Dr. Alan Cairns | Series in JoshuaLet the Bible Speak Radio | FRI 12/28/2018 160+ | 28 min

Dr. Andy Bloom | Study of 1st JohnCentral Baptist Church | FRI 12/28/2018 Radio Broadcast | 15 min

Dr. Leon L. Sanders | JohnDiscernment Life Ministries | FRI 12/28/2018 Bible Study | 38 min

E. A. Johnston Evangelism Awakening | FRI 12/28/2018 100+ | 6 min

E. A. Johnston Evangelism Awakening | FRI 12/28/2018 100+ | 7 min

Gordon Liddle Kingsgrove Gospel Chapel | FRI 12/28/2018 100+ | 69 min

Gordon Liddle Kingsgrove Gospel Chapel | FRI 12/28/2018 Conference | 55 min

Gregory N. Barkman Beacon Broadcast | FRI 12/28/2018 Radio Broadcast | 14 min
