March 27, 2016
Offerings First Second
This Sunday General Fund CEF
Next Sunday General Fund Benevolent
Nursery Schedule
AM Coral Hoffmann & Miriam Bazen
PM Samantha Barnard & Deena Hoffmann
Next Sunday
AM Kristen Bazen & Klaska Vanden Berg
PM Elisabeth Hiekoop & Hosanna Bazen
Daily Schedule, the Lord willing..
Today: Pastor J. A. Van den Berg for both services.
Sunday, April 3: Pastor J. A. Van den Berg for both services.
Sunday, April 10: Pastor J. A. Van den Berg for both services. Baptism during the morning service and confession of faith during the evening service.
Wednesday, April 13: Midweek service. Pastor J. A. Van den Berg
at 7 pm.
Sunday, April 17: Pastor J. A. Van den Berg for both services.
- Dr. L. Bilkes, Sr. has been moved to Mary Free Bed this past week. He is undergoing rehabilitation therapy and is making some small steps of improvement. Please continue in prayers for him.
- There will be no classes after the morning service this Sunday.
- The Foundation Brass Band will hold a benefit concert for Come Over and Help at 7:00 pm on Saturday, April 9 at Third Reformed Church, 2060 Michigan St. NE. A collection will be taken to support the mission's work in Eastern Europe and Russia.
- The next midweek service will be a special prayer service for the Reformed Church in America. The denomination has appointed a special council to address the issue of same sex marriage, and has asked for 21 days of prayer and fasting before the council meets. They plan to meet from April 15 through 18. The collection at that service will be to defray family camp expenses.
- Sign up sheet for Forgotten Man Ministries dinner, on April 28, is on the snack table. Please contact Coral Hoffmann if you already sent in your reservation.
- Information sheet for the Montreal mission trip is in the foyer.
- Information for the church shower for Lydia Rozeboom is on a table in the lower level.
- Rev. Hakvoort will lead a topic entitled: Our Families and Raising our Children: Instruction from the life of Esau and Jacob on Wednesday, March 30, 2016 at 7:30 pm. at PC High School.
- Family visitation schedule. All visits will be at 7:30 pm.
March 29. C. Englesma Family.
April 18. D. Vander Boon Family.Seth, Elissa, Anna.
- The following persons have met with the consistory and have been received to make public confession of faith. Any objections may be brought to the consistory before April 2.
Cornelius William Boerkoel
Anastasia Ruth Hoogmoed
Jenny Joy Kwekel
- Bible study of Isaiah (4:45-5:45pm)
This week. Bible study: Isa. 12, 13. "Though thou wast angry with me, thine anger is turned away, and thou comfortedst me.”
Christ's Resurrection. Matt. 20. 19; Luke 24. 2-7
See from the dungeon of the dead,
Our great Deliverer rise;
While conquests wreathe his heavenly head,
And glory glads his eyes.
The struggling Hero, strong to save,
Did all our miseries bear
Down to the chambers of the grave,
And left the burden there.
The Lord is risen! thou trembling soul,
Let fears no more confound!
Let heaven and earth, from pole to pole,
The Lord is risen resound! J. Hart