Dr. James M. Phillips | Bible by AgesDiscover The Word With Dr Jim |
| SUN 05/18/2008 Sunday School | 51 min
Jeffrey Lankford | Luke SeriesGrace Baptist Church |
| SUN 05/18/2008 120+ | 49 min
Dr. Robert L. Dean Jr. | Revelation (2004)Dean Bible Ministries |
| SUN 05/18/2008 Bible Study | 62 min
Pastor Charles Garrison Calvary Memorial Church |
| SUN 05/18/2008 100+ | 30 min
Joel Tetreau South East Valley Baptist |
| SUN 05/18/2008 Sunday Service | 102 min
Dr. Steve Hereford | JohnChanged By Grace |
| SUN 05/18/2008 540+ | 54 min
Noel Due | HebrewsCoro Baptist Church |
| SUN 05/18/2008 280+ | 38 min
Mike Kelley Grace Bible Church |
| SUN 05/18/2008 Sunday Service | 47 min
Dennis Rokser | 1 PeterDuluth Bible Church |
| SUN 05/18/2008 120+ | 64 min
Rich VanHeukelum | MatthewWord for the World |
| SUN 05/18/2008 Sunday - AM | 35 min
Dr. Gene Wolfenbarger Joshua Baptist Church |
| SUN 05/18/2008 120+ | 48 min
Rich VanHeukelum | MatthewWord for the World |
| SUN 05/18/2008 Sunday - AM | 45 min
Larry Chappell Freeway Baptist Church |
| SUN 05/18/2008 220+ | 50 min
Rev. Aaron Dunlop Faith FPC |
| SUN 05/18/2008 400+ | 74 min
Dr. James M. Phillips | Doctines of The BibleDiscover The Word With Dr Jim |
| SUN 05/18/2008 Sunday - PM | 80 min
Dr. Paul Tripp Paul Tripp Ministries |
| SUN 05/18/2008 440+ | 20 min
Larry Chappell Freeway Baptist Church |
| SUN 05/18/2008 200+ | 34 min
Rev. Aaron Dunlop Faith FPC |
| SUN 05/18/2008 1,500+ | 59 min