Brandon Swanson | The Gospel of Luke Fishers of Men Ministries |
| TUE 10/01/2024 Teaching | 91 min

Brandon Swanson | The Gospel of Luke Fishers of Men Ministries |
| TUE 09/24/2024 Teaching | 90 min

Brandon Swanson | The Gospel of Luke Fishers of Men Ministries |
| THU 09/19/2024 Teaching | 107 min

Brandon Swanson | The Gospel of Luke Fishers of Men Ministries |
| TUE 08/27/2024 Teaching | 108 min

Brandon Swanson | The Gospel of Luke Fishers of Men Ministries |
| TUE 08/20/2024 Teaching | 76 min

Brandon Swanson | The Gospel of Luke Fishers of Men Ministries |
| TUE 08/13/2024 Teaching | 61 min

Brandon Swanson | The Gospel of Luke Fishers of Men Ministries |
| WED 08/07/2024 Teaching | 83 min

Brandon Swanson | The Gospel of Luke Fishers of Men Ministries |
| TUE 07/30/2024 Teaching | 91 min

Brandon Swanson | The Gospel of Luke Fishers of Men Ministries |
| TUE 07/23/2024 Teaching | 94 min

Brandon Swanson | The Gospel of Luke Fishers of Men Ministries |
| TUE 07/16/2024 Teaching | 62 min

Brandon Swanson | The Gospel of Luke Fishers of Men Ministries |
| TUE 07/02/2024 Sunday Service | 68 min

Brandon Swanson | The Gospel of Luke Fishers of Men Ministries |
| WED 06/26/2024 Midweek Service | 57 min

Brandon Swanson | The Gospel of Luke Fishers of Men Ministries |
| TUE 05/28/2024 Teaching | 74 min

Brandon Swanson | The Gospel of Luke Fishers of Men Ministries |
| TUE 05/21/2024 Teaching | 76 min

Brandon Swanson | The Gospel of Luke Fishers of Men Ministries |
| TUE 05/14/2024 Teaching | 62 min
