Steven Cole | PsalmsFlagstaff Christian Fellowship | SUN 07/19/2009 160+ | 47 min
Phil Schlamp Maranatha Ministries | SUN 07/19/2009 120+ | 47 min
Mac Williams | FearTwo Rivers Community Church | SUN 07/19/2009 Sunday Service | 60 min
Larry Pan | God's Watchman1Christ Gospel Church |
| SUN 07/19/2009 340+ | 73 min
Calvin Lindstrom | Acts SeriesChurch of Christian Liberty | SUN 07/19/2009 100+ | 42 min
Peter J. Wallace | MarkMichiana Covenant Presbyterian | SUN 07/19/2009 120+ | 30 min
Peter J. Wallace | GenesisMichiana Covenant Presbyterian | SUN 07/19/2009 140+ | 42 min
Rev. Allen Harris | Gospel of MatthewColumbia Presbyterian Church | SUN 07/19/2009 140+ | 34 min
Flynn Ayers Reformation Covenant Church | SUN 07/19/2009 100+ | 52 min
Kit Culver | Acts SeriesSovereign Grace Community | SUN 07/19/2009 100+ | 77 min
Mark S. Wisniewski | Mateo - SpanishIglesia Nueva Obra en Cristo | SUN 07/19/2009 140+ | 35 min
Geoff Banister | HebrewsFPC of Indianapolis | SUN 07/19/2009 180+ | 40 min
Clay Curtis | Isaiah SeriesSovereign Grace Baptist Church | SUN 07/19/2009 140+ | 47 min
Curt Arend | 1 KingsCurt Arend Sermons | SUN 07/19/2009 140+ | 47 min
Stephen Gambill | EvangelismRedemption Baptist Church | SUN 07/19/2009 180+ | 62 min
Stephen Gambill | HebrewsRedemption Baptist Church | SUN 07/19/2009 160+ | 60 min