Jerald Reid King Road Baptist Church | MON 05/07/2007 Radio Broadcast | 12 min
Rutledge Etheridge | MalachiProvidence Reformed Presb. | MON 05/07/2007 260+ | 50 min
Pastor Ralph Brown East Side Baptist Church | MON 05/07/2007 Midweek Service | 22 min
Pastor Ralph Brown East Side Baptist Church | MON 05/07/2007 Midweek Service | 28 min
Dr. Phil Fernandes | Secular ReligionsInstitute of Biblical Defense | MON 05/07/2007 380+ | 40 min
Dr. Phil Fernandes | Secular ReligionsInstitute of Biblical Defense | MON 05/07/2007 380+ | 33 min
Dr. Phil Fernandes | Secular ReligionsInstitute of Biblical Defense | MON 05/07/2007 420+ | 40 min
Dr. Phil Fernandes | Secular ReligionsInstitute of Biblical Defense | MON 05/07/2007 440+ | 31 min
Dr. Phil Fernandes | Secular ReligionsInstitute of Biblical Defense | MON 05/07/2007 560+ | 42 min
Gregory N. Barkman Beacon Broadcast | MON 05/07/2007 180+ | 15 min
Kevin Swanson Generations Radio | MON 05/07/2007 420+ | 24 min
Jeff Arthur | The 2 WitnessesElizabeth Baptist Church | MON 05/07/2007 1,060+ | 39 min
Dr. Stephen Jones Bob Jones University | MON 05/07/2007 400+ | 29 min
Dr. Phil Fernandes | Secular ReligionsInstitute of Biblical Defense | MON 05/07/2007 320+ | 30 min
Dr. Phil Fernandes | Secular ReligionsInstitute of Biblical Defense | MON 05/07/2007 320+ | 40 min
Andrew Quigley | Why should I care?Airdrie Reformed Presbyterian | MON 05/07/2007 180+ | 68 min
Pastor Gerald S. Taylor | Study in MarkTrinity Reformed Church | MON 05/07/2007 Sunday - AM | 32 min
Pastor Gerald S. Taylor | Study in PeterTrinity Reformed Church | MON 05/07/2007 Sunday - PM | 56 min