Dr. James M. Phillips | Bible by AgesDiscover The Word With Dr Jim |
| SUN 05/04/2008 Sunday School | 59 min
Pastor Mark Chappell Freeway Baptist Church |
| SUN 05/04/2008 640+ | 22 min
Pastor Mark Chappell Freeway Baptist Church |
| SUN 05/04/2008 860+ | 26 min
Jim Newheiser Grace Bible Church |
| SUN 05/04/2008 Sunday Service | 46 min
Noel Due | HebrewsCoro Baptist Church |
| SUN 05/04/2008 180+ | 45 min
Rich VanHeukelum | MatthewWord for the World |
| SUN 05/04/2008 Sunday - AM | 39 min
Dr. Mark Allison FPC of Malvern |
| SUN 05/04/2008 220+ | 56 min
Caleb Nathaniel Gibello | Our Priority to GodGrace Community Reformed |
| SUN 05/04/2008 120+ | 50 min
Pastor Mark Chappell Freeway Baptist Church |
| SUN 05/04/2008 160+ | 59 min
Pastor Charles Garrison Calvary Memorial Church |
| SUN 05/04/2008 100+ | 46 min
Rev. Phil Owen Faith FPC |
| SUN 05/04/2008 220+ | 60 min
Rich VanHeukelum | PsalmsWord for the World |
| SUN 05/04/2008 Sunday - PM | 40 min
Pastor Mark Chappell | Part 3Freeway Baptist Church |
| SUN 05/04/2008 120+ | 41 min