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Mike Hoggard | Festus, Missouri
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Bethel Church
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Webcast: Welcome to Bethel Church Live Webcasts. Church... the way it used to be.
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We follow the old paths and use the King James Bible. You are invited to participate in the LIVE WEBCASTS of all our Services here at Bethel Church. We look forward to having you join with us as Pastor Mike Hoggard teaches from the King James...
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Blog Item7/15/14 2:41 PM
jennifer | south states  Find all comments by jennifer
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amazing word amazing insights. hard line truth love to follow the word with you.

Blog Item5/4/14 11:31 AM
Maria | Sweden  Contact via emailFind all comments by Maria
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Mr. Hoggard, I just send you an email entitled "I am not ashamed of the gospel...", please read it and get back to me. Regards Maria

Blog Item1/16/14 2:47 PM
chad roberts | United States  Contact via emailFind all comments by chad roberts
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20th century fox offering free tickets to
devils due if you convert your facebook
religion to satanism...scary

Blog Item12/5/13 2:26 PM
MarkC | at work  Find all comments by MarkC
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During the Trib, isnt not taking the MARK a work? You hace to be saved AND not toake the Mark of the Beast correct? So doesnt that make it a work during the Trib?

Blog Item10/28/13 10:36 AM
Pickel | Springfield IL  Contact via emailFind all comments by Pickel
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I am very confused about 1 Timothy 5:11. If they are christian why should they (widows) not be allowed in the church under 60? Am I missing something?

Blog Item10/26/13 5:17 PM
Wendi | United States  Contact via emailFind all comments by Wendi
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great verses Oregon Street preacher! Keep
up the great work Pastor Mike! Glad you put
the fire out at your office. We love you
and pray for you!

Blog Item7/25/13 3:10 PM
Samuel Lewis III | Tampa Florida  Contact via emailFind all comments by Samuel Lewis III
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hey mike this is your friend Samuel Lewis you just taught a message on the bridal robes of righteousness how do you hate woman? people are ignorant lord forgive me if i wrong for saying that not trying to name call, and im a 26 yr old black male and i heard the message where you touched on the treyvonn case all you said was if you weren't there then hush cus there is an agenda in american and the media isn't helping, your not a raises the devil is just trying to shoot his fiery darts and shame on these people for letting the devil use them for his attack

Blog Item7/2/13 2:43 PM
Bend Oregon Street Preacher | Bend Ore  Contact via emailFind all comments by Bend Oregon Street Preacher
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There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is
neither bond nor free, there is neither
male nor female: for ye are all one in
Christ Jesus.
And if ye be Christ's, then are ye
Abraham's seed, and heirs according to the
Galatians 3:28-29 (King James Version)

Blog Item9/9/12 7:05 PM
Susan N | South Carolina  Find all comments by Susan N
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We love Pastor Mike and are so thankful for his righteous teachings of the Word of god, and love that he uses King James Version only. We consider ourselves to be part of Bethel Church although we live in South Carolina. Our lives have been deeply enriched by Pastor Mike's many programs and sermons.May God continue to bless Bethel Church and it's members, and be with Pastor mike in all he does. We love you all there in Festus at Bethel!

Blog Item7/31/12 7:29 PM
virginnyb | north Iowa  Contact via emailFind all comments by virginnyb
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I am SO thankful for this site! Just wondering if there is a way to KEEP it going 24/7, at least for 3 days while I'm gone so maybe my dog & cat won't miss me so much, that it'll, at least, SOUND normal.

Blog Item7/24/12 2:30 PM
Chris S | Seattle, WA  Find all comments by Chris S
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Everyone is off on something.. Praise God for what we are unified in though. Christ and Him crucified.

Blog Item7/1/12 10:17 AM
Rachel | Florida  Find all comments by Rachel
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Thomas, It seems to me that If the earlier versions say: "Son of God", then "God" had a reason for saying that, which is to clearly identify who it was. Why then do modern word changers want to change who the 4th man was in the fire was? They deny Jesus Christ and don't want others to believe in Him.

Blog Item6/3/12 1:07 PM
Thomas Murray | Martinsville, Indiana  Contact via emailGo to homepageFind all comments by Thomas Murray
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Why do you call the NIV a corrupt version? When King Nebuchadnezzar's men saw that there were 4 men in the fire they said "The 4th man looks like a son of the gods" That is what the King's men said. They didn't believe in 1 God so why would they say "Son of God"

Blog Item4/26/12 5:46 PM
Virginia Brown | Iowa  Contact via emailFind all comments by Virginia Brown
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Hey Pastor Mike! It's nice to meet you! I listen to you practically all day, AND all night! When I wake up during the night I get another one going! I have to leave my pets alone this weekend so I'm hoping to get that 24 hr. deal to work non-stop to keep them company! ) God bless you, brother, your family, church & ministry! Ginny

Blog Item4/26/12 5:35 PM
Virginia Brown | Iowa  Contact via emailFind all comments by Virginia Brown
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I also want to listen to these sermons WHEREVER I am or go! I have an mp3 player BUT I have to have my GRANDKIDS show me how to work it! ) I listen to Pastor Mike practically 24/7! Can't get enough of his preachin'! I do have a local church that I also can't get enough of - Calvary Baptist! GOOD preachin'! Love y'all! Lookin' forward to our heavenly family reunion - SOON! Ginny Brown

Blog Item5/1/11 4:40 PM
PEG2009 | MD  Contact via emailFind all comments by PEG2009
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We enjoyed today's sermon and worship service. It is truly a blessing to be able to be a part of your church. We look forward to seeing what Brady and Bradley have for the 400th year celebration tonight. We hope you are feeling better, Pastor Mike.

Blog Item3/27/11 7:54 PM
CCIII | MD-DC  Contact via emailFind all comments by CCIII
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Just wanted to say how much I appreciate the work you and Brady do. Its a blessing for me! I can download the sermons and listen to them in my work van all day so I can always get the word of God, even at work!

Blog Item3/27/11 1:27 PM
Jorgen  Find all comments by Jorgen
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I believe we will go through tribulation.
Every born again Bible believing saved by grace human being confessing Jesus Christ both in their hearts and with their mouth making a truth full statement abiding in the Word should be encouraged what lies ahead not trying to escape or run away.
Jesus Christ is the Head of his body we are the reminding parts if the head suffers the rest of the body suffers.
Many will die in faith when that time
comes. HOW MANY not many by the looks of it most so called Christians are to busy trying to run away waiting for a false secret rapture.There will be a catching up but that wont happen before the seventh trumpet sounds and Jesus Christ returns. Before then much tribulation. There is a difference between the wrath of God and satans wrath.satans wrath is directed against
Gods elect so Gods elect (not temple worshiping Jews or others in carnal worshiping but those born of the spirit
Jesus Christ followers will be persecuted.But if your not truly born
I wouldn't worry about satan being wroth
I would concentrate on the wrath of God
for not abiding in his word and believing a lie.

Blog Item3/27/11 1:12 PM
Ryan | Mass.  Contact via emailGo to homepageFind all comments by Ryan
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The stream works just GREAT! Thank you SO much for providing this! PBS and WVB have been a priceless resource, but this is truly special! I am very excited and look forward to joining you all here for these broadcasts!

;peace - Ryan

Blog Item3/27/11 11:50 AM
Valerie B | Long Island NY  Contact via emailFind all comments by Valerie B
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Hey Pastor Mike,
Everything was going fine on my end. There were no problems with the broadcast. I heard and saw everything just fine and there were no interruptions until you messed with it but I was able to just click it back on and there you were! I can listen to you all day!Keep going Pastor Mike-God Bless

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