Early Church Practice, Today! (NTRF.org)
Stephen E. Atkerson | USA, India, Sri Lanka
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Stephen E. Atkerson | Key Early Church Practices
Stephen E. Atkerson | Key Early Church Practices SUN 05/05/2024
Stephen E. Atkerson | Key Early Church Practices SUN 05/26/2024
Stephen E. Atkerson | Key Early Church Practices SUN 06/02/2024
Stephen E. Atkerson | Key Early Church Practices SUN 04/28/2024
Mike Indest | Church Practice TUE 06/30/2020
Shyam Pasula from Abu Dhabi
Wow! Thank you for the sermon Anna. Great exposition and clearly applications from the text. You rightly pointed out the issues...
Stephen David
| Colossians 2:16-23
Shepherding ideas for bi-vocational, house church, and small church leaders drawn from practices Jesus left the early church. These practices were designed to result in ever-growing love for the brethren, unity, community, edification, faith, good deeds, and holiness. We have actively lived out... ( more.. )
10:30 ~ Participatory Worship 11:45 ~ Expository Teaching 12:45 ~ Lord's Supper/Agapé
New Testament Reformation Fellowship
c/o Pine Creek Center
4320 Cowan Rd
Tucker, GA 30084