/13/2004 3 Things That Will Abide For.. - 10/17/2004 3 Things That Will Abide For.. - 10/17/2004 Speak to Thy Neighbor - 10/20/2004 Love is the First, Greatest.. - 10/24/2004 Boasting - 10/24/2004 Conceit and Deceiving - 10/27/2004 Greatest Attribute of God-Ho.. - 10/31/2004 A Contentious Man Will Kindl.. - 10/31/2004 Unclean Spirits - 11/3/2004 Compassion - 11/7/2004 Fret Not Thyself - 11/7/2004 What is Faith Promise Giving? - 11/10/2004 Don't Remove The Old Landmarks - 11/14/2004 Discipline Has a Connection.. - 11/14/2004 How Did Jesus Do It? - 11/17/2004 Don't Mess with God's Silver.. - 11/21/2004 Lost in the Congregation - 11/21/2004 Holiness - 11/22/2004 Seek Him with the Whole Heart - 11/22/2004 Birth Control - 11/23/2004 Church Planting (Part 1) - 11/23/2004 Fishing on the Other Side of.. - 11/23/2004 How Jesus Addressed Church P.. - 11/23/2004 Who's In Your Church House? - 11/23/2004 Storms in Life - 11/24/2004 Thorniest Issues in Christen.. - 11/24/2004 Thorniest Issues in Christen.. - 11/24/2004 Why Are You So Soon Removed? - 11/24/2004 Church Planting (Part II) - 11/25/2004 Way of the Heathen Courtship.. - 11/25/2004 You Must Have the Right Atti.. - 11/25/2004 Do Not Harbor Sin in Your He.. - 11/26/2004 God's Holiness Requires Judg.. - 11/26/2004 Holy is the Lord of Hosts - 11/26/2004 Is There Not a Cause? - 11/26/2004 Righteousness and Holiness o.. - 11/26/2004 Take The Holy Stand of God - 11/26/2004 The Christian Testimony - 11/26/2004 The Doctrines of Sin and of.. - 11/26/2004 The Lost - 11/26/2004 The Mantle - 11/28/2004 Take Time To Be Holy - 11/28/2004 How the Lord Sends Out Labor.. - 12/1/2004 The Importance How We Treat.. - 12/5/2004 The Monstrous Sin of Murmuring - 12/5/2004 Obedience - 12/8/2004 What Do We Need? Revival! - 12/12/2004 Traits of a Sinner and of a.. - 12/12/2004 Santa-The UnChrist - 12/15/2004 Few in Days and Full of Trou.. - 12/19/2004 Who Shall Ascend into the Hi.. - 12/19/2004 The Love of God - 12/22/2004 Consider Christ - 12/26/2004 I Shall Not Want - 12/26/2004 Trust in the Lord - 12/29/2004 Be Thankful! - 12/31/2004 Courtship - 12/31/2004 Love - 12/31/2004 The Great Commission - 12/31/2004 Three Goals - 12/31/2004 God Wants Us to Study His Word - 1/2/2005 Advice for Domestic Living - 1/2/2005 My Compassion Fail Not - 1/5/2005 Meddle Not with the Talebearer - 1/9/2005 Spiritual Suffering - 1/9/2005 Obedience and Discipline 1 - 1/9/2005 A Pastoral Epistle- Titus - 1/12/2005 The Second Coming - 1/16/2005 The Qualifications of a Bishop - 1/19/2005 The Blood of Jesus Christ - 1/23/2005 Psalm 119 Aleph - 1/23/2005 Holy Attributes of Man and W.. - 1/26/2005 Fasting: Purpose, Methods, a.. - 1/30/2005 Heaven - 1/30/2005 Geocentricity - 1/30/2005 Psalm 119- Beth - 2/2/2005 The Blood of Jesus Christ - 2/6/2005 Young Men Be Sober Minded - 2/6/2005 Leaning on Faith - 2/9/2005 How Do We See GOD? - 2/13/2005 Servants - 2/13/2005 Rapture - 2/16/2005 Scriptural Obligations - 2/20/2005 Teachers of the Law - 2/20/2005 Instructions for Worship - 2/23/2005 Elijah the Tishbite - 2/27/2005 Saints and Sinners - 2/27/2005 Love and Charity - 3/2/2005 Blind Bartimaeus - 3/6/2005 Sacrifice - 3/6/2005 Desiring the Sincere Milk of.. - 3/9/2005 Are You a Sanctified Servant? - 3/13/2005 The Revelation of GOD - 3/16/2005 Being Spiritually Minded - 3/20/2005 Honoring Elders, Respect for.. - 3/20/2005 Peace, Be Still - 3/23/2005 All Must Be Born Again-Rich.. - 3/27/2005 He Shall Be Like a Tree - 3/27/2005 Some Things We Need To Remem.. - 3/30/2005 Suffering - 4/3/2005 Psalm 119 Caph - 4/3/2005 The Danger of Misguided Faith - 4/6/2005 Looking - 4/10/2005 When He Called My Name - 4/13/2005 Lean Not unto Thine Own Unde.. - 4/17/2005 Whatsoever Things Are Pure - 4/17/2005 These Are the Last Days - 4/18/2005 Some Mouths that Need to be.. - 4/19/2005 Digging a Pit to the Bottoml.. - 4/20/2005 Where Are You Going to Hide? - 4/21/2005 The Need for God to Search Us - 4/22/2005 Nahshon the First - 4/24/2005 Things We Must Remember - 4/24/2005 Setting Your Affections - 4/27/2005
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Jack Harvey
Four Walls The Sermon Vault Tabernacle Baptist Church
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