Rev. Anselmo B. Ingay Bible Baptist Church Davao | THU 06/20/2019 100+ | 67 min
Rev. John Morrow | LTBS TV BroadcastLet The Bible Speak |
| THU 06/20/2019 TV Broadcast | 28 min
James Walker | Studying RomansGospel Light Baptist Church | THU 06/20/2019 Bible Study | 48 min
Patrick Yan | 申命记查经Toronto Christ Gospel Church | THU 06/20/2019 160+ | 66 min
Pastor Randy King Hope Baptist Church | THU 06/20/2019 240+ | 73 min
Johnny Carver | Revival 2019Huntingdon Missionary Baptist | THU 06/20/2019 Special | 43 min
Mike McInnis Grace Chapel | THU 06/20/2019 Radio Broadcast | 5 min
Ken Carter | I PeterAnchorage Sovereign Grace | THU 06/20/2019 Midweek Service | 52 min
Brian Dunlop Lighthouse Baptist Church | THU 06/20/2019 Midweek Service | 44 min
Henry Sant Salem Strict Baptist Church | THU 06/20/2019 Midweek Service | 36 min
John Ward Preaching and Teaching Helps | THU 06/20/2019 100+ | 61 min