Adam Cefalu Clear Branch Baptist | TUE 02/23/2016 Midweek Service | 21 min

Alwyn Tredoux Mukhanyo Theological College | TUE 02/23/2016 Chapel Service | 36 min

Bob Kirkland | The Seven GiftsFairHavens Baptist Church | TUE 02/23/2016 Radio Broadcast | 15 min

Chaplain Joe Willis Maranatha Baptist University | TUE 02/23/2016 180+ | 23 min

Christie Dougherty | liftLe Mars Bible Church | TUE 02/23/2016 Special | 47 min

Clark Snow Oak Lane Ministries |
| TUE 02/23/2016 160+ | 31 min

Dennis Sampson | GehaziDigging in the Word Ministries | TUE 02/23/2016 Midweek Service | 41 min

Don Fortner FreeGraceRadio.com |
| TUE 02/23/2016 280+ | 40 min

Don Green The Truth Pulpit | TUE 02/23/2016 100+ | 26 min

Dr. Andy Bloom | Study of GalatiansCentral Baptist Church | TUE 02/23/2016 Radio Broadcast | 15 min

Dr. Bob Jones III Bob Jones University | TUE 02/23/2016 1,620+ | 26 min

Dr. R. Albert Mohler, Jr. | Cultural CommentariesAlbert Mohler | The Briefing | TUE 02/23/2016 1,580+ | 22 min

Enrique Sarria | Mateo Iglesia Del Valle Central | TUE 02/23/2016 Radio Broadcast | 25 min

Gregory N. Barkman Beacon Broadcast | TUE 02/23/2016 Radio Broadcast | 14 min

James R Hamilton | A Street MessageThe Street Preacher | TUE 02/23/2016 Special | 51 min
