Bob Kirkland | The Seven GiftsFairHavens Baptist Church | THU 02/18/2016 Radio Broadcast | 13 min

Bob Kirkland | The Seven GiftsFairHavens Baptist Church | THU 02/18/2016 Radio Broadcast | 12 min

Chuck O'Neal | ColossiansPortland One:16 Bible Church | THU 02/18/2016 120+ | 68 min

Clay Curtis Sovereign Grace Baptist Church | THU 02/18/2016 Midweek Service | 44 min

David Hoffman First Baptist Church of Lowell | THU 02/18/2016 Sunday Service | 39 min

Don Green The Truth Pulpit | THU 02/18/2016 140+ | 26 min

Dr. Andy Bloom | Study of GalatiansCentral Baptist Church | THU 02/18/2016 Radio Broadcast | 15 min

Dr. Dave Sproul Tri-City Baptist Church | THU 02/18/2016 Chapel Service | 40 min

Dr. Peter A Lillback | Great AwakeningBay Presbyterian Church | THU 02/18/2016 260+ | 68 min

Dr. R. Albert Mohler, Jr. Southern Seminary | THU 02/18/2016 940+ | 32 min

Dr. R. Albert Mohler, Jr. | Cultural CommentariesAlbert Mohler | The Briefing | THU 02/18/2016 1,820+ | 23 min

Dr. Robert L. Dean Jr. | 1 Peter (2015)Dean Bible Ministries |
| THU 02/18/2016 Bible Study | 61 min
