Speaker: Jeremy Preece
116 sermons
Knowing Christ & Christ Knowing Me (Phil 3:10-11)
To be found in the Lord is of utmost importance. Simply knowing Jesus is by itself not a guarantee of salvation, but Him knowing us is where our eternal security rests.
>Poured Out - 5/12/2021 The Gift of Grace - 5/19/2021 Justified By Faith - 5/26/2021 Humility of the Call (Eph.. - 6/2/2021 Every Spiritual Blessing.. - 6/10/2021 Christ Our Redeemer (Eph.. - 6/17/2021 The Mystery of His Will.. - 7/1/2021 Marked By God (Eph 1:13-14) - 7/11/2021 Hearing Is Believing (Eph.. - 7/18/2021 To The Praise of His Glory.. - 7/29/2021 Wisdom, Understanding.. - 8/6/2021 Far Above All Others (Eph.. - 8/13/2021 But God... (Eph 2:1-5) - 8/21/2021 By Grace, For Works - 8/29/2021 Citizens of the Promise.. - 9/5/2021 Of God's Household (Eph.. - 9/11/2021 The Prisoner of Christ (Eph.. - 9/18/2021 The Revelation of God's.. - 9/25/2021 Least of All Saints (Eph 3:8) - 10/3/2021 Mystery Hidden in God (Eph.. - 10/9/2021 Boldness and Confidence.. - 10/23/2021 Do Not Lose Heart (Eph 3:13) - 10/31/2021 Comprehending Christ's Love.. - 11/14/2021 The Power At Work Within Us.. - 11/22/2021 All Things Are Possible.. - 12/1/2021 A Manner Worthy (Eph 4:1-3) - 12/8/2021 One In Christ (Eph 4:4-6) - 12/18/2021 The Shepherds and the Lamb.. - 12/21/2021 The Humility of Christ's.. - 1/1/2022 Christ's Gift of Those Who.. - 1/8/2022 Unified in Truth (Eph 4:14-16) - 1/21/2022 Unified in the Body of.. - 1/29/2022 Put On The New Self (Eph.. - 2/11/2022 Speak Truth (Eph 4:25) - 2/16/2022 Godly Anger (Eph 4:26) - 2/26/2022 The Purpose of Work (Eph 4:28) - 3/12/2022 Words of Grace (Eph 4:29) - 3/19/2022 Do Not Grieve the Holy.. - 4/3/2022 Walking In The Spirit (Eph.. - 4/13/2022 Firstborn From The Dead.. - 4/22/2022 Imitators of God (Eph 5:1-2) - 5/1/2022 Living Obediently (Eph 5:3-5) - 5/9/2022 Children of Light (Eph 5:6-12) - 5/19/2022 Exposed By The Light (Eph.. - 5/30/2022 Making the Most of Our Time.. - 6/11/2022 Pride & Humility - 6/18/2022 Making Melody With Your.. - 7/3/2022 Husbands & Wives (Eph 5:22-30) - 7/10/2022 A Heavenly Mystery (Eph.. - 7/24/2022 Children and Fathers (Eph.. - 7/30/2022 Serving With A Sincere.. - 8/12/2022 Be Strong In The Lord (Eph.. - 8/20/2022 Stand Firm! (Eph 6:13-14) - 8/27/2022 Spiritual Armor (Eph 6:15-17) - 9/2/2022 Pray In The Spirit (Eph 6:18) - 9/17/2022 Praying Beyond Our.. - 9/24/2022 Paul's Final Greetings (Eph.. - 10/10/2022 Introduction to Philippians - 10/15/2022 Bondservants of Christ (Phil.. - 10/28/2022 Grace To You (Phil 1:1-2) - 11/8/2022 He Who Began A Good Work In.. - 11/16/2022 The Joy of Being Thankful (P.. - 11/22/2022 Approve What Is Excellent (P.. - 12/15/2022 Courage To Speak The Word of.. - 12/20/2022 Our Motives in Ministry (Phi.. - 1/2/2023 Whether By Life or By Death.. - 1/15/2023 To Live Is Christ (Phil 1:21.. - 1/31/2023 Pressing On For His Glory (P.. - 2/11/2023 Striving Together For The Fa.. - 2/19/2023 To Suffer For His Sake (Phil.. - 2/26/2023 If There Is Any... (Phil 2:1.. - 3/12/2023 With Humility of Mind (Phil.. - 3/19/2023 He Humbled Himself (Phil 2:5.. - 4/2/2023 The Name Above Every Name (P.. - 4/15/2023 Work Out Your Salvation (Phi.. - 4/29/2023 Without Grumbling (Phil 2:14.. - 5/13/2023 Share Your Joy (Phil 2:17-18) - 6/3/2023 Kindred Spirit (Phil 2:19-22) - 7/8/2023 Epaphroditus: Brother, Worke.. - 7/22/2023 Rejoice In The Lord! (Phil 3.. - 8/13/2023 Beware! (Philippians 3:2-3) - 8/27/2023 Counted As Loss (Phil 3:3-7) - 9/4/2023 Surpassing Value of Knowing.. - 9/17/2023 Knowing Christ & Christ Know.. - 10/1/2023 The Upward Call of Christ (P.. - 10/17/2023 Have This Attitude (Phil 3:1.. - 11/4/2023 Following a Good Example (Ph.. - 11/11/2023 Enemies of the Cross (Phil 3.. - 11/30/2023 Citizens of Heaven (Phil. 3:.. - 12/16/2023 Stand Firm in the Lord (Phil.. - 1/11/2024 In the Book of Life (Phil. 4.. - 1/20/2024 Rejoice in the Lord, Always!.. - 2/4/2024 Be Anxious for Nothing (Phil.. - 2/10/2024 The Peace of God (Phil 4:7) - 2/17/2024 Dwell On These Things (Phil... - 3/3/2024 I Can Do All Things (Phil. 4.. - 3/27/2024 Giving and Receiving (Phil... - 4/3/2024 A Fragrant Aroma (Phil. 4:18.. - 4/23/2024 Greet Every Saint (Phil. 4:2.. - 4/28/2024 Introduction to Colossians - 5/26/2024 By The Will Of God (Col. 1:1.. - 6/3/2024 The Father of Our Lord Jesus.. - 6/13/2024 Hope Laid Up In Heaven (Col... - 6/24/2024 Bearing Fruit (Col. 1:5-6) - 7/6/2024 Our Beloved Fellow Servant.. - 7/20/2024 Spiritual Wisdom and Underst.. - 8/31/2024 Walk In A Manner Worthy (Col.. - 9/19/2024 Giving Thanks To The Father.. - 9/29/2024 The Image of the Invisible G.. - 10/22/2024 By Him All Things Were Creat.. - 11/1/2024 Recap of Colossians 1:1-16 - 1/5/2025 In Him All Things Hold Toget.. - 1/13/2025 Reconciled To God (Col. 1:18.. - 1/25/2025 Holy and Blameless (Col. 1:2.. - 2/2/2025 Rejoice In Suffering (Col 1:.. - 2/17/2025 The Mystery Hidden for Ages.. - 3/3/2025
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