Dr. James M. Phillips | DTW Ministry Up-DateDiscover The Word With Dr Jim |
| FRI 11/25/2022 100+ | 73 min
Jeff Duncan | Doctrines of GraceGrace Church Crystal Coast |
| FRI 11/25/2022 Teaching | 71 min
Jean Pierre Eugene | Book of JohnChrist Presbyterian Church |
| FRI 11/25/2022 160+ | 60 min
Logan Hagoort | Logan's DevotionsCovenant Presbyterian Church |
| FRI 11/25/2022 Devotional | 10 min
Dr. Kenneth G. Talbot | Right Wing ReverendChrist Presbyterian Church |
| FRI 11/25/2022 100+ | 7 min
Dr. Kenneth G. Talbot | Right Wing ReverendChrist Presbyterian Church |
| FRI 11/25/2022 120+ | 9 min
Mr. Noel Shields | Gospel Mission 2022Londonderry Free Presbyterian |
| FRI 11/25/2022 Special | 35 min
The Street Preacher | Book of PsalmsThe Street Preacher |
| FRI 11/25/2022 Special | 45 min
Andrew R Allan | Open-Air WitnessPartick Free Church (Cont) |
| FRI 11/25/2022 Special | 77 min
Larry Phillips | Special MeetingPineville Sovereign Grace |
| FRI 11/25/2022 100+ | 13 min
Steve Harness Wilton Baptist Church |
| FRI 11/25/2022 Sunday Service | 37 min
Ramon M. Sosa | Leamos la BIBLIAIglesia Presbiteriana Libre |
| FRI 11/25/2022 Devotional | 20 min
Rev. Roger Higginson | Daily DevotionalLisburn Free Presbyterian |
| FRI 11/25/2022 120+ | 5 min